Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 908 Shameless temptation to buy, earn a fortune for students!

Chapter 908 Shameless temptation to buy, make a fortune for students! (1)
"They all want space rings?" After returning his personal money with a calm face, Xia Yang looked at the still angry faces of the crowd, and suddenly the corners of his mouth split into a shallow arc, and he asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, otherwise who would want to be angry until now. Teacher, the students have seen your shamelessness, so you don't need to show off anymore. Tell me, what do you need to do to give us the ring?" Ruta gave us a hard look. Xia Yang said immediately angrily.

"Hey, Ruta, the teacher likes your straightforwardness! Yes, I seem to have two space rings in my hand, one for myself, and the other, I don't know who among you Use, so, for the sake of fairness, I decided to sell it internally. Whoever wants to spend more money can take it! Although the teacher doesn’t care about money, this is fair to you, and it will make the teacher not partial. " Xia Yang turned a blind eye to Ruta's white eyes and said with a smile instead.

Xia Yang's grinning appearance and words, in the eyes of everyone, is a lack of twitch...

"No way, you just made two of such a big pile of space stones?" Ya Rui asked suspiciously, he remembered that the weight was quite enough at the beginning, so save it, ten rings are enough. !

"Ari, do you think it's so easy to make space rings! It took me a long time to make these two. If you don't believe me, you can try it yourself! I still have some leftovers. Space Stone, do you want me?"

Hearing Xia Yang's almost shameless answer, the corners of Ya Rui's mouth twitched immediately, and then he stopped talking angrily. If I can refine it, I will refine it into a big collar and put it on the neck of you shameless guy. hanging on.

"Teacher, talking about money hurts feelings! Can't you use another method? For example, drawing lots, whoever gets it will get it, and we will have no complaints." Yun Ya seemed to have a premonition of Xia Yang's conspiracy, and immediately said sinisterly.

"Hey, Yunya, you disappointed me so much! You still said that you want to be a dragon knight in the future. With your stingy appearance, how can you become a great dragon knight! Well, I don't want to make money from you either. , It’s just meaning. For this ring, the price starts from one gold coin, you decide for yourself, whoever has more will get it!” Xia Yang sighed earnestly at Yun Yayu, and immediately took out a brand new one from the ring The black ring, with its gleaming appearance and strangely carved lines, immediately made the eyes of Ya Rui and others blaze.

But Xia Yang took it as if he didn't care, picked up a wine glass by himself, poured himself a drink.

Looking at Xia Yang's appearance, Lan Mei couldn't help showing a trace of sarcasm and disdain. He really is a shameless guy who even wants to cheat his own student's money!
The corners of Xia Yang's eyes twitched slightly, and he also noticed Lan Mei's disdain and sarcasm, but he didn't care. Instead, with the first bidding sound, the corners of his mouth spread more and more.

"I'll offer two gold coins! I'm the youngest here, everyone should let me go, huh!" Nick said, and immediately grabbed two gold coins and threw them on the table, ready to grab the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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