Chapter 88
After about 10 minutes, everyone gradually recovered, and their bodies recovered some strength to move, so they began to clean up everything in front of them.Qinglang died, but in order to get rid of the bloody smell, everyone buried it with soil, otherwise the bloody smell would easily attract other monsters.

After burying everything, everyone happily placed Qinglang's body in the center and prepared to roast Qinglang's meat.

It has been quite a while since they left the small town of Ross, and with the fierce battle just now, everyone's belly has been shriveled and there is only a skin left.

"Teacher, should you lend us the dagger?" Ruta walked up to Xia Yang and asked with his hands on his hips.It seems to be resentment for not eating rabbit meat, and it seems to be complaining that Xia Yang made them fight desperately with the monsters. In short, the way Ruta looks at Xia Yang is very unhappy now.

"Oh! Well, of course there is no problem. But you have to exchange a wolf leg, are you willing? In fact, the teacher does not want to take advantage of you, but just finished diarrhea, and now the stomach is so empty! There are no monsters around here Yes. Look, do you agree?" Xia Yang didn't care about Ruta's attitude, instead he smiled, stroking his seemingly shriveled stomach with one hand, and replied with a smile.

Ruta stared at the words, and said loudly: "Teacher, has anyone told you that you are really shameless?"

"Oh, really? You seem to be the first to say that about me. People used to say that I'm handsome, smart and courageous..."

"Don't blow you off! Tell me directly, will you give me the dagger?" Ruta couldn't bear it anymore. Apart from being shameless, this teacher also has a tendency to be narcissistic.

"No! Since you are so direct." Xia Yang looked helpless.

"Okay! I don't believe there is no way. Hmph!" Ruta ran back angrily, found a stone with sharp edges and began to polish it on another relatively smooth stone.

Soon, Ruta tested the sharpness of the stone knife with his finger, and saw a small hole appearing on his finger, Ruta's face was happy, and he glanced at Xia Yang provocatively, that expression said, Look, I can do it without your dagger.

Sure enough, Ruta took a stone knife and slashed on Qinglang's body a few times, which really tore the fur of Qinglang, and then a piece of wolf skin was ripped off.

Everyone was also surprised, thinking that this Luta could not be a craftsman, this stone can be ground so sharp.Xia Yang also smiled lightly. To survive in the wild, one must try his best to use all the resources around him to survive.

But when everyone put the blue wolf meat on the sticks, they encountered difficulties again.There is no fire magician, and there is no fire book, so how can this fire happen?Everyone looked at Xia Yang again, Xia Yang still smiled slightly, and raised a finger lightly, the meaning was self-evident, the price of a wolf's leg!Everyone turned around directly, causing Xia Yang to feel depressed for a while. It seemed that these children wanted to eat meat and were crazy, and they were reluctant to give up a wolf leg.

(End of this chapter)

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