Shameless Master of Another World

Chapter 99 Arrive, Climb, Climb

Chapter 99 Arrive, Climb, Climb (3)
After climbing again for an hour, everyone felt weak in their hands and feet, and they couldn't even maintain their posture.Younger Nick, Da Da didn't even dare to turn his head, because the height under his feet would make them dizzy and chilling.

"Huh! Huh! Huh..." The sound of panting was mixed with the sound of the mountain wind blowing, and it spread to a place far, far away...

"Your goal is to reach the top of the mountain before dark, pay attention to saving energy and ensuring safety!" Xia Yang's cold voice came to everyone's ears again.They know that the teacher will definitely be behind!

Hearing Xia Yang's words, everyone found a safer place, put down their bodies, and after a good rest for ten minutes, they began to climb up again.

At noon, the scorching sun poured down on everyone like a burning flame, and the sweat flowed more ferociously. The salty sweat dripped over the wounds pierced by thorns, and the pain made everyone convulse. The corners of everyone's mouths Both were bloodshot, the result of teeth biting their lips.

At this moment, everyone is distributed at an altitude of about [-] feet.During the process, Xia Yang only delivered meat and fresh water to everyone once.

At the thousand-foot peak, ten tiny figures kept crawling up the mountainside, because after passing the mountainside, there is not much vegetation covering the mountain, most of them are rocks, and the students can only climb up by holding onto the rocks.The sharpness of the rock pierced their palms, and the leather boots under their feet were riddled with holes everywhere, but their eyes were still firm!

Regardless of physical development, who would have thought that it was just a group of teenagers who could persist until this point!
The setting sun slanted, gently covering everyone with a layer of golden sand, and the mountains and haze came slowly, and the coolness penetrated into the bones, as if injecting a new vitality into the tired body in an instant.However, there was no look of joy on the faces of the people, only wry smiles and unwillingness!

Seeing that there is still a distance of hundreds of feet, everyone can't help but feel an inexplicable helplessness in their hearts. Could it be that they can't fulfill the teacher's request?At some point, they already took Xia Yang's request so seriously!
The night gradually fell, and when a new moon slowly rose, the people climbed to the top of the mountain one after another.During the process, the five people stumbled and fell, but when they were terrified, a not-so-broad embrace embraced them.Then they felt a strong warmth spread into their bodies. When they pressed their hands on the mountain wall again, they didn't thank them, only the top of the mountain was in their eyes!
When everyone gathered at the top of the mountain, Xia Yang didn't speak, but used his muscles and bones to let them get a sense of refreshment after the pain.

"Look back at the foot of your mountain. Although you have suffered a lot, you are now at the top, haven't you?" Xia Yang said calmly, looking at the bloodstained and ragged crowd.

Everyone looked back in unison, the bottom of the mountain was already dark in the night, but they would never forget the height of thousands of feet, and the pain during the process, and at this moment, the feeling of standing on the top of the mountain would never be forgotten in their lifetime !

(End of this chapter)

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