Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 377 Burning the sky!

Chapter 377 Burning the sky! (2)
"Flame Sword Dance!" The blue flame rapier was drawn slowly, and a trace of scorched smoke overflowed from the burning space. When the seven black robes rushed over, the blue flame rapier shook Xia Yang's hand immediately. Draw a strange arc, and spin out!

A trace of scorched smoke engulfed Xia Yang, and the green flame rapier passed by, and an extremely small dark crack appeared out of thin air at the tip of the sword!
"One sword breaks the space, this kid has actually touched the threshold of the holy steps!" In the distance, Bi Qi saw the small dark gap appearing, his face changed slightly, and then suddenly changed again, and his mouth was also anxious. He shouted: "Get back quickly!" After the strange figure dissipated, he suddenly moved towards Xia Yang's back!
"Immortal, did you just find out now? It's too late!" Xia Yang sneered, feeling the cold breath rushing towards the back. A burst of bright green light erupted, and hundreds of cold white lights burst out from the swirling blue flame!At the same time, the original fierce attack of the seven black robes gradually gathered back after comparing them, and their figures flew back in an instant!Although they don't know why Biqi gave this order suddenly, they all know that Biqi will never do this for no reason, there must be some deadly danger hidden around him!
And when those hundreds of white lights shot out, an irresistible feeling suddenly appeared in the hearts of the seven black robes, and they even felt a mortal threat!And Bi Qi, who was disappearing, felt his heart suddenly tense, because he found that even himself, when facing the white light, his heart trembled, it was an aura that could completely annihilate him!
"Fen Tianjin!" As the white light passed by, the space trembled, and scorched smoke rose!That trace of white light turned out to be a kind of white flame!The speed of the white glow was extremely fast, and the people in the black robes quickly retreated, and there were still three black robes staining the white glow!And the black robe designated by Xia Yang is among them!
And the three black robes stained by the white awn, in the horrified eyes of the other four who escaped by chance, with panic and heart-piercing roars, gradually annihilated from the point touched by the white awn And go, turn into ashes with the wind!
"What a terrifying fighting skill! What a strange flame!" Under the shock of the remaining four people, they all secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and their swaying bodies were also trembling.Just now, as long as they take a step slower, they will be ashes at this moment!
"Little bastard! You deserve to die!" An angry shout came from behind, but Xia Yang smiled coldly, but his face was extremely pale, his body trembled slightly, and even his dantian felt a burst of pain!
The Fen Tianjin that was just used was originally a technique that could only be used during the distraction period, but Xia Yang forcibly used it. Such an overdraw of his true power did indeed bring great harm to Xia Yang, but between the damage and life, Xia Yang naturally Will choose the latter!
If the siege of seven people cannot be forcibly disintegrated, Xia Yang has only one way, and that is death!
(End of this chapter)

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