I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 179 Love from Online Games

Chapter 179 Love in Online Games ([-])
Ren Lingxiao didn't say anything else. Aunt Zhang left the room and closed the door. Aunt Zhang looked at the door and sighed. She had stayed in Ren's house for more than 20 years and watched Ren Lingxiao grow up with that young master since she was a child. She knew exactly what was going on with her body.

It's a pity that such a beautiful person is actually born with a disease.

Yunzhi finally decided to participate in Tianxia's offline activities. She told Ren Lingxiao the news and planned to go there with him.

In fact, according to Yunzhi's personality, she would not take the initiative to meet with netizens offline, not to mention that she is not very familiar with Ren Lingxiao, but for some reason, she is willing to trust Ling Xiao, she always feels that Ren Lingxiao will not lie to him of.

At this time, Yun Zhi didn't realize how incredible his thoughts were.

"Second Young Master, Eldest Young Master is here." Aunt Zhang stood outside the door, knocked on the door a few times, and said respectfully to the inside.

After playing the game for another night, Ren Lingxiao, who had been resting on the table until dawn, was awakened by the knock on the door. He was still in a daze just after waking up. Ren Lingxiao couldn't hear Aunt Zhang's words clearly, so he had to get up and open the door.

"Aunt Zhang, what did you just say?"

"Second Young Master, Eldest Young Master is here." Aunt Zhang repeated the words patiently.

Ren Lingxiao's mind gradually became clear, he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, and walked outside, "Brother is here? I'll go and see." While walking, he was still yawning, as if he hadn't woken up.

Aunt Zhang followed Ren Lingxiao distressedly, looked at his slightly thin back, and couldn't help but said: "Second Young Master, have you been playing games all night again? If Madam knows about this, Madam should say You're not taking good care of yourself."

Ren Lingxiao waved his hand indifferently, "Oh, Aunt Zhang, as long as you don't tell my mother, I believe she won't know if she's so busy. Besides, Aunt Zhang, are you willing to see me being scolded by my mother?" Then, Ren Lingxiao turned around and blinked cutely.

With such a handsome appearance and such a cute expression, it is really unbearable to refuse, and Aunt Zhang is no exception, and her heart softens.Nodding to Ren Lingxiao: "Then I will help the second young master hide this time from his wife, but the second young master must promise that there will be no next time."

Having achieved his goal, Ren Lingxiao assured Aunt Zhang very firmly: "Don't worry, I promise, I will never do this again."

Aunt Zhang sighed, knowing very well that the second young master was just coaxing her, but seeing the child's obedient and obedient appearance, she couldn't bear to talk about him.

After leisurely descending the stairs, Ren Lingxiao saw a person sitting on the sofa in the living room at a glance. The person was dressed in black casual clothes, sitting on the sofa, drinking tea in an elegant manner.

"You're here." The man turned his head, and there was a face almost identical to Ren Lingxiao's.

Ren Lingxiao walked to the other side of the sofa and sat down lazily, playing with the sandalwood Buddhist beads that he had been wearing all year round, and asked him casually: "Why are you here today when you are free? What's the matter?"

The person opposite frowned dissatisfied: "Do I have to have something to come to you?"

Sensing that he was a little unhappy, Ren Lingxiao quickly waved his hand to deny: "No, no, of course not. Then I won't say that, okay?"

"En." The man nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "Actually, I have something to do with you this time."

Ren Lingxiao immediately gave him such a look, but he got a warning look from that person, Ren Lingxiao curled his lips, cut, obviously he guessed it right, but he didn't let him say it directly. "What's the matter?"

"I heard that you fell in love with a girl in the game, and you plan to participate in this offline event held by Tianxia for her?"

When mentioning such a sensitive question, Ren Lingxiao subconsciously restrained the lazy expression on his face, and instead of answering directly, asked him instead: "How do you know?"

The man glanced at Ren Lingxiao, and said lightly, "Don't forget, I'm also in the world." After a pause, the man took out his phone from his pocket, tapped the screen a few times, and then handed the phone to Ren Lingxiao, "And I'm not blind. There are quite a few people on these forums who are telling you about you and that girl."

Ren Lingxiao borrowed the phone and looked at it nonchalantly. Sure enough, many people on the forum regarded him and Yunzhi as a couple, and many people spoke in support of "Ren Yao" CP.Seeing these people bring him and Yunzhi together, Ren Lingxiao felt a secret joy in his heart, but he pretended not to care on his face: "Hey, I didn't expect you to be so fashionable and even browse the forum."

"What do you mean by that, what do you mean I'm so fashionable? You're looking for... No, Ren Lingxiao, please correct your attitude, don't change the subject for me, and tell me honestly, are those true?" The man asked Glancing at Ren Lingxiao, "I almost took you astray again."

Seeing the man's stern expression, Ren Lingxiao weighed it up, and felt that this matter might not be fooled, so he had to tell the truth: "Well, what you heard is true, I really like that girl, and I plan to go to participate in it for her This time the world's offline activities, it's just that the girl still doesn't know about all of this, it's just my wishful thinking for the time being."

The man was obviously a little surprised: "What did you say? It's just your wishful thinking up to now? I thought you had already taken down that girl. But I didn't expect you to be so cowardly, tsk tsk, you have failed enough. "The man taunted Ren Lingxiao mercilessly.

Ren Lingxiao was so provoked, he immediately retorted: "Cut, don't talk about me, aren't you as cowardly as I am? I clearly remember that someone seemed to have said something about him not long ago. He wants to confess to his favorite little apprentice, but what is the result? I have waited until today, but I haven't received any good news from someone. So, if you still say I'm cowardly, you won't be cowardly?"

The man obviously choked, and wanted to talk back to Ren Lingxiao, trying to save his majesty as a big brother: "W, don't underestimate me, I can tell you that I plan to confront Ren Lingxiao at this offline event. She confessed that I will definitely put it into practice this time."

Ren Lingxiao raised an eyebrow at him: "Really? Such a coincidence, I also plan to confess to her at this offline event."

The atmosphere suddenly froze, the man looked at Ren Lingxiao with a stern expression, and Ren Lingxiao's expression gradually became serious.

"Ling Xiao, are you sure?" The man looked at Ren Ling Xiao with complicated eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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