I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 116 The End Times

Chapter 116

When Yun Chaojin and Fu Mingyu just came back from the outside, they saw Lin Fuluo standing in front of the gate of the house. His hair seemed to be wet with dew. I don't know how long he had been waiting here, but Lin Fuluo's expression Without any impatience, seeing Fu Mingyu come back, Lin Fuluo walked quickly to Fu Mingyu with a face full of joy.

"Miss Fu, you are finally back."

The moment she saw him, Yun Chaojin stayed on her shoulder, clearly feeling Fu Mingyu's body stiffen, and could hear Fu Mingyu's heartbeat speeding up instantly, but after a while, Fu Mingyu restrained her unnaturalness, Looking at Lin Fuluo with a distant smile: "Hi, may I ask who you are?"

Even though I met him countless times in the previous life and had such a close relationship with him, Fu Mingyu has never seen him in this new life, so it is normal that Fu Mingyu doesn't know him now. If his name was mentioned, then it would be called true dew trap.

Lin Fuluo seemed to have just discovered it, and smiled apologetically at Fu Mingyu: "Oh, I forgot about it in a moment of anxiety. Let me introduce myself. I am Lin Fuluo. I want to ask Miss Fu for help with something. I don't know if Miss Fu has any Can you help me?"

Fu Mingyu still smiled detachedly: "Mr. Lin, can you tell me what it is, so that I can think about it."

"It's not a big deal, I just heard that Ms. Fu formed a mercenary team herself, and the mission completion rate is [-]%, so I want to ask Ms. Fu to take on a mission. As for the reward, Ms. Fu doesn't have to worry, I will let Fu The lady is satisfied."

"Mr. Lin Miao Zan, but what is it that made Mr. Lin come to me? With all due respect, there are many mercenary teams in the base that are better than me. Why did Mr. Lin choose me?"

"Just ask Ms. Fu to lead a team out of the city to find some things. Besides, Ms. Fu is too modest. No one in the base knows that Ms. Fu is not only powerful, but also has a strong background."

Fu Mingyu just smiled and didn't answer his words. After thinking for a moment, Fu Mingyu looked at Lin Fuluo: "I want to reconsider Mr. Lin's proposal, and I want to ask the team members what they mean. I wonder if Mr. Lin can wait for a few days?"

"of course can."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

"You're welcome, but I feel very lucky to be able to work under Ms. Fu. Ms. Fu respects the team members very much."

Fu Mingyu was noncommittal.

Lin Fuluo and Fu Mingyu said a few more polite words, and left soon, as if they really just came to invite Fu Mingyu to do a task.

After Lin Fuluo left, Fu Mingyu returned home. On the sofa at home, Father Fu and Qin Shuyue were sitting there talking happily.

"Xiaoyu, you're back."

Fu Mingyu ignored Qin Shuyue and nodded to Father Fu: "Well, I just came back."

"Then did you see the gentleman waiting at the door?"

"You mean Mr. Lin? Oh, I've already seen him, and I've promised him to take over his mission."

Fu Mingyu was talking casually, and just as he finished speaking, Qin Shuyue's voice sounded: "Ayu, you can't promise him!"

Fu Mingyu paused, and looked at Qin Shuyue with a half-smile: "Why?"

"Because..." After a long pause, Qin Shuyue couldn't come up with a good excuse. He didn't know whether he should tell her the truth. He was afraid that once he said that Lin Fuluo found her because of him, she would break up with him. Boundary, far away from him.

Fu Mingyu got impatient with waiting, and waved to him: "There's no need to explain, I know." Fu Mingyu went straight back to her room.

"Ayu..." Before Qin Shuyue could say anything, he was interrupted. Looking at the closed door, Qin Shuyue felt a burst of loss in his heart. He always felt as if something had slipped away from his eyes, and he was about to lose his grip. it's gone.

Back in the room, Fu Mingyu was not as calm as she appeared outside. At this time, Fu Mingyu leaned against the door and gradually slid to the ground, with her arms around her knees, looking extremely fragile.

Lying beside Fu Mingyu, Yun Chaojin looked at such an extremely fragile heroine, and didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only quietly stay by her side, praying that she could get through this test as soon as possible.

Fu Mingyu really moved her heart towards Lin Fuluo, but faced with her sincerity being let down, no matter how magnanimous Fu Mingyu is, she will never make the same mistake again. Sooner or later, she will get out of that relationship, and then start her new future.

It's just a matter of time.

Early the next morning, when Fu Mingyu and the others were eating breakfast, Lin Fuluo came over.

"Mr. Lin, why are you here so early?" Father Fu looked at Lin Fuluo in surprise, "Mr. Lin came so early, maybe he hasn't had breakfast yet? If you don't mind, Mr. Lin can have dinner with us of."

"I," Lin Fuluo just wanted to say that he had eaten, but when he saw Fu Mingyu who was concentrating on eating, he immediately changed his mind, nodded politely to Fu's father, and smiled, "I'm sorry."

Father Fu immediately turned to talk to Liang Zhen: "Liang Zhen, please go and get a pair of bowls and chopsticks for Mr. Lin."

Liang Zhen stood up unhappily: "Oh, I'll go." Long before, Qin Shuyue told them to listen to Fu Mingyu and Fu's father, and to guard against Lin Fuluo. Qin Shuyue was his savior, so he had to listen. What he said, but now Fu Fu asked him to get the bowls and chopsticks for Lin Fuluo. He didn't want to go, but he had to listen to Fu Fu's words.

Alas, I am so anxious to death!
Lin Fuluo specially chose to sit opposite Fu Mingyu, just next to Yun Chaojin, seeing Yun Chaojin, Lin Fuluo smiled at her, and when Liang Zhen took the time to bring the bowls and chopsticks, Fu Mingyu had just finished her breakfast.

As soon as Fu Mingyu looked up, she saw Lin Fuluo sitting opposite her, and smiled politely at him: "Mr. Lin, I've already finished eating, please take it easy. As for the task, we can discuss it later."

Lin Fuluo: "..." Is it too late for him to say that he has already had breakfast?

Obviously, Lin Fuluo knew that he couldn't afford to lose this person, so he smiled at Fu Mingyu: "Okay."

Fu Mingyu immediately left the dining table and sat down on the sofa.

Father Fu served Lin Fuluo a bowl of porridge slowly, and said enthusiastically, "Mr. Lin, you're welcome, just eat."

Looking at the big bowl of porridge in front of him, Lin Fuluo was in a very complicated mood, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes: "Okay, thank you, Mr. Fu."

Inadvertently turning her head to look at Fu Mingyu at the dining table, just in time to see the helplessness flashing in Lin Fuluo's eyes, she was slightly stunned, she had never seen him like this before.

(End of this chapter)

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