The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 193 Fighting in Hidden Sand Village, Part 3

Chapter 193 Fierce Fight in Hidden Sand Village, Part [-]
"Little Konoha, don't be too arrogant."

The patriarch of Xianyuan stared at Guanyue viciously, wishing to eat his flesh raw.

When he rushed over from the Kazekage Building, the family's four jounin were folded here. Together with the two soldiers who died in the garrison, a total of six jounin died in battle. This may not be enough for a village of sand hidden. It's nothing, but the blow to Xianyuan's family is already heavy.

What's more, the sacrifices are basically all young people, that is, the future of the family.

"You—damn it!!" The patriarch of Xianyuan's eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Wind escape, vacuum jade."

A series of high-pressure wind bombs were shot out at a very high speed, tracking the moving Moon Watcher, digging out one deep hole after another in the quicksand, but it was filled up by the surging quicksand immediately.

"go with!"

The young puppet master with short red hair was not idle. He controlled three puppets of different shapes and flew out, chasing the moving Guanyue, and then spit out a series of poisonous needles. The strong poison made the air even stained. The fishy smell, everyone on Sand Ninja's side subconsciously covered their mouths and noses.

In the sky, three more puppets pounced down like big birds, ejecting gas bombs one after another, exploding in mid-air, and a large cloud of purple poisonous mist filled the air, enveloping Guanyue in its entirety.

As for the thundering chariot that wandered in mid-air and was surrounded by people led by Xianyuan, it was only a creation after all, and the separated part of the soul could not give it enough wisdom. With Yue's direct control, the fighting style of Thunder Chariot is quite monotonous.

"Wind Dun, a big breakthrough."

"Wind Dun, a big breakthrough."

None of the jonin present were fools, and they cleverly used the wind escape technique to control the poisonous mist from drifting in a certain space.

"Cough cough!!"

There were coughing sounds in the poisonous fog.

A silvery white thunder tore through the purple mist, trying to rush out of the poisonous mist.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Another series of poisonous gas bombs fell down, creating a large cloud of poisonous mist, forcing the sand ninjas to retreat quickly to avoid being sucked in by the poisonous mist.

The puppet master's poison is a terrible thing. Every sand ninja knows how terrible the puppet master's poison is. Without the assistance of various poisons, the puppet master's power will be directly weakened by more than [-]%.


The front, back, left, and right can't get out of this poisonous fog. Guanyue waved his hands violently and pounced on the quicksand sea under his feet. There was a damned puppet above his head staring at him. He rushed up and estimated that there would be poisonous gas bombs on his face. It would be more reliable to escape from below.

The shining thunder dragon tore through the quicksand, and lightning arcs jumped randomly, blasting the moving quicksand into the air.


One shot followed by another by Thunder Dragon, Guanyue attacked alternately with his left and right hands, and made a breakthrough before the jonin from the Hanyuan family could react.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Taking a big breath of fresh air, Guan Yue's body quickly fell towards the ground below.

The Thunder Chariot is trapped, and he can't control it remotely. Dividing the soul is not a simple matter. Guanyue still can't split more souls, which means that there is only one Thunder Chariot , without a semicolon.


But even without the thunder chariot, Guanyue wouldn't say that he fell to his death so badly, another thunder dragon blasted out, and a group of sand ninjas scattered in the explosion, using this recoil to land smoothly, hitting the ground After a few rolls, he stood on the stepped rock wall without injury.

"Wind escape, Scythe Itachi."

The gray storm crossed the sky and made a huge screaming sound. One after another, sharp wind knives spun wildly in the storm, or the whole storm was composed of countless large and small wind knives, and the fine sand and gravel flew round after round. Under the strangulation of the wind knife, everything turned into dust and scattered, and the lethality was astonishing.

"I didn't expect to bump into an acquaintance."

Guanyue looked up at the incoming storm, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Earth Dungeon, Earthquake Core."

The two palms slapped the ground, the rock wall under his feet split in front of him suddenly, and the rock wall in front quickly rose too high, covering Guan Yue's body.

Shangshui Liusutu, the eldest son of the third generation of Tuying died in the hands of Shuo Mo, and his body also fell into the hands of Shuo Mao. Of course, his head was gouged clean. Not to mention a lot of useful information dug out of his head, there are also a lot of extremely high-end earth escape techniques.

Earthquake Core is one of them.

These ninjutsu belonged to Sakumo's booty, so Guanyue also got a copy of it logically. While studying medical ninjutsu in three months, he separated a hundred and ten shadow clones to study earth dunjutsu with ease.

The theory of bloodlines is the mainstream in the ninja world. After all, a genius like Minato is rare, and it is rare to meet in a hundred years.

The powerful bloodline of the Uzumaki family endowed Guanyue with the capital to rise, and the Fruit of Everyone allowed him to rank among the top ninja masters at the speed of a rocket.


The storm hit the high raised rock wall, and countless wind knives cut the rock easily, as if cutting a piece of soft tofu. A large number of rocks were cut and smashed, but the rock wall was too thick, and The ordinary earth flow wall is completely different, using the core of the earthquake to lift part of the natural cliff surrounding the hidden sand village.

It's too thick, it's just too thick, and that sharp hit doesn't quite get the desired result.

The violent storm came fiercely and went away quickly. With a cold smile on Guan Yue's face, killing intent spewed out uncontrollably.

"Old man, I've always wanted to chop you up!"

Looking up at the burly figure appearing on the broken rock wall, Guan Yue's smile became more ferocious.

"You're not dead?"

Okukan Xiongsaburo looked at the red-haired boy with surprise and anger in his eyes. He was surprised that the thunder at that time did not blow up this boy to ashes, and he was angry that this bastard dared to attack Shayin Village single-handedly. There was a faint feeling in his heart. Regret, if I knew that I shouldn't have thought of capturing him alive at the beginning, it would be great if I killed this damn kid directly, so there would be no such troubles now.

"But it doesn't matter. You didn't die back then, so I'll kill you now."

Just as Xiong Sanlang finished speaking, the huge iron fan in his hand was already raised high.

"Scythe Weasel."

"Wind escape, wind killing array."

When Xiong Sanlang stirred up a storm, the sky was also smashed and howled by a storm.

The patriarch of Xianyuan drove down the sand cloud and rushed down. The huge sea of ​​sand in the sky was completely abandoned, and the majestic quicksand all fell back into the desert. In addition, after all, they are all survivors on the battlefield. Even if they don't understand the principle of the thundering chariot, they might as well find that Guanyue seems to be unable to control the thundering chariot from a long distance.

Ever since, some people went to suppress the thundering chariot, lest Guanyue would drive the chariot and run around in the sky. down.

(End of this chapter)

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