The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 259 Arrogance?confidence?

Chapter 259 Arrogance?confidence?
What Mizukage Mizukage said is not bad.

Although half of Shayin Village was destroyed under the attack of Guanyue, the major ninja villages investigated it very clearly afterward. At that time, Sandai Kazekage was not in the village, including Chiyo and other masters. Given the opportunity to watch the moon, of course the natural disaster is well deserved, after all, it escaped from the hands of the third generation of Kazekage.

Even the name of the natural disaster was passed down from the mouth of the third Kazekage.

But their Wunin, half of the village was destroyed by this damn natural disaster this time, and they did it under the nose of Mizukage Mizukage. If this news gets out, they are guaranteed to be even more shameless than Sand Ninja.

And face is directly linked to the interests of the village. Sand Shinobi is a good example. Because of repeated defeats on the battlefield, his reputation has declined in front of the nobles headed by Feng Daiming, so that military expenditures have been reduced. Taking the so-called elite route and being stripped of face is such a miserable end.

Mizukage Mizukage still remembered how indifferent the eyes of the old man lying on the bed were when he met Mizudaimyo who was ill.

It’s true that ninjas have the power to move mountains and build land, but the real rulers of this world are still the daimyos of various countries. Even if these daimyos are greedy and stupid, they still cannot deny that the system of one country, one village ended the chaotic Warring States period and created This limited peace.

The system of one country, one village has existed for more than 40 years, and it has been completely accepted by the nobles of various countries who have tasted the sweetness. The war is limited to the fighting between ninjas, and it is no longer a life-and-death battle between one country and one country, no matter how many people die on the front line People, the nobles don't have to worry about being wiped out by the whole family once they lose the battle. Although they may pay some benefits if they lose the battle, it's a good deal compared to their own life, isn't it?

A safe war, this is the scene of the ninja war in the eyes of the nobles.

No one would think of destroying the system of one country, one village. Don't look at the bloody rain of ninja villages fighting in the Ninja World War, shouting in their mouths to uproot each other, but in fact, the high-level executives are very clear in their hearts. Expecting to completely kill the opponent is just to grab some benefits. On the one hand, there is no absolute strength gap between the major ninja villages, and on the other hand, it is useless even if you can kill a big ninja village.

For example, Konoha Gan turned to Rock Hidden Village, but it won't be long before the earth daimyo will gather ninja families of all sizes from the land of earth to establish a new ninja village.

War can only exist among ninjas. This is the consensus reached by the nobles of various countries, and the five major ninja villages restrain each other and have fought for so many years. Although they know the key points here, they are helpless.

The daimyos and aristocrats of various countries in the ninja world trace their bloodlines to each other, and they can always be related to each other. They can bite dogs within themselves, but they will not allow external forces to encroach on the interests of the aristocratic class. In this respect, ninjas can’t do it. For many years The fighting caused them to forge a bloody feud long ago.

Due to the situation, one or two ninja villages may form an alliance, but the five major ninja villages join forces, hehe, if it weren't for Madara Uchiha who is too addicted and intends to take the whole world to have fun together, there would be no such thing as a so-called ninja alliance Weird thing.

Do you really think that Gaara's mouth can simply resolve the rifts that have been formed in the five great ninja villages for decades?It's just the situation. If we don't unite, we will die together. If we unite, there may be a chance of survival. This is the real reason why the Ninja Alliance can be established.

All in all, for various reasons, the seemingly weak, incompetent, greedy and vulgar big names of various countries are the real ruthless characters.

The Mist Ninjas need to use their own performance to recover the points lost in the eyes of Mizu Daming,
"But why didn't you bring the loss? Wouldn't it be safer to have the power of the three tails?" Ghost Lantern patriarch asked puzzledly, holding back all the way, and was about to go to the battlefield, and finally vomited it out.

"Sakura is the fourth generation of Mizukage's candidate... If Mizukage and I fall together, the village will be in chaos." The answer of the third generation of Mizukage made the patriarch of Ghost Lantern feel suffocated, this answer is too much Are you too pessimistic?
"Whirlpool watching the moon... Konoha's natural disaster, to be honest, I don't know if our method is effective, that guy is a living monster, a moving disaster... But we can't If you don't do it, you can only plan for the worst..."

After Sandai Mizukage finished speaking, she got up and opened the door to go out, and she was about to reach the shore soon.

The several patriarchs looked at each other, and couldn't help showing wry smiles, hoping that Mizukage-sama can clean up the natural disaster of Konoha this time.

Standing on the deck, through the fog, you can see the black reef area, the white sandy beach, and the lonely figure on the sandy beach.

"Dare to wait for us alone... Is it arrogance? Or self-confidence?"

The three generations of Mizukage had complex expressions.

"The command of the large force is entrusted to you, Patriarch Ghost Lantern." Mizukage Mizukage turned around and said.

"Yes, Shuiying-sama."

Sandai Mizukage didn't talk nonsense anymore, and waved lightly, 12 people wearing masks beside him jumped off the bow of the boat with him, riding the waves towards the figure on the beach.

sandy beach.

Guanyue stayed here alone, welcoming the arrival of the Mist Ninjas.

The old men of Minazuki Tsukizuki and Kaguya's family withdrew and directed the ninjas of Minazuki and Kaguya's family to defend, in case the fish that slipped through the net of Mistnin came to the island, yes, Guanyue was very arrogant. One person is enough to block the incoming mist ninja.

However, after seeing Guanyue's strength in Wuyin Village, Mizumu Tsukiyue didn't refute, and turned around quickly and left. The old man of Huiye's family also got enough information from the clan population, and laughed and talked with Guanyue After chatting for a few words, he also walked away leisurely.

"Lord Mizukage, we meet again."

Looking at the three generations of water shadows coming from the sea, Guanyue grinned and raised her hand, a flash of lightning tore through the beach ahead, leaving a deep ravine.

"It's just that the island is poor, and there is nothing good to entertain a big man like you. It's better not to go to the island..."

The rising and falling sea water poured into the deep ditch, pushing sand and gravel to fill up the ditch, but the third generation of water shadow did stop, standing on the swaying sea waves, watching the moon quietly.


There is no answer, or this is the answer of the third generation of Mizukage.

"Boiling escape, art of clever mist."

The three generations of Mizukage spit out a gray-white acid mist, rolling towards the moon.

"that is it?"

Guanyue frowned. This kind of tentative attack was of no use to him at all. He didn't believe that the third generation of Mizukage would waste Chakra so much. With a single finger, a rock wall rose from the ground to block the acid mist. On the way forward, although it was eroded and collapsed in an instant, most of the acid mist was also consumed.

Twelve masked Anbu rushed onto the beach, but instead of heading towards Guanyue, they spread out, faintly surrounding Guanyue in the center.

"Are you going to attack?"

Guanyue looked around suspiciously, looking at these masked guys.

(End of this chapter)

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