I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 128 The End Times

Chapter 128 The End Times (23)
Everything was like a dream. Before Fu Mingyu could react, everything was over.

They escaped from that underground base, but only nine escaped in the end, and Lin Fuluo was not among them.The underground base was destroyed, and Dr. Li and his experimental subjects were left in the base.

The cause of the outbreak in the last days was made public. After research, human beings have also developed an antidote to suppress the zombie virus. Everything is developing in a good place.

As soon as he returned to the capital base, Qin Shuyue proposed to Fu Mingyu, and unexpectedly, Fu Mingyu agreed.

The two eventually came together.

As for the trip to the South Pole, it was buried in the hearts of all those who knew it. No one else knew what happened in the underground base, why they were able to escape in the end, and why Lin Fuluo could not escape in the end.

Things go back to that day.

Dr. Li still came to the room on time, but as soon as he entered the room, someone kidnapped Dr. Li, and someone went to deal with the zombies. Everything was caught off guard.

Dr. Li only brought two zombies over. Even though the zombies were of a high level, they still lost to Qin Shuyue and the others, and the zombies were quickly dealt with.

Dr. Li didn't resist at all, and was held hostage by the two arms, seeing the green light in the eyes of the highly combative people.

Qin Shuyue was not used to being looked at by him like this, so he frowned and walked in front of him: "Dr. Li, I'm going to take you out of here now, everything you do will be known by the world, and you will be judged by everyone. You will pay for everything you have done."

Listening to Qin Shuyue's righteous words, Dr. Li withdrew his fiery eyes and smiled at Qin Shuyue.His smile immediately gave Qin Shuyue an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, before everyone could react, they found that the two people who were holding Dr. Li had turned into zombies, and the zombies rushed towards the others.

Soon someone swiftly took care of the two zombies. Everyone looked at Dr. Li vigilantly. Dr. Li had regained his freedom at this moment. He was standing not far from everyone, rubbing his arms with a faint smile. It seemed that he was quite weak, but no matter how harmless he looked, no one dared to catch him again.

Didn't you see that the two who lived with him just now turned into zombies in an instant?With the lessons learned from the past, who would dare to act rashly.

"Don't be so nervous." Dr. Li came over to comfort them instead.

"How did you do it?" Qin Shuyue stared at him vigilantly.

"As a qualified researcher, of course I have to transform myself, you say, don't you?"

As soon as he said this, everyone couldn't help but gasp. This man is really a lunatic. He not only uses others to conduct experiments, but also conducts experiments on himself.

Dr. Li was not surprised by their reaction at all, he still kept a smile and said, "So, you must not touch me, or you will become zombies."

Qin Shuyue's face was ashen at this time, he never thought that things would have such a big turning point, God is too good at torturing people.

The previous plan of everyone was to find a way to control Dr. Li first, and then get rid of the zombies he kept, and make public his private experiments with living people, so that he will be punished.It's just that everyone didn't expect that Dr. Li actually used himself to conduct experiments, and now everyone not only can't control him, but is also threatened by him in turn.

Now that it's over, they won't be able to escape.

Dr. Li looked at everyone provocatively: "How about it, do you still want to leave here? You can leave if you want, I will block the door here, if you want to come, come here."

Everyone gritted their teeth in hatred.Some people did not believe in evil and used their supernatural powers to attack Dr. Li, but found that no matter how they attacked, they couldn't hurt him, as if there was a barrier protecting him.

Seeing this situation, Fu Mingyu couldn't help frowning.

If they wanted to go out, they had to pass by Dr. Li, but Dr. Li was carrying a zombie virus, and once they got to him, they would definitely be infected with the virus.Now it's a dilemma.

Yun Chaojin looked at the current situation in Fu Mingyu's space, and didn't know what to do.The scene suddenly froze, and the atmosphere was a little delicate.

But what happened next happened suddenly.

No one knew how the scuffle started, but when people noticed it, someone had already been turned into a zombie again.

Human nature is selfish, everyone wants to escape from here, but they don't want to sacrifice themselves, so some people think of scapegoats, they don't want to become zombies themselves, but they can push the scapegoats out when others are not paying attention, They use scapegoats to deal with Dr. Lee, while they look for opportunities to escape.

Originally locked together in the room, more than 20 people who were still united suddenly left their hearts. Some people were pushed out and turned into zombies. The scene was chaotic for a while.

Fu Mingyu originally mixed with Qin Shuyue in the crowd and used supernatural powers to protect himself, but when he saw Lin Fuluo not far away who also used supernatural powers to protect himself, Fu Mingyu didn't know what was going on with him, and suddenly a dark thought came to his mind.

If Lin Fuluo accidentally turned into a zombie in this melee...

When the thought came together, Fu Mingyu was frightened. She shook her head vigorously, trying to get this thought out of her mind, but the more she tried to ignore it, the clearer the thought became in her mind.

Kill him, kill Lin Fuluo, as long as you kill him, won't you avenge your previous life?As long as Lin Fuluo is killed, everything in the previous life can be forgotten.Kill him, kill Lin Fuluo.

The thoughts became clearer and clearer, and there was a voice in her head constantly instigating Fu Mingyu. Fu Mingyu felt that her mind was becoming more and more drowsy. When Fu Mingyu woke up completely, Fu Mingyu saw her hands stretched forward, as if there was something Things have happened, something can never be undone.

Fu Mingyu looked in the direction where she stretched out her hand. She pushed Lin Fuluo into the zombies, and fell right in front of a zombie. When the zombie sensed that someone was in front of him, it quickly reached out and grabbed Lin Fuluo with no teeth. Bite him mercilessly.

Do not!
Fu Mingyu was stunned, and looked at Lin Fuluo who was being bitten by zombies in disbelief.he died?Did he really, just die?

Fu Mingyu suddenly remembered the expression on Lin Fuluo's face when she came back to look at Lin Fuluo who was pushed out just now. Lin Fuluo was smiling.

There was relief, relief, and a little yearning in that smile.

(End of this chapter)

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