I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 137 Biography of the Rise of the Double

Chapter 137
Until the day Cheng Chuxun entered the palace, Cheng Qiujin never came back.

It has to be said that Cheng Chuxun's disappointment cannot be concealed. Is it true that he can't come back, or is he not even willing to put on a show?

Entering the palace through the side door, Cheng Chuxun followed the maids who met her and went to her residence first, five maids lived in one room, when Cheng Chuxun went, the other four happened to be in the room, Cheng Chuxun Xun was surprised to find that Yun Chaojin was also among them.

After meeting her future roommate, the court lady asked Yun Chaojin to take Cheng Chuxun to see where she will work in the future. Only then did Cheng Chuxun realize that her job was still the same as Yun Chaojin's.

They really have a close relationship.

In this completely unfamiliar imperial palace, to have such a confidant with deep fate, Cheng Chuxun finally dissipated a little of the depression and sadness in Cheng Qiu's heart because Cheng Qiu couldn't come to see her off.

Yun Chaojin was ordered to take Cheng Chuxun to the imperial dining room.Although Huangfuan promised to let Cheng Chuxun enter the palace to be a court lady, it is not that he does not understand Cheng Qiujin's meaning, so he will definitely not let Cheng Chuxun do such a hard and tiring job. The high-risk occupation of the maids, and the rest of the maids, only the imperial dining room has the easiest job.

In fact, what Huangfu An wants most is to keep Cheng Chuxun by his side as a personal servant girl, but he still doesn't know what Cheng Qiujin's intention is to send Cheng Chuxun to the palace. Chu Xun hangs out for a while to see if she has any strange behaviors.

If not, then he will easily transfer Cheng Chuxun to his side, and after eradicating Cheng Qiujin's power, marry her as his concubine, but if she and Cheng Qiujin are planning something, then don't blame him for being rude , he will first eradicate Cheng Qiujin's influence, and then imprison her by his side forever.He is such a domineering person, what he wants, he will do everything possible to hold it in his hands.

In this way, Cheng Chuxun's life in the palace began.

I have to get up before dawn in the morning and go to the imperial dining room to help. I can take a short rest after everyone in the palace has finished eating, so I have time to have a simple breakfast. When it is near noon, the imperial dining room is busy again. Rest for a while in the afternoon, and the same is true at night, and wait until the willow branches are on the moon before going back to rest.Sometimes when I am on night shift, I don’t even have time to rest at night, so I can only go back to rest in the morning the next day.

After only two days, Cheng Chuxun was already exhausted.Now she misses her life in Cheng's mansion very much in her heart. Apart from eating and playing all day long, she doesn't have to do anything, which is many times better than the current busy life.

But thinking of the agreement between her and Cheng Qiujin, Cheng Chuxun wanted to cry, she really didn't want to stay in the palace anymore, could she go back to Cheng's mansion, even if Cheng Qiujin wanted to give up on her, she would definitely not do it again Go to the palace to be a maid.

When Cheng Chuxun was sleeping soundly at night, all her words and deeds for the day were recorded in a book and sent to Huangfu'an.

Flipping through the booklet, Huangfu'an unconsciously thought of the picture of a beautiful woman swinging on a swing that he saw in the palace that day, and felt a throbbing in his heart. Now he really wanted to put Cheng Chuxun by his side right away, but...

As soon as he thought of Cheng Qiujin, Huangfu An immediately stopped the thought, wait, wait for a while, let's see again.

To help in the imperial dining room, sometimes you need to deliver things to the masters in the palace, no, now Cheng Chuxun is going to deliver the bird's nest she wants to Concubine Rou.

Speaking of which, Huangfu'an is still very clean and self-respecting. In the three years since he took the throne, the harem has been vacant, and the ministers of the court have played several times. He only held a draft this year. Even if it was a draft, Huangfu'an only selected a few people. A lady from an official family with a strong background entered the palace and was granted her position.

And now the concubine Cheng Chuxun is going to deliver the bird's nest is one of them.Concubine Rou's full name is Lian Yuerou, she is the only concubine daughter of General Zhen Guo's mansion, General Zhen Guo holds a heavy army, Huang Fu'an has no choice but to win him over, so even if General Lian doesn't want to send his daughter into the palace, but Under the threat of imperial decree, she had to send her daughter to the palace.

These are not the most important, the most important thing is that this concubine is the beauty in red who was drafted together with Cheng Chuxun, and Cheng Chuxun was not pleasing to the eyes everywhere.However, Cheng Chuxun had a big heart, she had already forgotten about this matter, but she didn't know if Concubine Rou still remembered it.

When they arrived at the destination, the palace servants saw that it was from the imperial dining room, so they let Cheng Chuxun go in.Cheng Chuxun came to the main hall and knelt in the center of the main hall with his head down all the time: "Tell me, the bird's nest you want is ready."

Lian Yuerou, who was at the top, opened her eyes wide in surprise when Cheng Chuxun first came in. After Cheng Chuxun finished speaking, Lian Yuerou said, "Ah, isn't this Miss Cheng from the Cheng family? Miss Cheng How did you end up in this situation?" He turned a deaf ear to what Cheng Chuxun said just now.

Cheng Chuxun still didn't raise his head, and said respectfully again: "I tell my mother that the bird's nest that my mother wants is ready, and please accept it. The servant girl needs to go back quickly." She also heard the voice of the concubine Rou, thinking of her Who is it, now Rou Concubine wants to trouble her, she has no backer for the time being, she doesn't want to confront Rou Concubine directly, she still understands the reason why a man who knows current affairs is a hero.

After hearing Cheng Chuxun's answer, Lian Yuerou snorted unhappily, winked at the maid beside her, and slightly curled her lips: "Cheng Chuxun, as a court lady, committed the following crime and slapped ten times." Slap." As soon as the words fell, two strong nuns stepped forward and held Cheng Chuxun hostage, and the court lady who had just winked at Yuerou walked up to Cheng Chuxun, raised her hand and shook ten of them without hesitation. Slap the past.

Before Cheng Chuxun could react, both sides of his face were already swollen, and his heart was filled with anger. Cheng Chuxun tried to break free from the restraint, but he still couldn't break free. He could only stare at Lian Yuerou fiercely.

Lian Yuerou was startled by her eyes, panicked in her heart, and then reacted, scolding herself in her heart, but was actually frightened by her eyes, Lian Yuerou couldn't help becoming a little annoyed, and raised her eyebrows: "Why, can't you do it? Do you still want to call back?"

Lian Yuerou originally thought that according to Cheng Chuxun's temperament, she would fight back, but she didn't know what Cheng Chuxun had thought of, Cheng Chuxun lowered his head and raised his eyebrows, and said softly: "Your Majesty punished her rightly, it was the servants who committed the crime."

Lian Yuerou was surprised for a moment, raised her hand to cover her mouth with a handkerchief, and said with a coquettish smile, "I didn't expect you to be quite enlightened. If that's the case, then I'll give you a few more slaps. What do you think?"

Cheng Chuxun was still not angry: "Your Majesty is right."

(End of this chapter)

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