Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 740: The Battle of Beast Voices Comes to an End!

Chapter 740: The Battle of Beast Voices Comes to an End! (1)
"Girl, what do you want to do!" Hearing Zhu Meimei's soft drink, Zhu Chi was startled, and immediately flew over, but found that at this moment, with his strength, he couldn't bully him into within one meter of Zhu Meimei's body !It seemed that there was an invisible force blocking Zhu Chi's figure, making his soul feel dizzy and trembling!
"Old man, your strength is too weak!" Zhu Meimei was strangely quiet at this moment, but a muffled roar came from a very strong sound of thought piercing through Zhu Chi's mind!However, the contempt in the voice was clearly revealed. A strong man at the peak of the holy level was called too weak by a beast roar!What level is this monster!But at this moment, Zhu Chi didn't care about him, but his old eyes were staring at Bai Mannei with blood red eyes!

"This voice belongs to that monster!" Zhu Chi's face changed drastically, seeing Zhu Meimei's plump body getting bigger and bigger in the white light, Zhu Chi's heart was tangled!This girl, has she unlocked the fourth seal?
"Bastard, what have you done to my granddaughter!" The worried Zhu Chi immediately yelled at Bai Mangnei regardless of the difference in strength.

"Old fellow, do you dare to yell at me? If it weren't for the fact that I and this girl live together, I will trample you to death with one hoof!" Amidst the anger, a voice that also showed a little anger came again. Come!
"No need to worry anymore. Since you can't protect her, let me do it. Hehe, I didn't expect to see the Empress Jiuying. It's just that this little snake is too weak. In today's world, Why did you make such useless things!" This time, the voice didn't resound in Zhu Chi's mind, but resounded within the formation, and immediately penetrated the formation and floated farther into the night sky!
And when this word came out, people trembled in shock!
Among them, Nine Snakes, who had always been extremely arrogant, were trembling at this time, and a coercion from the soul appeared in his spiritual sea out of thin air!It is a kind of innate coercion, an absolute suppression between monsters and natural levels!

Panting, sweating, trembling hands!Jiu Snake tried hard to control his body not to tremble, but he couldn't do it!In an instant, at the corner of the formation, the operation began to slow down!
Du Ni and Zhuge on one side are also crazy!The two of them can also clearly feel the coercion, but they are better than the Nine Snakes. After all, they are human beings, and there is no such level of suppression among the same kind. , has made them terrified!They even had a sense of absurdity, if this beast appeared, perhaps, they could crush themselves to death with one finger...

"Damn it, Du Ni, why are we so bad this time! We met all perverts!" Zhuge scolded in a low voice trembling.

"Damn it, you ask me, who am I to ask! You should think about what to do next, you are the captain of this operation!" Du Ni also yelled, it seems that for many years, he was in pain and longing. In the middle of the day, he has long been used to being quiet, but what happened now made him irritated!
(End of this chapter)

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