Chapter 106
"Assault on the grain road? However, there is no necessary road from the Fire Country to Daying. Although the road conditions are not very good, there are no easy-to-break sections such as bridges and canyons. There is a possibility of attacking the grain road. Not too high!"

A Qiuxu Jōnin made an opinion, and looked at Lu Jiu who was attacking, his eyes were as big as a bull's eyeball, and the pressure was extremely strong.

"Godao-sama is right. It is not very likely that Sand Ninja will attack the food road. Of course, it refers to large-scale attacks and battles. Small-scale attacks have always been frequent."

Regarding Jonin Goto's rebuttal, Shikahisa nodded in agreement.

"You mean Sand Ninja plans to attack Mount Kurobi?"

The cold and hoarse voice is a unique symbol of Orochimaru, and others can't learn it and don't want to learn it.

At some point, Jiraiya had calmed down, and Oshemaru was relieved because of this, and his sharp eyes fell on Shikajiu. Obviously, Jiraiya's nonsense did not affect his attention to the meeting.

Heiwei Mountain is Konoha's second most important place in the Land of Rain, except for the large camp where the army is now stationed here, where the grain depot is located.

The army has not moved, and the food and grass go first.

Whether it is a war of ordinary people or a war of ninjas, a lot of money and food are needed.

In view of the fact that the frontline battalion keeps moving with the changes in the battle situation, most of the food and grass transported from the Fire Nation are stored in the hub of Heiwei Mountain, and then transferred to the frontline camp. It can be said that Heiwei Mountain is Konoha is the lifeblood of the Kingdom of Rain army.

But since it is the lifeline, it is natural to make great efforts to protect it.

"There are 2000 people stationed at Mount Heowei, and Senior Makita is also there. Even if Sand Shinobi mobilizes elite troops, it will definitely not be easy to capture Mount Heowei."

Faced with Orochimaru's question, Shikajiu hadn't answered yet, but a short, clean-shaven Jonin in the seat questioned him quite fiercely.

As the person said, the defense of Mt. things.

Makita Kiyotaka is one of the geniuses of the same generation as Sakumo. Although Sakumo's limelight was robbed by Sakumo alone, he is also a strong faction. Hand it over.

"Mt. Heiwei is behind us. It is not easy for Sand Shinobi to send a large army there without telling us." Goto stroked the beard under his chin, showing a serious expression.

"Indeed, it's okay for small troops to pass through our defense line, but with hundreds or even thousands of people, how can such a huge chakra fluctuation be unnoticed?"

"Sand Shinobi shouldn't be so crazy..."

"...It's too risky. Even if the sand ninja can send the army to the foot of the black tail mountain, it is impossible to capture the black tail mountain with sand ninja's manpower..."

The jonin opened the chatter box, and began to argue fiercely about the speculation that the sand ninja attacked the black tail mountain grain depot.

However, most people think that it is impossible for the sand ninja to attack Mount Heowei, but apart from the opinions put forward by Shikajiu, they really can't think of what the sand ninja will do when they deploy their troops.

The debate was stuck at this juncture, and a reasonable conclusion could not be reached.

"Dong dong."

The long wooden table trembled twice, and the tea in the cup could be seen rippling in a circle.

Shuo Mao tapped the table lightly with his fingers, his iron-gray fingers were as hard as iron, and they made a loud noise when they landed on the wooden table, making the noisy debate in the camp disappear instantly.

"Lu Jiu, continue talking."

Shuo Mao cut off the debate forcibly, firstly because he knew that it would be difficult to come to a reliable conclusion for a while, and secondly because it could be seen that Lu Jiu seemed to have more than enough to say.

"Ahem, I think the center of the discussion, adults, is biased."

The words were not shocking, but Lu Jiu showed his sharpness as soon as he opened his mouth, and he directly went to the jonin who had just argued.

"Boy, what a big tone!"

"If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, even if you are the son of the Nara family, I will beat your ass into eight petals."

The good-tempered Jonin looked at him coldly, while the bad-tempered Jonin threatened directly.

"Just now, all of you have been talking for a long time, repeatedly arguing that sand ninjas are not capable of capturing Mount Heiwei, but the topic of discussion in this meeting is not what sand ninjas can do, but what they might do! Don't confuse the two. concept."

"Whether Sand Ninja can conquer Mount Heowei or not, it's stupid to discuss this kind of thing. As long as you are willing to pay enough price, can Sand Ninja really fail to defeat a copycat? Besides, Sand Ninja's Renzhuriki hasn't shown up yet! , if they put their strength into battle..."

Lu Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, giving everyone a little time to clear their minds.

"Sand Hidden Village is one of the five Great Ninja Villages anyway. There may be a gap in overall strength between us and Konoha, but it is not difficult to make up for this gap in a war. Otherwise, how could Sand Ninja start a war against us? At least in Sand Ninja Let's face it, they have confidence in their strength or their plan."

"So, I suggest that you adults should not consider whether Sand Ninja has the ability to do it, but whether it has enough value for them to do it, and I think the method is dead, and people are alive. As long as you think about it, there are very few There are things you can't do."

Lu Jiu has a strong self-confidence on his face, and he has no fear even in the face of the junin.

"Back to the topic, if Heiwei Mountain falls and all the food and grass are destroyed or looted, what will happen to us?"

A rhetorical question was thrown to the Jonin.

"The fall of Mount Heiwei... We probably have to give up the territory of the Land of Rain and return to the village. This war is tantamount to our loss." The answer is revealed.

Then there was silence.

There are no fools here, and no spies pretending to be crazy with ulterior motives. Lu Jiu almost crushed his ideas and stuffed them into the mind of the Chunin.

"As long as Sand Ninja captures Mount Heiwei, we will lose everything in the Land of Rain... Shikajiu, is this what you want to say?"

Somo asked softly.

"That's right, I personally think that the abnormal behavior of Sand Ninja is to find another way to win this war, and Mount Heowei is undoubtedly the best choice, there is no other option, if I am the commander of Sand Ninja, then Mount Heotail It is my goal, but the problem lies in the means. What the adults said before has enough truth, Mount Heiwei is not so easy to capture, and I still don’t know how Sand Ninja will do it.”

(End of this chapter)

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