The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 152 People in preparation

Chapter 152 People in preparation
The war has changed a bit with the passage of time.

Renzhuriki was originally a destructive weapon developed to win the war, but now it distorts the war around protecting Renzhuriki!

When Shukaku appeared, it was foreseeable that the strong sand ninjas would gather nearby.

Much of the fun of intrigue has been lost in war!

However, this is not a unique situation for any family. Just as Sand Ninja cannot bear the consequences of losing one tail, Konoha will not hand over Kyuubi. This is the case in all major ninja villages. It is difficult to win or lose a war Shake the status of a Dainin village, but if it loses the deterrent power of the tailed beast, it will undoubtedly be regarded as weak, and troubles will inevitably follow.

A similar trend of thought permeates every ninja village. Ninja is a profession that values ​​talents very much. If the successors do not have excellent talents, then the inheritance of Renzhuli can ensure the top combat power of the village, and the responsibility of Renzhuli becomes even greater. As a result, its importance and status have also risen, and the result is distorted changes in the war.

"It's so boring..." Makita sighed softly.

"What did you say? Senior Makita."

Kato looked at Makita in confusion, the voice was too soft for him to hear clearly.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little emotional..." Makita laughed, and swallowed the words 'war has become boring'.

Perhaps, a simple war is more suitable for the changes in the ninja world!
"Don't mention this, Duan, did you find anything?" Makita asked softly.

"Yeah, I found it. Chiyo of Sagakushi and Tsuchikage's son are all there." Kato's voice was low.

"Ha! It's boring...ahem, as expected!" Makita coughed twice. "Now it depends on how far the Nine-Tails Jinchur power can go. Time... As long as we can delay a little longer, the outcome is still unknown..."

Whispering whispers dissipated in the wind and rain.

"Time, we're running out of time. If we procrastinate like this, all our hard work will be in vain when Konoha Baiya rushes over."

In the wind and rain, Chiyo's razor-sharp voice suppressed the sound of wind and rain.

"Master Chiyo, what plan do you have, just tell me directly, don't go around here, we all know how scary Konoha White Fang is, so please don't say more about this kind of meaningless intimidation." Broad shoulders, broad body, well-proportioned lines, The exposed arms are well muscled and full of strength, and the angular face is as solid as a rock.

"...Does Tsuchikage's son only have this level of upbringing?" Chiyo looked coldly at Tsuchikage's eldest son, Shangshuiliu Sutu.

"Sando Chiyo's spirit is exactly the same as the rumors!"

Shangshui Liusutu grinned, showing his white teeth, and there was shrewdness hidden in the simple and honest smile.

The eyes of the two people intersected and sparks flew everywhere, and the tense atmosphere affected the subordinates behind each of them, each of them put their hands into the ninja bag, and both sides were ready to fight.

Although the enemy is now, no one will be surprised that the two sides are on fire. Sand ninja and iwa ninja have never been good friends.

"Well... the monkey uncle on our side has already made a move, but your tanuki... Hey, what do you mean by indiscriminate attack? You sand ninjas are planning to put us and Konoha together Even the pot?" Su Tu said, his voice soared up, his bull-like eyes stared round.

Although they are in the rear, under the all-round surveillance of the sensing ninjas, they can grasp the first-hand dynamics of the frontline battle situation at any time.

For example, the berserk Shukaku launched an indiscriminate attack on Kushina and Lao Zi, and this news made Awato's thick eyebrows, which were as wide and straight as a sword, twisted.

Chiyo was also suffocated, and it was too inappropriate for Shuhe to go crazy, so it would be impossible not to explain it now.

"It's not uncommon for Renzhuli to go berserk, but Shouhe here is completely turned into a beast." Chiyo's explanation was also unusually stiff, and the corners of Suto's mouth twitched.

As expected of Chiyo Sando, this temper is well-deserved.

"What should we do next? Attack directly?" Su Tu scratched his head and asked.

"Attack directly. At this point, small tricks are useless. In the end, we still have to rely on strength to speak." Chiyo said lightly.

The language conflict just now seems to have never happened at all. The surrounding sand ninja and iwa ninja are clearly standing on one side. , but has not yet been promoted genius.

Luo Sha stared coldly at the big-nosed Iwanoshi on the opposite side, thinking in his mind how to kill the opposite guy as quickly as possible if he wanted to make a move.



Su Tu twisted his neck and made a crisp sound.

"Master Chiyo, let's go."

"Hmph! I can't tell any sincerity. The kid is becoming less and less likable nowadays."

Chiyo snorted coldly and waved his hand lightly. Luo Sha and the others immediately shot out like arrows from the string, heading towards the distant Heiwei Mountain.

The masters of Yannin are not one step behind, and the two teams are neck and neck.


"Wind escape, the breakthrough of infinite sand and dust."

Shou He's arms, chest and abdomen were split into mouths, and seventeen or eighteen big mouths were inhaling in unison. The momentum seemed to drain the air around him. In the blink of an eye, Shou He's body shape It was rounded by more than [-]%, and it inflated like a balloon.

"Damn! You bastard civet cat, it's too unreliable!"

Lao Zi roared angrily, the bastard Shou He attacked him and the nine-tailed kid indiscriminately, driving him crazy.

Seeing that this guy was swollen like a ball, obviously about to launch an indiscriminate attack again, the anger in his heart soared upwards, wishing to smash this crazy civet cat to pieces.

However, now is not the time to be angry, the top priority is to deal with Shuzuru's attack, and even... he doesn't care about attacking the Nine-Tails kid, he has no intention of heroically dedicating himself to make a wedding dress for Sand Ninja.

Sure enough, Shuhe opened his mouth wide at the same time, exhaled like a wind, and set off an astonishing storm. The violent storm ruthlessly swept everything in front of him. Not only Jiu Xinnai and Lao Zi suffered disasters, but the strong wind even spread When we arrived at Heiwei Mountain, the mountain was suddenly stormy.


Yiyu lay down tightly on the ground, grasping the rocks firmly with both hands, suddenly the general's storm was so fierce that he couldn't even lift his head up, if he raised his head at this time, he had no doubt that his neck would be like a Like a chick, it was cut off.


Looking at his friend who was swept away by the strong wind, Otoha desperately stretched out his hand, trying to catch the water gate, but he was in vain. The storm was too terrifying, and the stretched out arm felt like it was about to be broken by the howling wind.

"It's okay, just a few scratches!"

Suddenly, Otoyu felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Mizumon appeared beside him again, lying on the ground like him, trying to minimize his own resistance, so as not to be swept away by the storm.

"You...have you left the coordinates?" Although doubtful, but full of conviction, Otoyu breathed a sigh of relief.


Minato nodded, and said no more, focusing on the storm caused by Shukaku, he was a little worried about Kushina, and the trident kumai pierced heavily into the rock.

(End of this chapter)

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