The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 14 Kushina's Rage

Chapter 14 Kushina's Rage
The classrooms of the Ninja School are in the shape of steps, the back is high and the front is low. It is an amphitheater. The students do not have fixed seats. They can sit closer to each other if they have a good relationship. Some of the withdrawn and domineering ones occupy a table by themselves.

Generally speaking, the classroom is quite big, and there are not many students, only about twenty or so.

Guanyue stood on the podium, silently pinching her teeth, well, a bunch of little kids, some of them are getting annoyed now, but a certain person doesn't think that he is just a 1.1-meter dwarf now.

"Everyone be quiet, don't make noise." Teacher Takashima quickly calmed down the group of noisy six- and seven-year-old children, and said in a gentle voice: "Today, two new students are coming, and from today onwards Learned with everyone..."

After a slight pause, the middle-aged uncle turned his attention to Jiu Xinnai and Guanyue who were standing beside him, "Come on, let me introduce myself to everyone."

Guanyue curled her lips immediately, squinted at Jiu Xinnai, pondering whether to speak first or last, in short, she can't steal the limelight from her own sister, but fortunately, this question will soon be unnecessary to worry about... ··

"My name is Uzumaki Kushina... My dream is to become the first female Hokage..." Kushina's loli voice echoed in the classroom. After the girl shouted, her face swelled It was flushed, and it looked more and more like a red tomato, but the girl was still very satisfied with her performance.

Look, everyone is shocked by her, let's see who dares to underestimate her!
The corner of Guanyue's mouth twitched, good guy, his sister's rhetoric is really great. He thought that with such a variable as himself, Jiu Xinnai would never say such ambitions again, but now it seems that he is still naive.

Looking at the little kids on the seat, it turned out that the silence was just the prelude to an explosion. Many bastards were holding back their laughter at the moment, and it seemed that they could not help laughing out loud. He didn't bother to care about the fart child's death, but he was afraid that his sister would get angry on him, and the one who was determined to cry and faint in the toilet, his mind suddenly raced like a light, thinking about how to solve this problem.

"I also hope to become a great Hokage recognized by the people in the village!"

With a clear voice like Zhenyu, the young man suddenly stood up from his seat. His golden hair was as dazzling as the sun, his blue eyes were like a pair of sparkling gemstones, and his handsome face carried a refreshing smile. His sudden interruption immediately suppressed the change in the atmosphere in the classroom, and the guys who were about to laugh at Kushina just blocked the hilarious laughter that came to their lips.

Takashima-sensei was also aware of the change in the atmosphere, and he glanced at the blond boy gratefully, fearing that something would happen again and disappoint Hokage-sama, he hurriedly pointed to the vacant seat for Kushina and Guanyue I sat down and completely forgot that Guanyue hadn't introduced herself...

Fortunately, someone doesn't care about this kind of problem at the moment, but looks painfully at the blond boy sitting next door, not knowing how to deal with this...
"Hello, my name is Minakame Minato. It seems that we should be at the same table today. Please give me your advice." The future yellow flash, the fourth Hokage, Minato Namakaze lowered his voice at this moment, and greeted Guanyue.

"Uh...Hello, my name is..."

"Guanyue, don't talk to sissies, be careful that you will become a sissy too." Jiu Xinnai shot like lightning, firmly pinched the soft flesh on Guanyue's waist.

After successfully closing Guanyue's mouth, Kushina glanced at Minato provocatively, looking extremely proud.

"Is Uzumaki watching the moon? Then give me more advice in the future! Moon-watching-kun." Regardless of Mr. Takashima, who was still drooling on the podium, Minato was chatting with Uzumaki siblings with a smile.

When Kushina heard Minato's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted belatedly, and immediately stared at Minato angrily. If she hadn't just arrived and was in class, she would definitely let this little boy know how powerful she is.

Guanyue sighed quietly in her heart, worry!My sister's IQ is completely overwhelmed by the other party, how can this be good?

For Minato Namikaze, a man who is likely to be his brother-in-law, he doesn't know how to deal with it. The memories of his previous life are intertwined with the perception of this life, and he is very troubled.

Apart from other things, as far as Namikaze Minato is concerned, he is undoubtedly admired and admired, and he and Kushina are also the most romantic couple. Although they sacrificed heroically, they are really... moving.


With a long sigh, Guanyue felt that his head was about to explode. Thinking about this kind of thing is really not his specialty, so let it be. All he has to do is to respect his sister's choice, and then give the best choice. After all, happiness is everything. Planting things is never donated by others, but fought for by oneself. As long as my sister is happy, that's enough!
Apologetically smiling towards the water gate, Guanyue sat obediently on the chair, staring at the podium with blank eyes, under the table, her hands were constantly practicing knot mudra, twelve mudras, turned over and over like flowers blooming.

This is also one of the training lessons. The speed of a ninja's seal formation is also one of the criteria for measuring strength. A fast seal formation speed means that he can release ninjutsu faster and get the upper hand in battle. Can quickly deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

Being able to form seals quickly is one of the preconditions for learning ninjutsu. Before Shuo Mao recognized his speed, he could not learn any ninjutsu except Sanshenjutsu. This is what Shuo Mao left for Guanyue before he left. Request, now he can only drool while looking at the ninjutsu scrolls collected by the Uzumaki Clan, but dare not touch them.

The lower grades of the Ninja School leave school early. After all, they are all children of six or seven years old. Be patient.

Of course, these are basically ordinary disciples with no background, but whoever has some background, who doesn’t come home from school, close the door and practice hard, even if you don’t want to practice, the family members still have to practice with their belts.

Ninja School's courses include culture and physical education, and the class starts at 08:30 in the morning, and then ends at [-]:[-] pm with lunch break.

The culture class belongs to the very boring category. It tells the history of the establishment of Konoha, which is only 30 years old. There are a lot of familiar people, and many commoner families hold that even if they can't become ninjas, if they can learn to write and calculate, the tuition fees will not be lost.

The graduation rate of Ninja School is not high. There are many people who can't graduate after five or six years of continuous study. These guys often have to drop out of school after passing the limited age, give up their dream of becoming a ninja, and start working for Live and work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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