I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 176 Love from Online Games

Chapter 176 Love in Online Games ([-])
Mission goal Passer A is Ren Lingxiao, who is also a well-known god in the world, but he happens to be overwhelmed by the hero He Lianyi in every aspect, which led to him being jokingly called "Ten Thousand Years Second" in the game .

Ren Lingxiao has almost nothing to do with Helian Yijiang Fuyu in the game, the only thing that can be related is probably that Ren Lingxiao has some relationship with Yunzhi.

Yunzhi is the female partner of this plane. She likes Helianyi, but Helianyi doesn't even know her real name. After Helianyi disclosed her relationship with Jiang Fuyu, Yunzhi finally seemed to be Was heartbroken and left this game.

Let’s go back to Ren Lingxiao. Ren Lingxiao and Yunzhi are good friends in the game, and his ID in the game is [Ren Gongzi]. According to Yun Chaojin’s speculation, she always feels that Ren Lingxiao actually likes Yunzhi, but For some reason, Ren Lingxiao left the game without saying a word, and no one knew his final outcome.

Therefore, Yun Chaojin felt that the mission this time was quite difficult. After watching all the plots, Yun Chaojin still didn't know much about the goal of this mission, because there were too few descriptions about him in the plot.

And what made Yun Chaojin collapse even more was herself. Yun Chaojin's identity this time is the younger sister of the female partner Yunzhi. Originally, there was no problem, but the key is that she is a vegetable and has been lying in bed for five years. In a vegetable state, the doctor has long asserted that she will never wake up in this life.

Even if Yun Zhaojin came to this world, it is no exception.

When Yun Zhaojin woke up, she found that she was locked in a dark and small space. She tried her best to get out, but she couldn't get out. She had no choice but to accept the plot first, and get to know it better. The situation is thinking about what to do.

Jiji and Yunzhi are biological sisters, the difference between the two is only three years, and the relationship between the two sisters is very good.But just five years ago, an accident happened, and the body became a vegetable ever since.

At that time, the two were shopping, but suddenly a truck crossed from the driveway to the sidewalk, and rushed towards Yun Zhi and Ji Ti.At that moment, both of them were petrified.

In the end, at the critical moment, it was Jito who came to his senses first, and pushed Yunzhi to the side with all his might, but he was knocked out by the truck.

When the host body was sent to the hospital, the whole person was almost out of breath, and was finally rescued, and the host body was sent to the intensive care unit. It was not until this time that Yunzhi realized that both Father Yun and Yunmu No one came over.

Yunzhi didn't know if they didn't know about it, so he called them, but to his surprise, Father Yun and Yunmu thought that the body was just scratched by a car, and it wasn't a big deal. He was busy with his own business, so he casually dealt with Yunzhi, gave Yunzhi some money, and asked Yunzhi to take good care of his body.

Yunzhi was very disappointed with her parents at that time, but what made her even more disappointed was that, on the night after the operation of the body, before the dangerous period of the body passed, something happened again, and the body needed to go into the operating room again.However, there is a rule in the hospital that if you want to have an operation, you must pay the fee first, except for those who were transported back from the outside before being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Yun Zhi hurriedly called Father Yun and Yun Mu, but they just invested all their funds in the company at that time, so they couldn't raise any money for a while, and later they still had to send the body to the hospital and it would be really hopeless. The hospital had no choice but to let go of the regulations to treat the parasite first.

Unfortunately, it was too late by then.

The condition of the host body deteriorated. Even after rescue, the host body failed to wake up, but fell into a deep sleep and became a vegetable.

Yunzhi couldn't accept this fact, and attributed all this to the fault of Yunfu and Yunmu. She thought that if it wasn't for Yunfu and Yunmu not knowing the news of the host body in time, if it wasn't because Yun father and Yunmu didn't care enough about the host body, the host body would It won't be what it is today.

Although Father Yun and Yunmu have infinite regrets after such a big incident happened to Jizhi, Yunzhi still refuses to forgive Father Yun and Yunmu.

But one thing everyone doesn't know is that the host's soul did not actually fall asleep, but ran into the game and became an NPC in the game. After becoming an NPC, the host lost a lot of memory, only remembering very little Some information about herself, Jishou wanted to restore her memory in the game, and left the game.

But after finding many ways, the body still couldn't leave the game. After a long time, the body gradually gave up.But then, by coincidence, Yun Zhi also played this game, and the body felt very kind to her, and after recovering some memories, he recognized her, approached her quietly in the game, and inquired about the current situation at home.

Yunzhi didn't recognize the host body, and occasionally heard the host body ask her some strange questions. She only regarded the host body as different from ordinary intelligent NPCs, and didn't think that this NPC actually had her sister's soul in it.

After learning about some family situations, Jishou persuaded Yunzhi from the sidelines. She already knew that she could not go back, but she did not want the family to become indifferent because of her, so she tried to restore the relationship between Yunzhi and the family. normal.

Finally, with her efforts, the relationship between Yunzhi, Father Yun, and Mica improved. Later, Yunzhi left the game, and the body remained in the game.Later, when the server was closed, the game entered a self-destruct mode. Many players logged in to take a last look at the game before the server was closed. Yunzhi also logged into the game. She chatted a lot with the body.

At this time, the body has already known the news of the game server shutdown, and she also knows her general ending. She may disappear into this world along with the game.But JiZi was not sad at all, she felt that it was a gift from God to be able to take another look at Yunzhi before leaving this world, and her only regret was probably that she couldn't take another look at her parents.

She hasn't seen her parents for many years.

In the end, all the players entered the game and witnessed the collapse of the world, everything turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.Until everything disappeared, Yunzhi still didn't know that the game character she thought was an intelligent NPC was actually her sister.

On the same day of the same year, the vegetative who had been sleeping for several years also lost his heartbeat, and there was no possibility of waking up completely.

After Yun Chaojin came to this world, she has become an NPC in the game, and then she used Ah Xun to make some minor changes to the game, and asked Yunzhi to sign a contract with herself, so that she can stay in Yunzhi It will also help her to complete the task if she is by her side.

(End of this chapter)

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