Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 476 Refining the Breaking Needle!

Chapter 476 Refining the Breaking Needle! (2)
"Uh, I don't need that thing." Xia Yang was taken aback, then smiled confidently.Does a dignified craftsman in the cultivation world still need to use a bellows to forge iron like a mortal?All you need is a good cauldron!As for the cauldron furnace, Xia Yang bought one for himself a long time ago. Although the quality is not very good, it can still be used.

"Hey, it's up to you." After taking a deep look at Xia Yang, Xue Feng chose to remain silent again.

The biggest inn in Merck City is the Durui Guild Hall, but Xia Yang doesn't want to stay there. There are many contestants from the colleges there, and it must not be quiet enough, so Xia Yang just chose an ordinary inn.

"Suiyun Tower, it's a good name, let's go here!" Following the crowd, the two finally walked out of the East Street, and not far from the East Street, Xia Yang discovered the location of Suiyun Tower.

Glancing at Xue Feng sideways, seeing that there was still no sign of speaking in this hometown, Xia Yang had no choice but to walk in sullenly.

"Guest officer, do you want to stay in the shop or eat!" As soon as Xia Yang entered Suiyun Tower, a waiter wearing a towel came over and greeted him with a smile.

"Stay in the hotel, find me a quiet room." Xia Yang said in a cold voice after throwing a third-level magic core to the child.This kind of waiter, as long as he is given enough benefits, and then exerts authority, he will naturally handle things properly, and a third-level magic core is worth [-] gold coins. no.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there right now, guest officer." Nervously taking the magic core thrown by Xia Yang, the waiter in the shop immediately beamed with joy, and led Xia Yang and Xue Feng upstairs in a flustered manner.

Under Xiao Er's gracious introduction, Xia Yang chose a small but innermost room, but Xue Feng was about to enter it, but Xia Yang stopped him with his hand.

"Senior, in order to prevent other people from coming to interfere, you'd better guard me outside the door, otherwise, if the refining fails, don't blame me!" Xia Yang smiled, but Xue Feng didn't know Xia Yang's taboo, It was clearly because he was afraid that he would learn the method of refining.

"Okay!" Xue Feng's calm face twitched a few times. As him, he actually wanted to guard the door for others, and he felt very depressed, but now there is nothing he can do. It's on your head." With a low snort, Xue Feng stood outside the door like a rock, and there was a little cold light in his cloudy eyes, the breaking needle was related to the recovery of his strength, so he had to be cautious treat!

Gently closing the door, Xia Yang let out a sigh of relief. It would be fine if this old man wasn't a bad guy. If he was really that kind of vicious guy, maybe this time he was trying to steal the skin of a tiger!
"The breaking needle? It seems that the old man's strength has been sealed!" Xia Yang didn't start refining directly, but thought about it, "I can still deal with this old man now, but if he breaks through the seal, What should I do if I break my promise? I won’t reap the benefits at that time, and maybe I will get into trouble. Hehe, it seems that I have to do something!"

(End of this chapter)

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