Chapter 103

"Now the deity hereby declares that because of Feng Biezhi's misconduct, harming his fellow disciples, framing others and other acts against the master's sect, this deity will expel Feng Biezhi from the sect of the master. .”

Before Feng Biezhi recovered from his situation, he heard Xiao Ningyou above say cruel words without a trace of emotion. Feng Biezhi stared blankly at Xiao Ningyou with an indifferent expression, and whispered with his lips: "Why?"

Maybe it was because Xiao Ningyou didn't hear her voice because her voice was too low, or maybe it was because Xiao Ningyou heard it but didn't want to answer. In short, Feng Biezhi only saw Xiao Ningyou give orders in a cold voice: "Come here, send Feng Biezhi to you!" Put everything away and give it to her, let her leave Kanyun Peak within today."

After Xiao Ningyou said these words, she left the hall, leaving behind a group of people who had been watching the theater and Feng Biezhi who didn't know what happened. After Xiao Ningyou left, those people who watched the theater finally stopped hiding own emotions.

The disciples who belong to the same peak as Feng Biezhi are all ashamed. They are actually from the same sect as people with this kind of character. It is only a disgrace to mankind that such a person lives in the world.

Feng Biezhi stood in the center of the hall, looking at the people around, no one showed any kindness to her, being alone and helpless is the best way to describe Feng Biezhi's situation at the moment.

How did that happen?What the hell happened?

When Feng Biezhi was still in a daze, a senior brother who was also a disciple of Kan Yunfeng came over. Feng Biezhi looked at her in confusion. Senior Sister, Master has ordered you to leave Kanyun Peak within today, so please leave quickly, Senior Sister Feng, and don’t make things difficult for me.”

Feng Biezhi pinched his hand hard, felt the pain, and found that it was not a hallucination, so he blinked his dry eyes: "What's going on?"

The senior brother seemed to be unable to believe that Feng Biezhi still didn't admit to it at this time, he couldn't help showing a little contempt on his face, and said: "Isn't senior sister admitting her mistake by this time? Senior sister is overseas The world actually took action against Senior Sister Feng Jingque, causing Junior Sister Yun to fall into the outer world, and Senior Sister even tried to blame this incident on Senior Sister Feng Jingque, doesn't Senior Sister feel any uneasiness at all?"

Hearing what he said, Feng Biezhi felt confused and grasped the key words in his words: "Outside the world? Have we been to the outside world and come back from the outside world?"

"That's right, Junior Sister Yun fell into the outer world because of Senior Sister."

"Junior Sister Yun? Are you talking about Yun Chaojin? Did she die in the foreign world? Or is it because of me?"

That senior brother frowned, feeling strange about Feng Biezhi's current attitude: "Senior sister, don't you remember? Junior sister Yun died in the foreign world in order to save senior sister."

The outside world has been visited, so is all this true?So she was really kicked out of Kanyun Peak by Master?But why didn't she have the slightest impression of what they said?
That senior brother didn't have the patience to talk to Feng Biezhi any longer, and said to Feng Biezhi with a cold expression: "Even if senior sister doesn't remember anything, but all this has happened, and senior sister can't deny it, so please senior sister Don't use the excuse that you don't remember to stay in Kan Yunfeng. Forgive me for speaking bluntly. After doing these things, the senior sister is the shame of Kan Yunfeng. Kan Yunfeng will not be tarnished by anyone, so if the senior sister is still a little bit ashamed If you don't want to, I ask the senior sister to leave as soon as possible, and the junior brother and others will not send each other off."

After he said these cruel words, he turned around and left in a hurry, feeling like Feng Biezhi was something dirty, and his cold words were like a sharp knife piercing Feng Biezhi's heart, making Feng Biezhi It was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

Later, Feng Biezhi didn't know how she got here. She watched numbly as she returned to her cave, packed up her own things, and walked out of Tianji Palace step by step amidst the contemptuous and mocking eyes and sharp words of the crowd. Kan Yunfeng will not accept her, similarly, Tianji Palace will not keep her.

Until she left Tianji Palace, Xiao Ningyou never showed up.

Walking out of Tianji Palace, Feng Biezhi wanted to go home to have a look, but when he returned to Zhen Guogong's mansion, he found that his mother had already turned into a cup of loess, and the grass on the grave was already as high as a person. Seeing her come back, No one in the whole town government welcomes her, they all talk about her behind her back, and their words are full of disdain.

Until later, Lord Zhen wanted her to get married, but she refused, so Duke Zhen used this as an excuse to drive her out of Duke Zhen's mansion.

It wasn't until then that Feng Biezhi realized that there was no place for him in Nuo Da's world.

After being in a daze for an unknown amount of time, Feng Biezhi didn't even see Xiao Ningyou for the last time, so he died inexplicably, because he didn't even know who the murderer was before.

After his death, Feng Biezhi found that his soul did not dissipate in the world, nor did he enter reincarnation with the impermanence of black and white, but floated in the world like a ghost.

Floating in the world, Feng Biezhi still couldn't let Xiao Ningyou go, so she floated to Tianji Palace. After she left Tianji Palace, she didn't inquire about them anymore, she was afraid that she would not be able to resist looking for him.

When he arrived at Tianji Palace, Feng Biezhi found that no one could see him, and after returning to Tianji Palace, Feng Biezhi found that everything was different. Feng Jingmagpie and Xuanyuan Luohong actually became partners Yes, there is news from Tianji Palace that the demons are about to attack the mainland, and the battle for the mainland is about to begin.

Xiao Ningyou also changed.When Feng Biezhi saw him, he couldn't believe that he was still the fairy-like Xiao Ningyou from before. Xiao Ningyou became extremely decadent, her whole body was depressed, and she looked much older.

The Battle of the Continent began. Feng Biezhi watched Feng Jingque and Xuanyuan Luohong upgrade and fight demons all the way, and became the leader of the mainland, while Xiao Ningyou died in a battle to save Feng Jingque. Under the Mozu, Feng Biezhi saw Xiao Ningyou standing in front of her in order to protect Feng Jingque, his heart was about to be broken into powder.

She wanted to stop Xiao Ningyou, but she couldn't touch him at all, and he couldn't hear anything she said in his ear.

In the end, Feng Biezhi saw Feng Jingmagpie and Xuanyuan Luohong leading humans to defeat the demons, and the demons were forced to fall into a deep sleep again. After the war, Xuanyuan Luohong and Feng Jingmage ascended to the upper realm together.

The two of them have become the gods of this continent, everyone remembers them, but Xiao Ningyou, Feng Biezhi and others are forgotten in the long river of history, no one will remember them.

(End of this chapter)

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