Chapter 73
In the end, I couldn't beat the words and stayed. Anyway, it doesn't cost money, so I can't live for nothing.

After saying that he was invincible and put away his luggage.

Down the stairs again.

She asked where cell phones were sold near the front desk.

The front desk then graciously dispatched a car to send Yan Wudi away.

A mobile phone dealership near the store.

In the past, more than an hour later.

Yan Budi came out of the store with the latest IPX mobile phone in hand.

Yan Budi stood on the stairs, turned over the IPX in his hand, and said distressedly: "I still don't know how to use this smartphone!"

After the original owner became sensible, he had been using an elderly phone, which had no other purpose except to make calls.

Words can't beat the annoyed moaning and chirping, the original owner was stupid before, but there's no need to perfunctory her like this!Leng Xinxue, can you be any more disgusting?
Hey, I can't say enough and sighed in my heart, let's study it when I go back!It will definitely not be easy to use for a while,
Zhanhua Hospital, fifth floor.

The landline in the living room rang.

Wu Zhefeng walked out of the bedroom, went straight to the high table next to the sofa, and picked up the phone.


"Hello, Mr. Wu, a man named Jin Fu said he came to see you."

Hearing the word Jin Fu on the other end of the phone, he fell silent for a moment.

After decades, the other party was willing to face him for the first time, and it was still so sudden.

I don't know if it's because of Mayfair's affairs. You must be in a hurry to come so late, right?

"Mr. Wu? Are you still listening?"

"Well, ask him to come up."

"Okay, Mr. Wu, wait a moment."

Wu Zhefeng put down the phone and sat on the sofa opposite the door to wait for Jin Fu's arrival.

Looking carefully, Wu Zhefeng's hand on his lap seems to be clenched a little bit, it can be seen that he has a bad feeling about Jin Fu's arrival this time, and he is very worried.

3 minutes later.

Jin Fu pushed the door open and entered.

What caught his eye was the man he hated to the core.

After many years, the old rivals face each other for the first time, not to mention Wu Zhefeng was surprised, Jin Fu also felt awkward.

Jin Fu had no choice but to speak out to dispel his embarrassment.

"Wu Zhefeng, it's been a long time! How are you doing recently?" The bad words were obvious.

"It's been a long time. I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today to bring the second master of the Jin family here."

Jin Fu came across to Wu Zhefeng and sat down on his own.

Wu Zhefeng raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know if my old friend's taste has changed, coffee or red wine?"

Whether you don't like it or not, you still have to have the demeanor that the friendship of the landlord should have.

"Don't be busy, don't bother you, I'm here because I have a few words to explain, and I'll leave after I explain." The smell of gunpowder was strong.

Hearing this, Wu Zhefeng leaned back on the sofa and said, "Okay, tell me."

Although Wu Zhefeng was anxious and anxious in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face, he understood Jin Fu's malice towards him.

As long as I show a little bit of urgency, the other party will never easily express their intention to come.

Jin Fu really intends to swindle his appetite.

The two chatted around a few words without any pain, Jin Fu suddenly felt bored, curled his lips, and revealed the purpose of this trip.

It was mainly about Ye Fei'er, Jin Fu didn't want to waste any more time.

"I'm here this time to tell you that if you want Mayfair to fully recover, you must verbally stimulate Mayfair 24 hours a day without any slack."

Jin Fu's words are obviously trying to fix everything.

Talking continuously for 24 hours, let alone a human being, even the soul can't stand your rambling.

"Can you tell me why?"

"No, you just have to do as I do."

Wu Zhefeng is not easy to fool, "If you don't tell me the specific reason, I won't do what you say."

(End of this chapter)

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