Chapter 75
"Ah, no! Ah—"

Xia Yang used his muscles and bones one by one on the ten people, and now the ten people were lying on the side of the road like ten piles of mud.

"Students, are you satisfied with the teacher's reward?" Xia Yang asked inhumanely as he watched everyone grinning.

It's a pity that no one answered him, they were all staring at Xia Yang.In Ya Rui's heart, he would rather laugh ten times more than have a broken muscle again. This pain is not for human beings!Moreover, the muscles and bones of the whole body were dislocated, and even moved.

Now he is even more useless than a useless person.Everyone couldn't help lamenting in their hearts, but the instigator who caused this situation was still laughing, shameless, shameless, inhumane, inhumane!
Xia Yang walked up to Ya Rui, grabbed Ya Rui's lumbar spine, and threw it directly into the air. At the same time, he moved his hands together and pressed on Ya Rui's body continuously. Rui yelled in pain again, for which Xia Yang muttered: "It's not even as good as women, it's not enough for men!" Hearing that, Ya Rui wanted to refute: If you have the guts, try it!

According to the sequence of dismembering the muscles and bones before, Xia Yang reset the muscles and bones of Yunya, Nangongfeng and the others, accompanied by shrill roars.

"Beauty, in order to get you out of the pain, the teacher had no choice but to touch it again." Xia Yang squatted beside An Qi shamelessly and smiled.

"Shameless! Hooligan!" An Qi gritted her teeth and spit out a few words. At the same time, her face was blushing, and she was being touched all over by this hateful guy in front of her!
"Hey..." Xia Yang chuckled, and started to reset An Qi's muscles and bones.The shy face of Karina next to her was actually filled with an emotion called anticipation...

"Hey, it's amazing! My muscles and bones are not sore anymore! I have completely recovered my normal physical condition, even much better. It feels really comfortable!" Ya Rui, who recovered first, said in surprise.

"Yeah, my waist is no longer sore, my legs don't hurt anymore, and I'm in great shape!" Ruta on the side also responded.The others also looked surprised and comfortable.

"Oh, I didn't expect the teacher's set of muscles and bones to have such an effect! Then do you want to be comfortable again?" Xia Yang asked with a smile.Of course he knows the current physical condition of Ya Rui and the others. Although the hand is extremely painful, it is also an extreme massage technique for people whose muscles and bones are extremely sore. Although the process is painful, the result is amazing. It is extremely comfortable, and after clearing the soreness, it is of great benefit to their muscles and bones in terms of strength and toughness.

Hearing Xia Yang say to do it again, the ten people immediately jumped four or five meters away, turned their heads straight, and shouted in unison: "No!" The speed of shaking their heads caught up with the electric fan.

"Okay, rest on the spot for 10 minutes, and then start again!" Xia Yang didn't make fun of them anymore. After all, they had been running for an hour, and it was time for them to rest for a while. Combining work and rest is the right way.

(End of this chapter)

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