I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 121 The End Times

Chapter 121 The Last Days in Progress ([-])

Just as Yun Zhaojin put the things into the space, the mysterious voice suddenly came out from the laboratory.

"I just said why there is one person missing, so it turned out to be here. Yo, there is also a cute kitten."

The voice seemed to come from nearby, Yun Chaojin and Lin Fuluo looked around vigilantly, and a figure appeared outside the door of the laboratory.

The man has a handsome face, with a mysterious arc on the corner of his mouth, he looks like a normal human being.

Of course, it just looks like it.When the man approached, Yun Chaojin and Lin Fuluo both noticed that the man's pupils were different from normal people.His pupils are dark red.

Lin Fuluo's pupils shrank sharply, Yun Chaojin didn't react too much, but thought of a plot that seemed to be related to this.

In the later stage of the plot, in order to develop serum to inhibit the zombie virus, human beings sent a large number of people to catch the zombie king. Only the blood of the zombie king can develop the anti-venom serum.

It's just that the Zombie King is so easy to catch.Just like supernatural beings can advance, zombies can also be advanced. After advanced, the strength of zombies is not inferior to that of supernatural beings of the same level. No matter how powerful a zombie is, it can only control zombies of a lower level than itself. The Zombie King, on the other hand, is the existence that can control all zombies without advancing.

Not only is the Zombie King higher than ordinary zombies in terms of blood, but the Zombie King also possesses wisdom that ordinary zombies do not have. Not only that, but the appearance of the Zombie King is the same as that of normal humans except for the red eyes.

Therefore, since the Zombie King can control other zombies, humans couldn't catch the Zombie King at first.Later, Fu Mingyu and Qin Shuyue happened to be looking for something, and that thing was with the Zombie King, so they led a team to exterminate the Zombie King, completing this huge task for mankind.

At this time, the one they met seems to be the Zombie King in the plot. Looking at the Zombie King's current state, his strength does not seem to be as strong as in the plot.

Yun Zhaojin estimated in his heart how likely he would be to win if a fight broke out later.

She is not weak now, and she has the ultimate villain beside her, so this battle should be able to win.

Yun Chaojin was still thinking about the problem, Lin Fuluo had already taken the lead, and the arc of the Zombie King's mouth widened, as if he was not at all worried about whether he would lose.

On one side, Yun Chaojin and Lin Fuluo were fighting against the Zombie King, while on the other side, Fu Mingyu, Qin Shuyue and others were still struggling to kill the zombies.The longer time passed, the more restless Fu Mingyu became. Not a while after Lin Fuluo left, she was worried about Lin Fuluo's current situation.

No matter how much she hated Lin Fuluo in her heart, Fu Mingyu couldn't deny it. She was really worried about Lin Fuluo's safety. She didn't want Lin Fuluo to get hurt, at least she didn't want him to get hurt at this moment.

Thinking about it this way, Fu Mingyu was a little absent-minded when facing the zombies. Fortunately, the number of zombies is decreasing now, otherwise Fu Mingyu would definitely be injured according to his current state.

Before a few people noticed, the zombies had stopped rushing forward to die. The zombies seemed to have been killed. Finally, there were no zombies in the laboratory.

After killing the last zombie, they stopped attacking. Liang Zhen wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with emotion: "It's finally solved. Hey, is the five hours we bet on before up?"

Gu Yu spoke up from the side: "It doesn't seem like it is, it's only been four hours, logically speaking, there is still an hour to go."

"That's strange, hey, where is Mr. Lin?" Liang Zhen looked at the people in the team thoughtfully, but unexpectedly found that Lin Fuluo was missing.

None of the three who knew the truth spoke.Fu Mingyu couldn't say it, Qin Shuyue didn't want to, as for Fu Mingxue, she simply didn't want to answer Liang Zhen's question.

Fu Mingyu frowned and thought for a while, then looked up at Liang Zhen and the others: "Mr. Lin left alone to find the way. Now that we are safe, why don't we find Mr. Lin and leave together."

Before the others answered, Fu Mingxue sneered at her twice. It was the first time that she was so disrespectful to Fu Mingyu in front of others, and she no longer even maintained her superficial harmony.

"Fu Mingyu, you are so hypocritical. Let me tell you, if something happens to Mr. Lin today, then I will never let you go in my life." After finishing speaking, Fu Mingxue no longer cared about the expressions of other people. Straight away.

The other two looked at Fu Mingxue who was leaving, and then at Fu Mingyu who did not refute. Liang Zhen and Gu Yu looked at each other in blank dismay.What exactly is going on?

Fu Mingyu didn't explain, but glanced at Qin Shuyue indifferently: "I'm going to find Mr. Lin first." Then he turned and left first.

Qin Shuyue who was behind was frightened by the look she gave, and panicked inexplicably. He didn't care about the two people who didn't know anything, and hurriedly followed Fu Mingyu's pace: "Ayu, wait for me, you and I go together."

Immediately, only Liang Zhen and Gu Yu were left in the laboratory. They looked at each other and quickly followed behind Qin Shuyue.

"Hey, boss, wait for us."

Fu Mingxue searched aimlessly in the building. While looking for Lin Fuluo, she shouted his name loudly. Fu Mingyu quickly followed the voice to find Fu Mingxue.Fu Mingxue gave her a sideways glance, but didn't take the initiative to talk to her.

Maybe it's the effect of the protagonist's halo, obviously Fu Mingxue checked the surrounding area and found nothing unusual, but Fu Mingyu just casually touched the wall, a voice sounded, and a moment later, a secret passage appeared not far from the two of them .

Fu Mingxue looked at Fu Mingyu jealously, and walked over first. Fu Mingyu was also stunned, and lowered her head to carefully look at her hand that accidentally opened the mechanism just now.

How lucky is she?
Before Fu Mingyu could think about it further, Fu Mingyu had already walked into the secret passage quickly.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Fu Mingxue and Fu Mingyu reached the end of the secret passage, and another gate stood in front of them.

Fu Mingxue looked at Fu Mingyu, not counting on her luck to find the entrance by mistake again, so she started looking for it by herself, and Fu Mingyu also started looking for the mechanism of the entrance everywhere.


Fu Mingyu froze, her hands froze, as if she had bumped into something just now.

Suddenly, there was another voice in the secret passage, and the door of the secret passage opened again.

Fu Mingxue looked at Fu Mingyu inquiringly, wanting to know why she was so lucky, but before Fu Mingxue could research anything, the secret passage opened attracted her attention.

(End of this chapter)

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