The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 249 Incarnation of Three Tails

Chapter 249 Incarnation of Three Tails
The thunder is swift and swift, and the wind and rain are violent.

The thick dark clouds entrenched in the sky seem to be palpable, and the rain is getting heavier and heavier.

This rain was also due to the great battle inside and outside Kirigakure Village. A large amount of water vapor evaporated into the sky, and the speed of cumulonimbus formation accelerated, which eventually led to the early arrival of rain. Rain is not an obstacle to the Kirigakures. It should be It is said that anything related to water is a sharp weapon of the mist ninjas.

For example, with the help of the torrential rain, the power of the Water Escape Technique can be doubled, and the attack distance can also be greatly extended.

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost's mind is cold and meticulous, which is quite different from that chubby body. He didn't know that Tong Caoye Bairen, an old senior among the group of seven, had been cut down by Guanyue, but he was cautious from the beginning. The two perception ninjas should not be stingy with the consumption of chakra, and use perception ninjutsu to pay attention to the movement around them at any time.

There are hundreds of thousands of ninjas in the ninja world, the rarest of which are perception ninjas and medical ninjas. The main job of ninjas is to kill people, so most people choose to become a fighting ninja. You have to choose, as long as you are willing to spend enough time in medical ninjutsu, you can do poor treatment no matter what.

But perception ninjas are different. Many perception ninjas are linked to bloodlines. Outsiders can't learn them if they want to learn them. The rare number and their irreplaceable important role in combat, so perception ninjas are extremely precious arms in the ninja world. , even in the Five Great Ninja Villages, the number is extremely limited.

Therefore, the status of the Hyuga clan in Konoha is detached. Baiyan does not have as many changes and abilities as Sharingan, but it is the eyes of the whole family. The range of perception is the same, this is the horror of Baiyan, as long as the means used are clever enough, a ninja kid from the Hyuga family can exert great power.

"Someone is coming, southeast, very fast."

"...It's that red-haired monster."

The two perception ninjas roared. Fortunately, they did not hesitate to waste chakra under the order of the puffer ghost and maintained an uninterrupted wide-range perception. Otherwise, at that speed, they would probably only react when they rushed in front of them.

The sound of thunder kept approaching, and in the blink of an eye, a silver-white electric light emerged from the dark clouds.

"Raise your defenses."

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost didn't untie the shark muscles it was carrying on its back, leaving its hands free to make seals.

Having absorbed the experience of previous battles, or out of fear of the electrocution technique, he did not dare to gather his subordinates together, and made the most reasonable judgment between flashes and flints.

They miscalculated Guanyue's speed, and thought that dividing their troops to pursue Minazuki and Kaguya would disrupt Guanyue's position, but unfortunately facing such an unreasonable force, dividing troops turned into an act of sending sheep to the tiger's mouth.

Right now, they can only hold on, hoping to hold on for a while longer, and wait for the third generation of Mizukage to come to help.

Guanyue's previous plan to attack the courage of the Mist Ninjas can be said to have failed, or it could be said to be successful. A group of Jōnin such as the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost have no idea of ​​​​winning at the moment, and they are all thinking about how to attack the Moon. Save your life.

"Ray Fork."

The sharp lightning fell from the sky, igniting the forest, smashing the mud and rocks, and the mist ninjas were wailed and knocked down by the lightning, unable to fight back. The water wall and rock wall were completely vulnerable to the raging lightning.

"Water escape, a big explosion of water and waves."

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost reacted extremely quickly, spitting out a huge amount of seawater comparable to the vast ocean, and the overflowing water rushed in all directions, and the fog ninjas dived into the water waves one after another, nimbly like fish, trying to avoid the water on the sky. The disaster that came down.

"It's cheaper for you guys."

Guanyue dissipated the lightning in his hands. The vast ocean created by the watermelon mountain puffer ghost is indeed powerful. It is only a small amount of water that he can evaporate with the high temperature of the lightning, but such a huge wave of water may exhaust him to death. It is possible to evaporate it dry, and the sloshing waves will affect the aim of the lightning.

As long as these guys don't get in the way, he doesn't bother to waste his energy on these guys.

There's a big guy approaching.

"Rinjuriki is so durable, it won't die after a kick or a knee..."

Open your eyes, the distinctive Chakra fluctuations of the Tailed Beast are approaching at a very fast speed.

Guanyue was not in a hurry, driving the thundering chariot unhurriedly hanging behind the buttocks of the Mist ninjas who escaped in the mighty water below, as sure as driving sheep that these bastards would not go to the wrong pasture.


The violent momentum roaring like mountains and seas, with the power of the ocean created by the watermelon mountain puffer ghost below, set off a huge wave of 50 meters high, and a huge gray-brown turtle bumped into it head-on, with three flat tails covering it. With a thick cuticle, it is more than ten times harder than steel.

I have some scruples in Wuyin Village, so I dare not release the tailed beast, so I can only be beaten in the clothes of the tailed beast. Now that I leave the village, it is like a tiger returning to the mountains and a dragon entering the sea, and I can release the power that has been suppressed for a long time to my heart's content up.

"Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!"

The three huge tails slammed on the ground fiercely, making a huge roar.


The big tortoise stared at Guanyue in mid-air with one eye, and it was difficult to determine whether the dominant consciousness was Sanwei or lost position.

But it doesn't matter to anyone, because Sanwei's ferocious killing intent is obviously aimed at him, unless he runs now, I believe this turtle will never catch up with him, it's just counting the time, let's delay it for a while, he The current Chakra can last for a certain period of time.

"... Do you do it directly?"

Guanyue stared at the huge water bomb ejected at high speed, and swung down with the shining thunder wrapped around his right arm, hitting the water bomb fiercely.

The water bombs disintegrated, but the Thunder Chariot also retreated relatively more than 30 meters away, and only then did most of the impact force be removed.

I used to pretend to be tough, but now I don't have much energy to pretend anymore. The tailed beast is also a perpetual motion machine. It is much more difficult to drag down a tailed beast than to defeat a tailed beast.

"Boom bang!!"

The sharp sound of piercing the air was like firecrackers exploding, and Sanwei's tail, which could be called a murder weapon, yanked off in mid-air.

It's hard to hide!
The three tails are all slightly staggered, and the attack range covered by the wide tail is quite wide, not to mention that the three tails fell one after another. Even if you can avoid the first one, you can't dodge the next one. Two strikes, let alone a third tail.

"Damn it, the dominant consciousness of this guy is definitely not the tailed beast itself."

Although tailed beasts have lived long enough, it does not mean how good their fighting will is. The characteristic of not dying allows them to live casually. Fighting is meaningless to tailed beasts. Anyway, even if they are skinned Dismantling the bones, after a period of time, you will return to this world again.

Therefore, the tailed beasts are extremely wild and unruly in battle, don't expect them to play delicate tricks, the battle of the tailed beast jade is in line with the fighting philosophy of the tailed beasts.


The indestructible tail collided with Guanyue's fist!
(End of this chapter)

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