The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 116 The Choice of Advance and Retreat

Chapter 116 The Choice of Advance and Retreat
The mountain is high and the road is slippery.

The stone mountain is bare, smooth as a mirror polished by the rain, and it slips when you step on it.

It was also thanks to Guanyue and his party that they were able to withstand the heavy rain and walk in this steep and slippery mountain. Ordinary people couldn't stand at all, and they only had to fall and roll down the mountain, and they died directly.

The road surface is wet and slippery, and the accumulated water on the mountain flows down the undulating hillside. The small part of the water flow is like a gurgling spring. A waterfall with a width of five or six meters falls from the cliff, which is extremely majestic.

"This kind of scenery cannot be seen in the Kingdom of Fire."

While on the road, everyone couldn't help being attracted by the strange scenery of the Land of Rain.

"This is also a rare sight in the country of rain. Only in places with steep mountains, this short-lived waterfall can only be seen during the heavy rain season. When the heavy rain is over, there will only be some clear springs and streams left." Fuyue explained casually, showing a little Take a look at your own knowledge.

He has been on the front line of the Land of Rain for a long time, and he was promoted to Jonin because of his meritorious deeds in the Land of Rain. Since the day he became a Junin, he has never left the Land of Rain and stayed for a long time. After a long time, the understanding of the country of rain has deepened unconsciously.

"This bird's weather is really abominable, it's turning people into drowned chickens, this broken bamboo hat is so useless, it's just running out to make a fuss..."

Shen Gu complained in a low voice, with a look of displeasure on his face, he didn't know how to hide his displeasure, or he didn't want to hide it.

Traveling under such circumstances is really a hard job. The clothes on the body are soaked, the road is slippery under the feet, the cold wind blows straight into the bones, and the rain curtain is heavy to block the line of sight. All kinds of hardships are endless. !

It's natural to be dissatisfied.

But ninjas, since they are called such a name, most people have good endurance, even if they are dissatisfied, they seldom express it, especially dissatisfaction with their superiors.

A foolish and bold person like Kamiya is considered a rare animal.

Fuyue continued on his way without hesitation, as if he hadn't heard of Kamiya's murmurs and complaints.

"team leader!"

A loud shout broke the weird atmosphere and attracted everyone's attention. Looking at Guanyue, the fast-moving team stopped for the first time because Fu Yue, who was at the front of the team, turned his head.

"Someone is chasing us."

Wiping the rain off his face, Guanyue said in a deep voice.

Kagura's mind-eye cannot be used during the movement, and his perception range is much smaller, but it is slightly larger than the maximum perception range of the other perception ninjas.

"Really? How could the sand ninja catch up in this weather?"

Naoki showed a ghost-like expression, looked at Guanyue who looked worried, and hurriedly said: "Guanyue, I don't doubt your information, I'm just a little surprised, Sand Shinobi is desperate enough."

"Four people fell right behind us. The distance in a straight line is about one kilometer. Considering the rugged path here, the actual distance should be two and a half kilometers." Guan Yue shook two fingers. "As for the method of tracking us... I'm sorry I can't see through it for a while."

In the ninja world, there are too many strange and weird secret techniques, which may have been passed down from the past, or may be a flash of inspiration from a genius, which has led to the emergence of various secret techniques, and because the major ninja villages The hostile relationship, the information isolation, it is difficult to tell what new tricks the other party has never seen.

"His grandma's really caught up. These sand ninjas react faster than dogs." Kamiya scratched his head, his short silver hair was sticking softly to his scalp, a little itchy, and smiled awkwardly at Fuyue , just complained about rushing in the rain, now there is a group of chasing soldiers.

The present report came really fast!

Fuyue was not in the mood to pay attention to Kamiya. According to his thinking, it would be best not to show up with the chasing soldiers. Even if Kamiya or others complained all the way, it didn't matter. It was better to listen to people's nagging than to go all out with Sand Shinobi.

However, things in the world are often unsatisfactory, and the chasing soldiers do not disappear according to his preferences, but they still catch up after all. Fortunately, You Guanyue has outstanding perception ability, which can be said to be the only one he has seen in his life, and he has mastered it a lot in advance To understand Sand Shinobi's movements, leave him enough time to think.

The most urgent question now is how to deal with the chasing soldiers of sand ninja.

Is it war?is to go?
The two choices have their own difficulties, and it is difficult to make a decision for a while. The worried Fu Yue frowned, and his expression became more and more fierce.

"What do you guys have in mind? Do you want to fight here, or hurry up and get rid of the chasing soldiers of the sand ninja?"

This time, Fu Yue didn't act arbitrary, but asked everyone for their opinions, which surprised everyone.

"Captain, didn't you get dizzy from the rain?" Shen Gu widened his eyes, blurted out, and realized something was wrong when the words came out, hurriedly waved his hands in the pity eyes of everyone, and explained: "No, I didn't mean that, Captain, I It's just that...this..."

He wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain, and his pretty face turned red in a hurry.

Fuyue has never discussed with anyone along the way. He alone makes decisions on matters big and small. It is rare to ask for opinions like this. It is not surprising that Shengu is so unscrupulous. He is not the only one who is surprised, but the rest of the people. Self-control is obviously not bad.

Fu Yue ignored this guy Kamiya, but swept his eyes from the faces of Guanyue, Naoki, Otome, and Hoshio one by one.

"Fight! Such bad weather is chasing us, it's hard to get rid of it, it's better to prepare for a battle." Otome spoke, her voice was as cold as a cold spring, her black hair was scattered and covered her face, only a pair of Abnormally bright almond eyes.

"We are behind Sand Ninja, if we leave our pursuers alone, we will probably fall into a tight siege. I think it is better to just fight this way. The pursuers come so fast. I think it is more likely than Sand Ninja's quick response. It was a certain team of sand ninjas that collided with each other by coincidence, and then they caught up. As long as we can annihilate this sand ninja team, sand ninjas should not be able to catch up with us in a short time."

"Of course, there are also great risks. The strength of this sand ninja army cannot be determined. If it is a soft persimmon, it will naturally stop raising it, but if the idea is difficult, it is not impossible to turn the boat in the gutter."

Xingwei Ichiro said slowly, the analysis was clear and clear, and finally said: "Of course, this is all my own guess, and I have to say something about the truth.

"I think this is very reasonable. The valley was an important road before. Except for the people in the supply station, it is estimated that there were many people passing by. It was probably bad luck that they bumped into a certain sand ninja army. If you come up, you can only say that you are unlucky." Another person said, supporting Xingwei's speculation.

(End of this chapter)

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