I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 147 Biography of the Rise of the Double

Chapter 147

Cheng Chuxun hurriedly bowed gratefully to Dequan: "Thank you, father-in-law."

Dequan waved his hand quite indifferently: "It's okay, then please ask the first concubine to pack up your things and go to Guangyuan Palace, our family will go back and return first."

Cheng Chuxun made a bow to Dequan: "Eunuch, go slowly."

After Dequan left, several other girls in the same room looked at Cheng Chuxun with envy and jealousy. They were all in the same room, and they didn't usually see Cheng Chuxun communicating with the emperor. Why was she suddenly favored by the emperor without saying a word, and even named as the first concubine.

"Sister Cheng is really good at it, and she became the first concubine without saying a word." One of the girls finally couldn't help the jealousy in her heart, and she satirized Cheng Chuxun.

She thought that Cheng Chuxun would get angry or want to show off her current status, and then punish her, but to her surprise, Cheng Chuxun just gave her a faint look, then turned his head and went to find Yun Yun. Talk to Hibiscus.

"Ah Jin, would you like to accompany me to Guangyuan Palace?"

Although I was very surprised how things changed so quickly, Yun Chaojin was still looking towards Cheng Chuxun, and her purpose of entering the palace was to assist Cheng Chuxun, so Yun Chaojin nodded very straightforwardly: "Okay. "

After getting the expected answer, Cheng Chuxun showed a satisfied smile.

The news in the harem spread very fast. The imperial decree just issued in the morning, by the morning, almost everyone in the palace knew that His Majesty had appointed a new concubine.

After inquiring, everyone also knew that the first concubine's family belonged to the Cheng family, so everyone thought it was clear, no wonder he was favored by His Majesty, it turned out to be from the Cheng family.

Before the arrival of the new year, Cheng Chuxun officially became a member of the harem. Even though it was such a big event, Cheng Qiujin still didn't come over to take a look. Bring a letter.

The letter said that he was very satisfied to see that Cheng Chuxun could figure it out. It is not convenient for him to help her now, and no matter how long his hand is, he cannot reach the harem, so he has no way to help her. Everything in the future can only be simple. On her own, he will wait for the day when she makes achievements.

Cheng Chuxun, who received the letter at that time, was already the emperor's new favorite concubine. After reading the whole letter, Cheng Chuxun's face was always calm, and there was even a hint of a smile on her face when he looked closely. Unexpectedly, Cheng Chuxun at this time is no longer the girl who just entered the palace.

She has completed the first step of her plan, successfully becoming the emperor's favorite concubine, and the next step is to find a way to consolidate her position.

Maybe it's because the makeup on her face is too thick, the expression on her face can't be seen very clearly.At this moment, the expression on Cheng Chuxun's face was mysterious and his eyes were deep, making it impossible to guess what was going on in her heart.

"Knock down."

There was a knock on the door.

Cheng Chuxun didn't move, still sitting in front of the table, slowly put the letter into the envelope, and threw the letter into the burning brazier, with a calm expression: "Come in."

After getting permission, Yun Chaojin from outside pushed the door in. As soon as the door opened, a gust of cold wind rushed in along the crack of the door. The cold wind made people's minds clearer. After entering, Yun Chaojin hurriedly closed the door, and walked to In front of Cheng Chuxun, he lowered his head and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty just sent a message that he will not be here tonight."

Seeing that she was a familiar person, although Cheng Chuxun's expression did not change significantly, but the breath around her became softer, she gathered her cloak, walked to Yun Chaojin's side, and held her hand: "Isn't it early? I just said, don't be so polite when there are only two of us in the future?" She didn't care about what Yun Zhaojin said to her just now.

Until Cheng Chuxun was really nice to her, Yun Chaojin didn't treat her politely, and said helplessly: "Xiao Xun, I'm not afraid that if I develop a habit, what will happen if I get exposed in front of people in the future."

Speaking of this, Cheng Chuxun couldn't say anything about her. After all, she was only doing her best, so she couldn't blame him. "By the way, did you just say that His Majesty will not be here tonight?"

Yun Chaojin nodded: "Yes, I just received the news from His Majesty." In fact, Yun Chaojin didn't finish his sentence. Whenever His Majesty is not here, he will go to the palace of other concubines After all, he is the king of a country, no matter how much he likes Cheng Chuxun, it is impossible to spoil her alone, the emperor always wants rain and dew to share.

Yes, Huangfu An is actually the male supporting role in this world, he is still the same as in the original plot, he is attracted to Cheng Chuxun, but although he likes Cheng Chuxun, he can't give Cheng Chuxun the life he wants a couple.

And every time at this time, when other concubines in the palace saw this scene, they always secretly laughed at Cheng Chuxun, hoping that she would lose the emperor's favor and love one day, but how could Cheng Chuxun do what they wished.

Sure enough, when this thought flashed through Yun Zhaojin's mind, he heard Cheng Chuxun speak.

"Find an opportunity tomorrow to spread the news of my pregnancy."

What Cheng Chuxun said was calm and breezy, as if she didn't care at all about her being pregnant with someone else's child, Yun Zhaojin couldn't help but sigh in her heart, in fact, she still liked the former Cheng Chuxun more in her heart.In the past, Cheng Chuxun was innocent and thoughtful, but now, Cheng Chuxun only has power in his heart. She really regards what Cheng Qiujin told her as her life creed, and she will do everything for him to repay his kindness. He got the power he wanted.

"Your servant understands." Yun Zhaojin nodded in response.

"Yeah." Cheng Chuxun tiredly raised his hand and pressed his temple, trying to relax himself a bit, leaned on the recliner, closed his eyes and fell asleep, and said softly: "I have nothing to do now, you go down first."

Seeing the undisguised exhaustion on Cheng Chuxun's face, Yun Chaojin couldn't help but feel sorry for Cheng Chuxun again, but still didn't say anything: "The servant girl will leave first."

Yun Zhaojin left lightly, and soon there was only silence in the warm room.

The next day.

The news that the emperor stayed in Concubine Rou's Lianyuerou Palace quickly spread throughout the palace. Everyone in the palace watched the movement of Guangyuan Palace with the mentality of watching the show. The news of the pregnancy search spread.

On the other side, in Concubine Rou's palace.

"How could this happen!" Lian Yuerou threw the porcelain in the palace to the ground again, and stared at the porcelain on the ground with a ferocious expression, "How could she be pregnant?"

Lian Yuerou didn't want to believe this fact. Originally, she lost most of the emperor's favor after Cheng Chuxun became the first concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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