Chapter 146

The sky is bright.

Sand Shinobu couldn't bear the loneliness and launched an attack.

"Damn the big turban! Curse them for a lifetime of gnawing sand until they die!" Naoki cursed the restless sand ninja, the war started early in the morning, can't it be calmed down a bit?What a fucking rubbish!
Although he thought so, Shengshu also knew that his thoughts were unreasonable. War is not a party. There is no warmth, only the burning of iron and blood.

He was simply venting the pent-up anger in his heart. Otome's words kept him awake for half the night, and after he finally squinted for 2 minutes, Sand Shinobi started to attack again. To put it bluntly, he was pure anger for getting up.

"Hurry up, Naoki, it's time to fight!" The middle-aged ninja had already packed up, urging Naoki to leave.

"I'm coming!"

Sheng Shu hurriedly tied up his leggings, and rushed out of the cave with the middle-aged ninja.

Teams assembled quickly, and then moved according to orders one after another, attacking, supporting, defending, and patrolling. The whole Heiwei Mountain was like a huge machine, and the ninjas were the cogs in the machine. It operates with such efficiency that even if one link breaks down, a replacement part will be put on top.

Naoki and Otome stood together. Because of the lack of Guanyue, a little friend, a middle-aged ninja who lost his teammate was temporarily incorporated, that is, the uncle who came with Naoki.

"Are you going to fight Iwa Ninja?"

Shengshu listened to the loud shouts of the leader on the high platform, and soon understood their mission.

As for the mobilization of morale later, he was not very interested. He took a deep breath and waited quietly for the upcoming battle. You can't even catch the oily glazed eggs. It took a lot of effort to kill six yesterday, and there must be more today than yesterday.

"Going all out!"

Otome stood beside Nasoki and said in a low voice.

"All of them have appeared, Sand Shinobi obviously doesn't intend to hold back, today is likely to be a decisive battle!"

"That's right, monsters like tailed beasts have appeared, either they will die, or we will burp." The middle-aged ninja swears, but there is no trace of fear in his eyes, only indifferent killing intent, life and death God decides.It is enough to kill two rock ninjas as much as possible to avenge the comrades who died in battle.

He wouldn't expect more, and most of the nearly thousand ninjas present looked death-like.

Nobody is a fool.

All the people present have survived the bloody battles and have a keen sense of the battlefield. A few outstanding people even saw the color of death. Yiwei's appearance has already explained the situation. Next What will be faced is a death battle with no end in sight.

Following the commander's order, ninja teams poured down the Black Tail Mountain like flowing water.

"What a harsh test!" Kiyotaka Makita stood in front of the granary near the top of the mountain.

"It's a pity we have to stay here." Duan sighed.

Guarding food and supplies is the most important task. For this reason, Makita and Duan brought a large number of experts to sit in the town, so as not to be fished by Xiaoxiao in troubled waters.

"Master Makita, Jinjuriki is on the move!"

A dark shadow from the ground suddenly appeared, squatting in front of Makita.

"...Let him go, don't worry about it." Makita said slowly, squinting his eyes and looking at the scenery below the mountain, he could see the huge civet cat monster like a small hill—Shouzuru, who stopped his progress at this moment , did not see such things as slugs, long snakes, and big toads, only small red dots were moving fast.

"Oh... here you are, Kato-kun, entertain our guests." Makita raised the corners of his mouth, showing a ferocious smile on his face.

"The art of spiritualization!"

Kato, who was sitting on the boulder, suddenly lowered his broken head, and a spiritual light that a living person cannot see penetrated into the ground...

Bloody flowers bloom quietly in the ground, but no one appreciates that gorgeous and coquettish moment.


The plain in front of Heiwei Mountain was cold and windy, and the dark clouds in the sky rolled like raging waves, but not even a single drop of rain fell. As long as the raindrops condensed and fell from the dark clouds, the howling wind would sweep them away, sending them away. Go away from where the crane is.

Shouhe hates water.

The humid climate of the Land of Rain makes Shuhe extremely uncomfortable. The dry and hot desert is its territory, so it resists the strong wind to disperse the rain. The weather is not difficult, and one of its skills is to control the strong wind, so it is very simple to influence the sky.

But the fly in the ointment is that although Renzhuli let go of part of its restraint, it was not stupid enough to let go of the rein completely. Instead, it was used as a price in exchange for letting it help these little khaki bugs to destroy other people. A group of green-skinned humans.

Well!As long as it can kill people, it doesn't care who it is. Anyway, these bug-like humans don't have many good things. They seal it in such a dark and narrow place, and transfer it to different humans again and again. Trying to steal its power, it... hates humans.

"Jie Jie Jie!!!"

The bottomless mouth like a black hole opened, making a weird screaming sound. Shukaku stared angrily at the red light rushing forward at high speed, and it smelled something that made it very uncomfortable.

That's the smell that makes it extremely disgusting, just like it hates rain, it hates that damn stinky fox, that smell can be smelled from far away!

"Feng Dun, practice empty bullets."

The huge high-pressure wind cluster spewed out like a missile, and fell heavily on the ground, blasting out a huge deep pit.

With one blow from the tailed beast, the mountains shook and the ground shook.

The ninjas who failed to witness the battle between Sannin and Izuo a few days ago now have a deep understanding of what it means to be strong. It is a monster in human form!
Enough to rival the existence of real monsters!
If the ninja team going down the mountain encounters a rocky stream, they quickly diverge and flow to both sides, far away from the earth plain where Shukaku is entrenched. In front of a monster like a tailed beast, every move is like a catastrophe, and ordinary people can't bear it at all, even if it's just an unintentional aftermath.

"What a storm! Pooh."

Yiyu spit, the oncoming gust just now engulfed the mud and sand, covering his face.

"Minato, what should we do now? It feels like we have no way to intervene." Otoha looked at Minato worriedly. The huge size of the tailed beast determines that it cannot be hurt by ordinary means, and at least it needs a B-level ninjutsu to deal with it. Tailed beasts deal damage.

However, high-level ninjutsu can be used casually. The scarce chakra of human beings is the most stringent limit. Five or six high-level ninjutsu can drain more than half of a ninja's chakra. Carat as a power fuel is nothing but waste.

(End of this chapter)

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