I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 130 Biography of the Rise of the Double

Chapter 130 The Rise of the Double ([-])

In the winding alley, a carriage was driving slowly.After a while, the carriage stopped at the end of the alley, and the driver got off the carriage and stood aside waiting for the people in the carriage.

The dark purple carriage curtain was opened by a white and slender hand, revealing the incomparably handsome face of the man inside. The man got off the carriage, stood in front of a wooden door, and knocked the door himself.

After a while, the wooden door was opened.A girl in a peach-colored skirt came out from inside, bent over to the man, with a respectful attitude: "My lord, please go over and talk about it."

"Please lead the way." The young master's voice is as clear as a spring, and it is the same as the young master's appearance, which makes people feel good.

The girl went straight to the study with the young master.

"Your Excellency is waiting for Young Master in the study."

"Thank you."

The girl in the peach-colored dress stepped back, and the young master pushed open the delicate wooden door and stepped in.

After about an hour, the young master came out from inside, and the girl in the peach-colored skirt stepped forward again, leading the young master away from here.

"Yuebai, help me arrange an identity, I want to enter the palace." A pleasant female voice sounded from the study.


In the resplendent and resplendent hall, the young and handsome emperor sat at the head, looking down at the various girls standing in several rows in the center of the hall, the emotions in his eyes were complicated, the meaning was unclear, and it was impossible to see through.

Someone next to him said, "Your Majesty, all the girls participating in this year's draft are here."

The emperor sat lazily at the top, flipped through the roster, and said casually: "I remember, Cheng Aiqing seems to have sent someone to the palace this year, what's his name?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the beautiful girl sent in by Master Cheng is named Cheng Chuxun."

"Cheng Chuxun?" The emperor put down the roster and looked at the beautiful girls, "Who is Cheng Chuxun? Stand up for me."

The show girl below still stood upright without any movement.

The emperor squinted at the father-in-law next to him, and said inexplicably, "Dequan, didn't you just say that someone from the Cheng family is here? Why haven't I seen anyone so far?"

Dequan, who was standing beside the emperor, panicked for a moment, bent down and replied respectfully: "Return to Your Majesty, I don't know what's going on, why don't I go and investigate?"

The emperor leaned on his seat and looked down at the beautiful ladies standing in the hall. His long and dense eyelashes covered the expression in his eyes, but his face was still calm, and he replied lightly: "En."

After receiving the order, Dequan left to ask other people, and after a while, he got the news he wanted, and came back to tell the emperor: "Return to Your Majesty, Miss Cheng's family has accidentally fallen ill these two days, her body is weak, and she cannot see Your Majesty." I couldn't help but feel sorry for the Miss Cheng's who didn't come to the draft. I've heard that Miss Cheng's looks are peerless and her color is gorgeous. Such a good color will definitely occupy a place in the palace. But at this important moment, Cheng Miss Jia is actually absent, no matter how peerless her appearance is, the emperor will not have a good impression of her.

What's more, this Miss Cheng family is still from that Cheng family.

Sure enough, after listening to Dequan's answer, the emperor had a sarcastic smile on his face: "Really? If that's the case, then let's cancel Miss Cheng's qualifications for the draft and let Miss Cheng take a good rest." Bar."

In one sentence, Cheng Chuxun's fate for the next few days was decided.Dequan listened on the sidelines, only having the feeling that it really was so.

Next, the emperor randomly sealed a few beauties, and the rest who were not selected were left in the palace as maids.

At this time, in the Xiunu Palace, Cheng Chuxun, who had been disqualified as a Xiunu, looked sick. Cheng Chuxun was sitting in his room, eating and drinking well, and in front of her, a man in palace attire Mammy was saying something earnestly.

"Miss, if you don't participate in the draft this time, His Majesty will definitely be very angry. If you are found out by the time, your lord will definitely criticize you again."

"It's okay, Nanny, don't worry so much." Cheng Chuxun said indifferently, thinking to himself, it would be better if she couldn't be selected, she didn't want to enter the palace at all, if it wasn't for her master Cheng insisting on her, She didn't want to step into the palace at all.

"Oh." Mammy sighed again.

"Oh, by the way, I remembered. Do you know which palace A Jin is from? I'm going to play with her." Cheng Chuxun casually patted the pastry crumbs on his hand and asked the nanny.A Jin's full name is Yun Chaojin, and Cheng Chuxun met him by accident after entering the palace, and the two hit it off very well.

The nanny frowned and persuaded: "Miss, people in the palace had better not believe it casually. After all, you know what you know but don't know what you mean. Miss is innocent by nature and can be easily deceived."

No matter how reasonable what Mammy said, Cheng Chuxun always had a look of smirk, there was really no way, so Mammy had no choice but to comply with Cheng Chuxun's request.

"Okay, the old slave is going to inquire for the young lady. The young lady is here waiting for the old servant to come back. Now that His Majesty is drafting, it is best for the young lady not to go out. It would be bad if she offends His Majesty." Mammy told her as she spoke. Cheng Chuxun.

Cheng Chuxun nodded in a good mood: "Okay, I must listen to Mammy and not run outside, okay?"

Mammy sighed and walked outside.She watched the young lady grow up and saw the young lady as her own granddaughter. Before Mr. Cheng wanted the young lady to enter the palace, she was really worried that the young lady would not adapt to the palace and be bullied, so she invited the young lady to enter the palace together.Looking at the young lady's current state, she really guessed well, the young lady's character is not suitable for the palace, if the young lady is left alone in the palace, the young lady will definitely be wronged.

Presumably the adults also know this, but why is he still insisting on letting the young lady enter the palace?Mammy thought about these things in her heart, but she quickly gave up because she couldn't figure it out.

After the nanny left, Cheng Chuxun stayed in the room obediently at first, and waited for a while alone, but the nanny still didn't come back, and Cheng Chuxun couldn't sit still.She wandered around the room first, then opened the door, quietly observed the outside for a while, but found nothing.

Cheng Chuxun's courage gradually grew, and he ran out of the Xiunu Palace in a flash.

When Mammy came back with Yun Chaojin, she found that Cheng Chuxun was no longer in the room.Mammy was a little flustered. When she came back, she heard that His Majesty's draft had just ended, and her own lady had been disqualified from the draft. The lady who was disqualified from the draft had only two destinations. One was to leave the palace, and the other was to stay in The palace, no matter which one you choose, you will not be able to run around in the palace in the future.

Yun Zhaojin naturally saw how anxious Mammy was, and comforted Mammy, "Don't worry, Mammy, maybe Miss Cheng is still in Xiunu Palace, why don't we go find Miss Cheng first, and discuss the rest after we find Miss Cheng. .”

(End of this chapter)

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