I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 192 Love from Online Games

Chapter 192 Love From Online Games (Twenty)

To Yunzhi's surprise, He Lianyi left after Yunzhi was settled, and Jiang Fuyu also left together. There was no one else in this villa except her, Ren's mother and Aunt Zhang. .

When eating in the restaurant at night, Yunzhi and Ren's mother sat at the same table, the surrounding was surprisingly quiet, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.After all, Yunzhi didn't know Mother Ren at all. Apart from watching Mother Ren on TV a few times, she had no chance to know Mother Ren in real life.

"It's my fault that Ling Xiao is like this." Suddenly, Mother Ren said, her tone was flat.

Yunzhi didn't react for a while, and then turned to look at Mother Ren. She understood, but she didn't know how to answer this matter, so she could only comfort Mother Ren dryly: "Please don't be sad, Mr. Ren will Get better."

"Heh." Mother Ren smiled inexplicably, the meaning contained in the smile was too complicated, Yunzhi couldn't fully understand it, so she could only shut up in embarrassment.For some reason, Yunzhi always felt that Ren's mother didn't have a good impression of her, but what Yunzhi didn't understand was why she had a bad impression of her. She didn't seem to have offended her.

"I think you should know that Ling Xiao likes you, what about you?"

Yunzhi was taken aback for a moment, but didn't answer.

"Presumably Ah Yi has already told you that Ling Xiao was going to find you, but he couldn't find you because of illness, but what they didn't know was that I was going to find you in Ling Xiao At that time, I secretly used some tricks to make it even more difficult for Ling Xiao to find you. Do you know why I did this?"

Yun Zhi's attention has been completely attracted by Ren Mu's faint narration, and he followed her mother's words and asked her: "Why?"

Mother Ren looked directly at Yun Zhi: "Because you are not suitable."

"Why?" Yunzhi thought about many answers, but she never thought that with just a few simple words, the fate between her and Ren Lingxiao would be broken.But after saying it, Yunzhi regretted it again. What did she mean by asking this?Did she like Ren Lingxiao when she first met, or Helianyi who she mistook later?

An answer gradually emerged in her heart, Yunzhi couldn't deceive herself, she liked the person when she first met.But under Ren's mother's eyes that seemed to know everything, Yunzhi felt a little hard to say.

After all, Mother Ren asked her this question just now, but she didn't answer.

"When I say inappropriate, I don't mean inappropriate in identity and social status, but inappropriate in your life philosophy, family environment and other aspects. You are not suitable for him."

Yun Zhi muttered, but did not refute.

"But what I didn't expect is that he likes you so much that he can treat his own life as a trifle. Every coma after his illness is related to you. In order to say a few words to you, he doesn't care about the doctor. Advice to play the game privately, but eventually fell into a coma because the body could not support. So at this point, I don’t like you, because you put my son in a life-or-death situation several times, and this time his condition is more serious, he has After sleeping for a week, the doctor said that if he doesn’t wake up, he may never wake up in this life.” When she was talking about this, Mother Ren couldn’t help sobbing again, “I only have these two sons, Ah Yi He has been in good health since he was a child, so he doesn't need to worry about others, but Ling Xiao is different. He has been in poor health since he was born. The doctor said that he would not live past his first birthday, but we found some ways to make him live safely until now. His body has hardly been sick these years, and we all thought that his body would get better, but who would have thought that he..."

Mother Ren couldn't continue, and Yun Zhi felt extremely sad when she heard it, as if an invisible hand was holding her heart fiercely, making her feel so uncomfortable that she was about to suffocate.

"Mrs. Helian, if you think I can help, then just tell me, and I will definitely help you."

Hearing Yunzhi's promise, Mother Ren wiped away her tears: "Miss Yun, I know that Ling Xiao likes you the most. The doctor said that Ling Xiao needs to be awakened by the person Ling Xiao cares about most. Ling Xiao cares about you the most. So, can you help Ling Xiao? As long as you are willing to help Ling Xiao, you can tell me any wish you have, and I will help you realize it."

Because she was too emotional, what Ren's mother said was incoherent, but Yunzhi could fully understand what she wanted to express.

"Mrs. Helian, please rest assured, I will definitely do my best."

"Okay, thank you, thank you Miss Yun."

After appeasing Ren's mother, Yunzhi consulted Ren's mother, and got the privilege of being allowed to freely enter Ren Lingxiao's room and use his things.

Sitting next to Ren Lingxiao, it was the first time for Yunzhi to look at a boy like this. His handsome facial features were well combined on his face. Just his peaceful sleeping appearance now made Yunzhi's heart beat endlessly. Looking at him With his appearance, Yunzhi couldn't help but look forward to the boy waking up and opening his eyes. Those beautiful eyes must be the same as she remembered, full of gentle smiles.

It must be as exciting as she remembers.

After looking at the boy for a while, Yunzhi finally couldn't help but reach out and touch the boy's face: "So the real person is you. I've been looking for so long and finally found you."

Yunzhi leaned gently beside Ren Lingxiao, leaned his head on Ren Lingxiao's arm, and continued: "I found you with great difficulty, don't go to sleep, wake up and have a look at me, okay?"

"I've heard Mrs. Helian and Helian also say that you like me very much, and you plan to meet me offline and give me a surprise, right? Seeing that you like me so much For the sake of this, I will reluctantly come to see you, hey, I am here now, please open your eyes and look at me. If you don’t open your eyes again, then I will leave, I will leave I will never come to you again."

"Actually, when it comes to Helianyi, I suddenly thought of a very funny thing. You probably already know it. I confessed to Helianyi once, but you probably didn't know it. At that time, I thought Helianyi was just It's the person I met, but I didn't expect to admit it wrong, tell me, isn't it funny?"

After rambling on a lot, the expression on Yun Zhi's face did not show any impatience, but became more and more gentle.

"I've already said so much, why don't you answer me, do you think I'm annoying?"

"Okay, let me tell you a secret at last." Only the girl's soft voice could be heard in the empty room.

"Yunzhi likes Ren Lingxiao. I like it very much, I like it very much."

(End of this chapter)

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