I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 125 The End Times

Chapter 125 The Last Days in Progress ([-])

The team was quickly selected, and there were a total of 30 people, [-] of whom were sent directly to the Antarctic by plane by the base.

Outside, Qin Shuyue made no secret of his intimacy with Fu Mingyu, he just wanted everyone to know that Fu Mingyu was his, especially to let Lin Fuluo realize the reality clearly.

On this Antarctic trip, Fu Mingxue also followed. It was Fu Mingyu and Qin Shuyue who used some tricks to get her into the team, and Yun Chaojin also came with Fu Mingyu.

The final decisive battle is about to begin, how could she not be there.

A group of people arrived at the South Pole relatively early. As soon as they arrived at the South Pole, everyone felt as if they had come to the wrong place.The Antarctic, which should have been barren and extremely cold, is now full of singing birds and fragrant flowers, full of spring, which completely stunned everyone.

Obviously, according to the time, Antarctica should be in the southern hemisphere winter, but the scene presented in front of everyone was completely unexpected, and it did not conform to common sense at all.

But yes, it is the end of the world now, so there is no common sense at all.

The beautiful scenery made everyone relax their vigilance unconsciously. Fu Mingyu and the others were indeed still tense. There are unusual things everywhere here, and there must be many dangers hidden in the dark. How can they be taken lightly.

Everyone had no means of transportation, and kept walking in one direction. After walking for several days, they still found nothing.

"Hey, let me say, what on earth are we going to do here? It's been several days, and there's still nothing. Could it be that the news is a lie?"

Before this group of people came here, they knew the mission they came here this time, and they wanted to take it seriously, but after several days, they still found nothing, and finally someone couldn't help it Yes, complained loudly.

"Yeah, it's been so many days..."

"This is the rumor made by that grandson? Go back and see that I didn't kill him, and I actually spread this kind of rumor."

One person opened his mouth, and the others expressed their opinions, and everyone became more and more dissatisfied.

When everyone started to quarrel, Fu Mingyu suddenly heard something, but the sound was too small, too short, and the place was too noisy, so Fu Mingyu couldn't hear clearly at all, and the sound disappeared.

It's just that Yun Zhaojin's voice suddenly came from his mind.

"There's something 50 meters ahead of you."

Fu Mingyu looked ahead vigilantly, and Qin Shuyue next to her asked her suspiciously, "Ayu, what's wrong?"

Fu Mingyu didn't hide anything and told him the news.Qin Shuyue couldn't help frowning, he didn't know what Yun Chaojin was, but he knew that Yun Chaojin was very different, she seemed to have a lot of power, she wouldn't lie about this kind of thing, so tell Fu Mingyu now , most likely true.

Well, this situation is not so good, after all, they still don't know what is in front of them.

Before Qin Shuyue could think again, a voice had already appeared.

It's a bunch of zombies.

Everyone's expressions were a little surprised.

"Isn't this the Antarctic? How can there be zombies?" This sentence asked everyone's heart.

When everyone saw the zombies, they quickly adjusted to the challenge mode.

When the zombies came, everyone found out that they were just a group of low-level zombies. What's going on?But before everyone could react, another group of zombies rushed over.

This group of zombies was a little stronger than the first wave of zombies. It took a little effort for everyone to solve the trouble. Maybe they sensed that something was wrong in front of them. After discussing for a while, they decided to move on.

Gradually, everyone found that the zombies attacking them were getting stronger and stronger, and soon, they could hardly handle it anymore. Many people had already been infected by the zombie virus, and the number of people left in the team became less and less.

He was still supporting Fu Mingxue, but at this moment he had evil thoughts.

She looked around and found that Fu Mingyu was concentrating on dealing with the zombies alone, and a thought suddenly came to her mind, if she went to assassinate Fu Mingyu now, would she succeed?

As soon as the idea came up, Fu Mingxue felt her heart beat faster and her breathing became short. This is really an attractive idea.

Fu Mingxue approached Fu Mingyu calmly, and finally got behind Fu Mingyu, ready to slap Fu Mingyu behind her back when no one noticed.

What she didn't know was that Fu Mingyu noticed her when she started approaching her purposefully, and was full of guard against her.With preparation, Fu Mingxue's calculations were not successful at all. On the contrary, Fu Mingyu continued to plan and let Fu Mingxue suffer the consequences.

Fu Mingxue was bitten by a zombie.

Fu Mingxue didn't expect such a result at all. When bitten by a zombie, she let out a shrill scream, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Fu Mingyu stood not far from Fu Mingxue, looking down at her. Others couldn't see her, but Fu Mingxue could clearly see the disdain and contempt in Fu Mingyu's eyes, as if she was mocking her overreaching herself.

Fu Mingxue was immediately stimulated, and while she was still conscious, she screamed and rushed towards Fu Mingyu.

"Fu Mingyu, how could you avoid it! Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

Regardless of everyone's surprised expressions, Fu Mingyu quickly raised her hand to deal with Fu Mingxue. Fu Mingxue was unprepared and fell to the ground, dying with regret.

The rest of the people were frightened by Fu Mingyu's actions. When Fu Mingyu finished solving and looked at them, they couldn't help but take a step back.

Fu Mingyu was not interested in these people, and glanced at these theatergoers, and when she saw Lin Fuluo, she smiled at him, Lin Fuluo looked back at her obviously very surprised.

"Since this has been resolved, let's go on." Qin Shuyue stood up and proposed.

The crowd joined in.

They were really frightened by Fu Mingyu just now. Even if they knew that Fu Mingxue turned into a zombie because she wanted to harm her, they couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion when they saw that Fu Mingyu dealt with Fu Mingxue who hadn't fully transformed without changing her face. palpitations.

This girl is really frighteningly tight-natured.

After walking for about two days, everyone found the survey base in Antarctica, but the base was deserted.

Maybe the zombies who attacked them before were from the Antarctic base.

At night, everyone fell into sleep, and even the few people who were watching the night were drowsy.

A burst of fragrance drifted into the base along the slight wind, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance.

Everyone could not help but sleep more deeply.

No one noticed that a large pit suddenly appeared somewhere in the base, and many black shadows crawled out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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