Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 516 Zhan Academy, Zhan Yao!

Chapter 516 Zhan Academy, Zhan Yao! (1)
With the end of the auction, Juanna also exhaled a mouthful of orchid fragrance. This auction was the most stressful one since she became an auctioneer!
The competition for the high price of the space stone and the sky-high price competition for the inexplicable magic core made her even more palpitating that the little witch from the famous imperial capital actually joined in!The Duchess Lili and the prince's thirteenth concubine Ji Xuan who came out afterward were both menacing and difficult people, which made Juanna very nervous. This title of Chief is coveted by many auctioneers!

Fortunately, this auction not only did not cause any bad changes due to the appearance of these people, but also won huge profits for them. The thrills and gains in it really made Youana feel a little excited and depressed.

After the auction was over, Juanna's white palms kept patting her undulating breasts, and she walked slowly down the stairs to Bi Lao's position.

And Xia Yang and other people who auctioned the items naturally also entered the trading hall inside the auction house, waiting to trade the items they auctioned.

In the auction house, all the people dispersed at this time, and Youana’s undulating breasts had not stopped fluctuating, so she asked Bi Lao anxiously: “Bi Lao, what’s wrong with the magic core before? Guy so coveted?"

Hearing Youanna's question, Bi Lao smiled wryly and remained silent for a moment. He seemed to have aged a lot for a moment, turned around slowly, and walked towards the inner trading hall, only to hear an old voice: "Unexpectedly, Bi Haisheng also saw When I lost my eye, the larval god core was sold for only 500 million yuan, my loss, the seller's loss!"

"Harbaceous core!" Youana was stunned and stood on the spot in a daze!The auction house once had an auction record for the larval god core, and that time, under the deliberate publicity of the auction house, the larva god core was finally purchased by a faction at a real sky-high price of 5000 million gold coins, but now, the 500 million to [-] million , What a fart!
Numbly following Old Bi's staggering footsteps, the ups and downs of her breasts can no longer be restrained by her gentle hands...

In the trading hall, Xia Yang and his entourage stood quietly, waiting for the person in charge of the auction house to deliver the auction items. Under the mental perception, there were no less than ten eighth-level masters hidden around the hall. There are two level nine powerhouses!
"This Jubao Auction House is really not easy!" Xia Yang was also a little alert, and Xia Yang couldn't help but looked around at the crowd who were collecting items, only to find that Li Tianao was looking at him in astonishment.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Teacher Xia Yang to come to the auction." Li Tianao was the first to greet Xia Yang with a smile.

"Hehe, yes, let's see if we can get some good equipment for the students. They are not strong enough, so we can only hope to rely on the equipment to support them for a while before the competition, so as not to make a fool of themselves!" Xia Yang said to Li Tian Ao is not disgusted, much better than his stinky and arrogant mentor.Then he said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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