I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 159 My Ghost Lover

Chapter 159 My Ghost Lover ([-])
Although Yin Ruogui didn't care, Mo Nanqing was very angry when he found out. He quietly used his ability to punish those people who were rumored. Those people were punished. I don't know who did it, but they didn't dare to say it behind their backs. Yin Ruogui's bad words.

That's how it went.

Regarding this gathering, Yun Chaojin learned from the plot that this is an opportunity for Yin Ruogui to become a top celestial master.

Not long before the party was held, people from a certain sect accidentally discovered a thousand-year-old tomb, which is a rare treasure for heavenly masters, so those people concealed the discovery of the ancient tomb and planned to My own people go to the ancient tombs to hunt for treasures, and occupy those treasures privately.

But to those people's surprise, the ancient tomb was full of dangers, so no one who entered the ancient tomb came back. Even if some lucky people came back, they all became insane and talked nonsense all day long , behaved horribly, and then others discovered that the people who came out all died strangely within a few days.

The weirdness here does not mean that they died strangely, but that they all died in a very coincidental way, and all of them died in an accident.

Those people didn't notice anything at first, but after more coincidences, those people couldn't help but start to suspect. They found that everyone who went into the ancient tomb seemed to be under a curse, and the longer they went in, the sooner they died after coming out .

Discovering this phenomenon, those people couldn't help being horrified, and they dared not go in one by one, but they were reluctant to part with the treasures, so they took advantage of this gathering to tell the story, which is called sharing treasures, and jointly looking for a safe way to enter the ancient world. way of the tomb.

So many people discussed together for a few days, and they really came up with a way to get in. After fully preparing, a large group of people walked into the ancient tomb.Among them were Yin Ruogui and Mo Nanqing.

It's just that Yin Ruogui went with his master and senior brother as a genius celestial master, while Mo Nanqing secretly followed in the team.

The thousand-year-old tomb was full of dangers, and many people were lost in it. Under Mo Nanqing's protection, Yin Ruogui was safe and sound, and instead gained a lot of useful things.

Mo Nanqing recovered part of her memory in this ancient tomb, because this ancient tomb was once the domain of the Mu family thousands of years ago, and all members of the Mu family died strangely on the day Mo Nanqing died, so the Mu family This piece of land has become a ghost land.For several years, anyone who stepped into the area near Mu's house would be plagued by bad luck. Over time, the area around Mu's house became barren.

Until a long time later, a celestial master with profound Taoism passed by here. He sealed it up and let the Mu family sleep underground. At that time, Mo Nanqing had already left the Mu family, and he did not know where to practice.

The sealed Mu family did not make the curse lose its effect with the passage of time. After a thousand years, the Mu family became an ancient tomb, and anyone who entered the ancient tomb would be cursed.

But Mo Nanqing, as the caster of the curse, will not be affected by the curse, but will restore his memory because of this familiar environment.

After figuring this out, Yun Chaojin immediately decided to find a way to go with Mo Nanqing, and she had to tell Mu Weiluo the news, let her go too, and then see if she could let Mo Nanqing's memory go. All recovered, so that her mission is completed, and she can go to the next world to find Jun Beishu.

It’s just that as ghosts, unless they have profound skills, they can’t hide from the celestial master. Under normal circumstances, most of the ghosts that appear in front of the celestial master do not end well. However, only a small number are lucky enough to be sent into reincarnation.

Yin Ruogui had already set off for the round a few days ago, and Mo Nanqing still secretly followed Yin Ruogui as in the plot, because Yin Ruogui still refused to let her go, and Yun Chaojin followed Yin Ruogui secretly, because Mo Nanqing didn't want her to go there too, he wanted Yun Chaojin to help him manage his territory here.

Although what he said was like this, how could Yun Zhaojin obey him obediently? She is not really his subordinate, so of course she would not be so obedient.

The meeting place was on a mountain in a neighboring province. Yin Ruogui followed the address given by his senior brother to the foot of the mountain. Fu Li was talking to another woman in a conspicuous place. Seeing Yin Ruogui coming, Fu Li waved to Yin Ruogui: "Ruoruo, in here."

Yin Ruogui walked towards him.

"Senior Brother Fu, is this Junior Sister Yin?" The woman turned her head to look at Yin Ruogui and asked, Fu Li stepped forward, pointed at Yin Ruogui and said, "Sister Ye, let me introduce you, this is my Junior Sister, Yin Ruogui , Ruoruo, this is Senior Sister Ye."

Yin Ruogui looked at Senior Sister Ye with a twinkle in his eyes, and obediently called out, "Hi, Senior Sister Ye." This senior sister is so good-looking, and her demeanor is rare clean and cool, especially since she and her senior brother are in the same profession, the two of them definitely There will be a lot of common language, and seeing how the senior brother looks like, so he must have a good impression of Senior Sister Ye. If this is the case, maybe she will be able to have her senior brother's wedding wine soon.

"Junior Sister Yin, hello." Senior Sister Ye smiled at Yin Ruogui.

"Ruo Ruo, Master asked me to wait for you here. Since you are here, let's go to Master." Fu Li suggested, Yin Ruogui nodded: "Yes."

"Well, then we are about to go up the mountain. Is Junior Sister Ye with us?" Fu Li turned his head and asked Sister Ye politely. Senior Sister Ye smiled and nodded: "Of course."

So the three of them walked up the mountain. On the way, Yin Ruogui quietly lagged behind them a few steps. Seeing the two chattering and feasting in front of them, Yin Ruogui became more and more excited. Her senior brother and senior sister Ye seemed to have a crush on each other. It's just that Yin Ruogui couldn't help worrying about them after listening to the two people's unnutritive words. Oh, why didn't she know that senior brother was so reserved. The sweetheart has gone to another house, let you cry!

Yin Ruogui's heart was very rich, and the expression on his face couldn't help but change. At this time, Fu Li and Senior Sister Ye happened to turn their heads to look at Yin Ruogui, and what caught their eyes was Yin Ruogui's slightly ferocious expression.

Fu Li paused, and asked her suspiciously: "Ruoruo, are you okay?"

Yin Ruogui quickly restrained his expression, showing a smirk that he couldn't bear to look at: "Me? I'm fine. What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Fu Li gave her another strange look, and finally shook his head: "It's okay, don't lose track of me."


(End of this chapter)

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