Eternal pride

Chapter 58 The Marriage of Seven Princesses

Chapter 58 The Seventh Princess' Marriage
"Secrets of Hundred Dynasties" once recorded the secrets and anecdotes between the major dynasties, and there is a passage that makes Chu Yunge very interested, that is, the relationship between the Great Qin and the Great Han.

Everyone knows that Zhuge Wolong, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty, was one of the four founding generals of the Qin Dynasty.

At that time, the god general of Dongling was still called the Kong family, but it was changed to the complex surname Zhuge after the self-established Han Dynasty.

Logically speaking, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty was born in the Great Qin Dynasty and one of the four famous generals. Not to mention how good the relationship with the first emperor is, but at least it is not bad.

However, what is interesting is that after the founding of the Han Dynasty, instead of maintaining a friendly relationship with the Qin Dynasty, there were constant frictions between the two countries.

After the first emperors of the two countries left one after another, countless wars, large and small, broke out.

Up to now, I dare not say that the enemy is dazzled when they meet each other, but they still don't communicate with each other forever.

So Chu Yunge was puzzled when he heard that Qin Ziyi was going to marry Zhuge Qingyun.

Would that seemingly absurd but actually strong and lonely woman marry a manly prince and put herself in danger?

"Chu Yunge, you woke up as soon as you heard Qin Ziyi's name, you don't really have an affair with her, do you?" Mu Hongli exclaimed exaggeratedly.

Chu Yunge ignored her and looked straight at Qin Wudi.

Qin Wudi smiled lightly, "That's right, the Dahan Dynasty has sent a letter, and Zhuge Qingyun will come to Daqin to propose marriage in a few days."

"Then Qin Ziyi agreed?" Chu Yunge asked again.

"The emperor's order cannot be violated. I'm afraid Ziyi can't be the master of this matter." Qin Wudi said: "Father has always wanted to find a good husband for Ziyi, but it's a pity that Ziyi's eyes are higher than the top and his talent is unparalleled. I am in the Qin Dynasty. In fact, no one can match her. Now that the Han royal family intends to marry, this is a good thing for the two dynasties. Besides, Zhuge Qingyun himself is also an extremely talented person. But the achievements in the future will never be inferior to ours, marrying Ziyi to him can be said to be the best of both worlds."

"Then if a genius more outstanding than Zhuge Qingyun proposes to Emperor Qin, do you think Emperor Qin will agree?" Chu Yunge grinned suddenly.

"Is it you?" Qin Wudi asked back.

"Yes." Chu Yunge smiled.



The members of the royal family behind immediately glared at each other.

"I've heard that this person is extremely shameless, but seeing him today, he really lives up to his reputation. He's so thick-skinned."

"That's right, what kind of character is Zhuge Qingyun, who has both talisman arrays and is known as the little crouching dragon. He is the most amazing genius in the Han Dynasty since the first emperor. This kid actually has the face to say something more outstanding than him. I really don't know what it is." Who gave him the courage."

"Confidence is a good thing for young people, but too much self-confidence will make people feel ridiculous." Qin Wudi also took advantage of the situation and looked at Chu Yunge, but he had to re-examine this contemporary genius in his heart.

Chu Yunge smiled proudly, "I'm used to self-confidence, and I can't keep a low profile. Besides, whether I can compare with Zhuge Qingyun will not be known until after the comparison. It would be ungentlemanly to fall into trouble now."

"So, you are sure to get involved in this matter." Qin Wudi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chu Yunge shook his head and smiled, "How can you say it's meddling? Don't tell me you let me watch my princess marry someone else."

"Okay, what a princess of your family." Qin Wudi smiled instead of anger, "It seems that Ziyi really picked a great person this time, Chu Yunge, I'm starting to appreciate you a little bit."

Chu Yunge smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm not interested in men."

Qin Wudi nodded, "Then you can take care of yourself. Not everyone can challenge Zhuge Qingyun, but don't lose your wife and lose your army and end up in a miserable situation where your family is ruined."

"No regrets, no hate, let's go."

"Prince, don't you want to drink the holy water?" The two asked quickly.

The crown prince's eyes turned, Qin Wuhui felt a shocking coldness, he didn't dare to say a word, and followed him obediently.

"This prince is quite majestic." Looking at Qin Wudi's retreating back, Chu Yunge smiled.

"It's more than majestic, it's a copy of the first emperor." Elder Qu Ling said: "Everyone says that Qin Wudi is the reincarnation of the Qinling Heavenly Emperor, not only in spirit, but also in temperament."

"But Jiang is still old and spicy after all." Chu Yunge said with a smile: "The times are different and the background is different. It is destined that Qin Wudi will not be able to play with countless powerful people in the palm of his hands for a hero like Qinling Tiandi, otherwise he would not have to fight against him all day long." This kind of brave and foolhardy person is reluctant to defend the country. As for the competition for the world, he can't keep up with the first emperor, so where does the theory of Little Heavenly Emperor come from?"

Elder Qu Ling looked at him in surprise, "You are quite thorough in your analysis."

Chu Yunge smiled modestly, "It's just that when I was a child, I was bored and read a few more ancient books, not to mention research."

Mu Hongli on the side joked: "This monster can speak at the age of one, can write at the age of two, and can write at the age of three. After reading all the classics of the Chu family, there is probably nothing in this world that he doesn't know."

Great Elder Qu Ling was shocked, thinking of the legend that was passed down in Beijun back then.

"Could it be true?" Her eyes widened, and the way she looked at Chu Yunge had changed.

Chu Yunge waved his hand and smiled honestly.

This smile fell on Mu Hongli's eyes, it was so hateful that it couldn't be more hateful, and she was so proud of herself that she wanted to imitate Chu Man'er's honesty, so she couldn't be more shameless.

"By the way, why haven't you come up yet?" Elder Qu Ling remembered that Chu Yunge was still soaking in the holy pool.

Chu Yunge was stunned, "Why do you have to come up? Is there a time limit?"

Great Elder Qu Ling shook his head, "That's not true, it's just that you don't feel unwell?"

"No." Chu Yunge replied honestly.

The corner of Elder Qu Ling's mouth twitched slightly, and Mu Hongli cursed, "Monster."

Elder Qu Ling said: "Then you can continue to practice in the holy pool, and if you feel anything unusual, please notify me in time."

Chu Yunge let out a soft sound, and continued to absorb.

For ordinary practitioners, absorbing a little bit of congenital liquid is probably unbearable. Chu Yunge is naturally aware of this. After all, acquired creatures are not congenital bodies. Mu Hongli is the most typical representative, even if they have a special physique. use.

Chu Man'er next to him couldn't see it with ordinary eyes, and it was not surprising that Chu Yunge could persist until now.

As for him, of course he has the help of the Immortal Tree.

"After the fairy tree absorbs a large amount of innate spiritual liquid, it should be able to bloom fifty flowers of the fairy world."

When I was in the Nether Mountains before, with the breakthrough to the Four Elephant Realm, the number of flowers in the fairyland has reached forty.

This trip to the holy pool will definitely make another breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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