Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 718 Fat Girl Zhu Meimei Reappears!

Chapter 718 Fat Girl Zhu Meimei Reappears! (1)
As Du Ni Lengmu turned around and blasted the snake spear, the space behind him was also shaken at the same time, and immediately a long sword bursting with green light was the first to stab straight out, wrapped in unparalleled wind-type fighting spirit. The blade of the sword stabbed at Du Ni's back heart like this.

"Ding!" With a soft sound, the snake spear turned around and stabbed fiercely with the Qingguang long sword!Immediately after the soft sound, Du Ni's complexion suddenly changed, there was no sound of strong collision of fighting spirit, this weird scene was just once encountered by Diao Qing, and it was obvious that Diao Qing had suffered a serious dark loss .

Sure enough, after the soft sound, there was a slight buzzing sound on the long sword that the snake spear touched, and as the humming sound danced slightly on the snake spear, Du Ni's face froze suddenly!Because of the humming and trembling sound, along with the tip of the spear, it pierced through Du Ni's eardrum strangely, reaching directly into his mind, like a sharp sword, stabbing fiercely in the depths of Du Ni's mind!

"Drink!" The pain of the soul cannot be easily endured by the strong!Although Du Ni's current strength has soared due to extreme grief, he still couldn't bear such a weird soul attack. Immediately under the stinging pain in his mind, he had to let out a loud drink to wake himself up. At this time, Zhu Chi But the long sword was already attached to the body of the spear, piercing straight in with sparks!

"Broken soul chain!" Suddenly, a strange black chain seemed to penetrate the void, but it stabbed at Zhu Chi's waist. On the short sharp spear prefixed with the chain, black light swirled, like a core spit out. Viper!
As the black chain came from behind, Zhu Chi had to slow down his attack. Immediately, the long sword changed from stabbing to stabbing. With great force, he immediately blocked the snake spear by three feet, and immediately turned around to hit the blue light sword!

At this time, when Zhuge and Du Ni were fighting Zhu Chi, they had to use all their strength to support each other, otherwise, once one side was injured, the other would be doomed, so seeing Du Ni trapped, dodging and dying Zhuge, who was gone, also quickly teleported over again, borrowing a sneak attack to defuse Du Ni's danger!

On the pitch-black chain body, black light swirled, and the half-foot short spear was also surrounded by this gloomy black air, making it even more impressive!This black energy was formed by Zhuge's surging soul power. If it weren't for this, Zhu Chi wouldn't care about Zhuge's sneak attack from behind, and would give up the great opportunity to seriously injure or even kill Du Ni!Soul attacks, no one can avoid it!Even if he was as strong as Zhu Chi, he still couldn't avoid the fear of soul attacks!

At the tip of the long sword, the green light showed an inch, straight up the chain, but he didn't dare to touch the black mist wantonly. After all, the power of the soul is not afraid of ordinary physical attacks, and Zhuge's move is intended to To resolve the dangerous situation of Du Ni, so at this moment, he is also unwilling to rely on the power of the soul to fight with Zhu Chi. With a violent shake of the black chain, he flicks out like a giant black snake!As the chain body shakes, the curling black air becomes stronger and stronger, and the black air fills the air as it dances!

Seeing the black air attacking his face, Zhu Chi's eyes were also gloomy. He didn't dare to easily deal with such an attack that squandered his soul power. On his cold face, he snorted, "I want to see you How much soul power can be squandered like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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