I want to collect the pieces quickly

Chapter 196 Little Demon Cultivation Journey

Chapter 196 Little Demon Cultivation Journey ([-])
Near the back mountain is the firewood house of Xilian Temple. Monks cut firewood and piled it in the firewood house on weekdays, and today is no exception.

According to the regulations of Xilian Temple, there is no fixed number of people who come to chop firewood every day, and it happened to be Huaizhi and Huaihui's turn to be on duty today.But Huaihui was unwell, so Huaizhi was the only one cutting wood today.

When Hong Shao sneaked into the back mountain, she saw a handsome monk carrying a load of firewood to the firewood room. Hong Shao tried to sense it, but found that it was useless, so she couldn't help sighing in frustration. .

It's all because of her inability to learn spells. Except for sensing the general location of the benefactor, she can't confirm who is the real benefactor. However, looking at the quiet surroundings, it seems that there is only this monk here, so he should It's my benefactor.

Watching the monk walk into the firewood room, Hong Shao secretly followed the monk and entered the firewood room. She had to think about how to talk to the monk, and not let the monk feel that she was cheating him.

Huaizhi, who was walking well in front, suddenly felt something abnormal around him, he keenly felt that he was being followed by something, but when he looked back, he found nothing, the feeling of being peeped was gone, so he could only He turned his head and stacked the firewood neatly.

But after a while, that peeping feeling reappeared, Huaizhi looked around vigilantly, and was sure that he didn't feel wrong, there was really someone secretly spying on him.

After carefully feeling the general direction of the peeping gaze, Huaizhi walked towards the source of the gaze.

At this time, Hong Shao, who was staring blankly at Huai Zhi walking towards her, actually broke down in her heart. Didn't it mean that human senses are not very good?Why is this person so special that he can sense her approximate position after she is invisible.

It's over, it's really over now, if she is found out later, how can she make a good impression on him?
Huaizhi got closer and closer, and soon he could meet Hong Shao, when a voice suddenly came from outside.

"To Senior Brother, Master called you to come over."

Huaizhi had no choice but to stop, paused, turned his head to look in the direction of the source of the sound, and responded: "I see, I'll go right away." Looking suspiciously at the still empty front, Huaizhi There was a lot of confusion in my heart, and I seemed to be muttering to myself: "Strange, could it be that I feel wrong?"

After hesitating for a while, Huaizhi still turned around and left: "Forget it, maybe I really feel wrong."

Watching Huaizhi leave the firewood room and carefully close the door of the firewood room, Hong Shao heaved a sigh of relief, and took two steps towards the door, and heard Huaizhi talking with a monk, and then his voice gradually became quieter , There was also the faint sound of footsteps.

They really want to go.

Only then did Hong Shao completely let go of her heart, she released her invisibility, and seriously thought about how to get close to Huaizhi. The possibility of approaching directly seemed unlikely, after all, her benefactor was a monk, but she was a woman. Well, girls from good families seem to be unable to casually meet a foreigner, let alone this foreigner is a monk. This is a serious violation of etiquette.But if it is not so close, what better way can there be?

Hong Shao was concentrating on this question, and she forgot to pay attention to the movement outside for a while, so she didn't hear a series of subtle footsteps.

Suddenly, the door of the firewood room that had been closed was opened again, and Hong Shao was unresponsive for a while, unable to cover herself in time, and just looked at the door of the firewood room in a daze.

Eyes on each other.The atmosphere froze for a moment.

Huaizhi who went back and forth did not expect that there was really someone in the firewood room, and this person was a girl, which was a bit embarrassing. It seems that his previous feeling was not wrong, there was really someone secretly spying on him , but I don't know what method she used, so he didn't let him find her figure.

But now that we have discovered it, it is time to do business. Huaizhi clasped his hands together and bowed to Hong Shao, and said to Hong Shao with a dull face: "This female benefactor, outsiders are not allowed to enter the backyard. Please leave the backyard as soon as possible."

Hong Shao's brain can't react now, isn't he gone?Why are you back again?Now that she was discovered, what should she do?These questions kept swiping in Hong Shao's mind, feeling that Huaizhi was getting worse and worse, and blurted out a word.

"Master, I don't know the way."

Huaizhi was stunned for a moment, looking at Hongshao's slightly embarrassed expression, he was inexplicably amused, did not doubt Hongshao's words, and still gave a straight answer: "This is the backyard of Xilian Temple, as long as the female benefactor walks along the You can walk out of here." Huaizhi then pointed out a direction for Hong Shao.

Hong Shao hurriedly went down the steps, with an expression of gratitude, she saluted Huai Zhi: "Thank you, master, for your guidance, then I will take my leave first." He ran out in a flash.

When Huai Zhi suddenly thought of something and planned to call Hong Shao to stop, Hong Shao had already disappeared.Huai Zhi's expression was a bit awkward, he seemed to not point out the road to the benefactor just now, because that road leads to the back door of Xilian Temple, although that road can also lead to the town down the mountain, but that road is due to It's not easy to walk, and there are almost no people passing by, so if you are not familiar with the road, you may get lost.

And he forgot to ask the female benefactor which way she wanted to take, so he just pointed out such a road to the female benefactor. Judging from the young woman benefactor, she should be accompanied by her family and should He didn't want to go down the mountain by such a remote path, but he pointed out this path to others. It would definitely bring trouble to the benefactor and her family. It was a sin, a sin.

After running along the path for a long time, Hong Shao realizes that this road is not the same as when she came here. The surrounding scenery looks strange to her, which makes Hong Shao feel a little bad, and hastily called Ah hibiscus.

"Ajin, Ajin, where is this place? I obviously ran all the way along that road, how could I come to such a strange place?"

"Oh, you ran right."

"Then why do I..." Hong Shao was about to ask, when the voice answered her.

"You didn't go to the wrong place, but your benefactor pointed you to another road that you don't know, so you naturally don't know this place."

Hong Shao: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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