Chapter 43
At this time, Chen Siyu was already so angry that his face was slightly purple, and he said bitterly: "You all heard, how dare this guy look down on us so much! Hey, you cold guy, shouldn't it be time to get up?" Coming, Chen Siyu finally plucked up the courage to say the first sentence to Solo.

Xia Yang and Rich could only shake their heads and smile wryly.Although Xia Yang is confident that he can protect himself in any battle, Xia Yang doesn't want them to lose their qualifications after chatting together for so long. Moreover, Xia Yang thinks that these people are good. Chen Siyu is pure and lovely, and Rich is like the old man next door Similarly, Solo is not worried. This guy doesn't need to make a lot of effort to protect himself. "It seems that Solo wants to see himself make a move." Xia Yang sighed slightly in his heart.

At this time, the middle-aged warrior's team had already walked to a place five meters away from Xia Yang. Originally, Xia Yang thought that the middle-aged warrior would say something polite, but he didn't expect the middle-aged warrior to go straight to the point and said coldly: "You choose your own Go out, or will you be seriously injured and disqualified?"

Rich and Xia Yang looked at each other and smiled, but ignored the big man.The moment the two of them were smiling, Rich rushed out three steps instantly, his fighting spirit was surging, and he shouted loudly: "Slash the ground!" At the same time, Xia Yang's figure disappeared!
Seeing that the opponent dared to resist, the middle-aged soldier's eyes flashed coldly. Although it is nothing to seriously injure four six-level guys, it will inevitably consume some fighting spirit.However, the middle-aged warrior reacted quickly. Seeing Rich's earth-type fighting skills coming, he immediately shouted: "Earthquake wave!" Famous soil warriors!
Under the soil layer, the seismic wave directly collided with the vindictive sphere that formed the Earth Splitting Slash! "Bang!" The soil layer was flying, and a powerful battle energy blasted into the sky, forming a yellowish energy cloud.However, the next thing that made the middle-aged soldier's pupils shrink was that a cyan Fengyue Slash pierced through the energy cloud and struck directly!The middle-aged soldier was caught off guard, and was directly swept across his chest by Fengyue Zhan, and immediately a stream of blood gushed out!

"The other party also has a wind fighter?" The middle-aged soldier was terrified, and then thought of Xia Yang who had just lost his figure. Could it be that little guy?The middle-aged soldier burst into anger, and was unexpectedly attacked by this kid!But just as the middle-aged soldier was cursing in his heart, he patted the middle-aged soldier's shoulder with one hand, "Hey, what an idiot!"

The middle-aged soldier turned his head in horror, only to find that Xia Yang was looking at him with a smile on his face, and the six soldiers and a magician behind him had all fallen to the ground, even though all of them had their eyes wide open. , but can't move at all!

"What kind of martial art is this?" The middle-aged soldier asked in a daze.

"Hey, Sister Furong's unique skill is Sunflower acupuncture!" Xia Yang said with a harmless smile.

"Sister Furong, who is the expert, I've never heard of it!" the middle-aged soldier murmured as if in a daze.

"Hi! Hi! Now is not the time to study. Do you choose to play by yourself, or do you want to fall to the ground and be seriously injured?" Xia Yang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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