Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 893 Three heroes fight against the demon!

Chapter 893 Sanying fights against the demon! (1)
"Boom!" As the battle energy shield completely disintegrated, the nine people who had condensed the shield also leaned back and spewed out a mouthful of bewitching blood!
Although he suffered a little injury, the attack of the Dou Qi giant dragon was finally prevented, and everyone in the Zhan Academy was also full of excitement. After all, the oppressive feeling just now was too palpitating and uncomfortable!
The smoke disappeared, and the excited expressions of everyone in Zhan Academy gradually turned into cold and bloodthirsty!They no longer want to face the condensed attack of this terrifying fighting spirit dragon, so they must take the initiative to attack!No longer give the opponent a chance to gather big moves!At the right time, all nine eyes were on Zhan Yao, whose wings were fluttering in the air. Zhan Academy was extremely disciplined, and all attack and defense instructions had to be obeyed by the captain's arrangement!Without Zhan Yao's orders, they would never act recklessly!

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" Before the Zhan Yao's command came out, five piercing sounds resounded through the high platform again, but five golden rays pierced through the smoke of the disintegrated shield array!

"Boom boom boom..." Following the surge of five strands of battle energy, the five golden glows were shattered and disintegrated!Nangongfeng's sneak attack fighting skills were useless in front of everyone in the Zhan Academy who were paying attention!However, would Nangongfeng know that this move is useless?The answer is yes!Nangongfeng also knew that such a sneak attack was not a threat at all, but his purpose of this move was to attract the opponent's attention!

Suddenly, in the middle of the sky, the war demon suddenly flapped its wings, and the sword in its hand rushed out. A majestic blood-colored battle energy gushed out, and it swept towards the three of Yarui!

After watching all the time, Zhan Yao discovered that Ya Rui and others were preparing to attack again!
Everything, kill it in the cradle!Single attack, no matter what, is faster than combined attack skills!As long as Ya Rui and others are not given a chance to reunite the fire dragon, this battle will still be fought!

The experience of fighting monsters is extremely rich, Yarui and others have already sensed the energy movement in their bodies, so in a hurry, a burst of fighting spirit has gone first!

"Bang bang!" However, before the bloody battle aura arrived, it was intercepted by two attacks one after another, but it was Sony and An Qi behind Ya Rui and others, each with five fingers and white aura, bursting out from the fingertips , while An Qi slashed with a huge axe, and a huge fiery red ax shadow attacked there!
The two strikes are close to each other, Ren Zhanyao is a ninth-level powerhouse, and the isolated fighting spirit in the emergency is also destroyed!But at this time, Yarui, Yunya, and Da Dao all had sneering smiles on their mouths, and their goal was to go straight to the war monster!Fighting Qi of all colors surged out, output immediately, and gradually condensed!

When Zhan Yao saw it badly, his face changed in shock, and his figure that rushed down was a little quicker again. With his speed, he could indeed arrive before Ya Rui and others successfully condensed, and then destroy the giant dragon Consolidate!However, Ya Rui and others are not just three people!

Behind him, Angie, Sonny, Ruta and other six members of the tri-talent formation burst out their battle qi wildly. There is no combination, no condensate, and they are all output of flat battle qi out of the body!

(End of this chapter)

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