Chapter 277
"Guanyue, tell me honestly, are you sure? I have read all the data in your laboratory. Your blood factor theory is indeed feasible, but the biggest problem is... "

"Lack of strong incentives?"

Guanyue took the words and shrugged with a smile.

Tsunade's beautiful face was tense, and she gave Kanyue a displeased look.

"Seriously, don't play haha ​​with me. There is nothing wrong with your set of theories based on an extremely deep understanding of the human body. The reason why the blood successor boundary is hidden is because the special bloodline factor is sleeping, and the blood succession boundary The awakening is to awaken this part of the special blood factor... There is no flaw in the whole process, at least I haven't found it."

Tsunade stared at Guanyue and paused slightly.

"However, as you said, there are very few ways to awaken bloodline factors. Generally speaking, they are induced by external factors, such as the crisis between life and death, which may wake up the sleeping blood successor boundary, and even become stronger. The most obvious one is Uchiha’s Sharingan, and there are special ones..."

"The Hyuga clan, their bloodline factors are very active, and they are born in a semi-awakened state, and they can open their eyes with a little exercise the day after tomorrow... The activity of different blood lineage factors can be said to be very different. Shoujia's Mutun belongs to the category of inertia...isn't it right?"

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with it." Guanyue nodded, "And remember, it's not ordinary laziness, but a state of extreme laziness. For example, it's like a person who has taken a large dose of sleeping pills. It's not easy waking him up."

"Then what method are you going to use to help Ah Chan awaken Mu Dun?" Tsunade stepped forward, staring at Guanyue tightly, not relaxing for a moment.

"...Ah! Miss Tsunade, don't worry, I won't use any drastic means, and I will definitely not threaten the safety of little brother Zen." Guanyue raised her hands, swearing.

Tsunade didn't speak.

After a long while, he said: "Then I will leave it to you, and the elders and I will observe at the door."

After that, he turned around and walked out.

The door was already pale, and the old men and women were crowding at the door to watch.

"Okay, brother Zen, lie down on the bed!" The last obstacle disappeared, Guanyue clapped his hands, and directed Qian Shouchan, who was at a loss what to do, to take off his shirt and lie flat on the operating bed.

Seeing the thousand-hand Zen whose heart beat faster, Guanyue chatted while wiping the scalpel. "Brother Zen, are you afraid?"

"A little bit." Qian Shouchan replied honestly.

"Haha! It's okay. It's not a major operation. It will be fine soon. It may be a little uncomfortable to wait. Tell me as much as possible if you feel anything. Do you understand?" Guan Yue asked with a smile while holding a shining scalpel .


Qian Shouchan tremblingly agreed, his eyes involuntarily fixed on the sharp-looking scalpel.

Then, there was a flash of silver light.

There was a tearing pain in his left chest. Senjuchan was very familiar with this feeling. He was already a Chunin. He had performed many missions and suffered many injuries. He knew very well that this was his body being torn apart. His eyeballs rolled down, and he could see the scalpel sliding gently on his chest.

Warm blood flowed out from the wound, but the young man from the Senshou family pursed his lips into a line without making a sound.

Guanyue raised the scalpel and swung it down again.

This time, it was his own left thumb that was cut open, and before the wound healed itself, he squeezed out a drop of blood, which fell into the wound on Qian Shouchan's chest,

Qian Hand Chan suddenly let out a mournful cry, and his body began to twitch.

But Guanyue stretched out his hand to hold Qianshen first, no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break free from the iron-like palm.

"Brother Zen, how do you feel?"

"It's hot, it's so hot, I... my body is so hot, and it hurts, some pain... It's so uncomfortable, I feel like I can't breathe..." Qian Shou Zen's words were intermittent, and his body's reactions interfered with his ability to think and speak.

"The reaction was more intense than expected... Well, it's interesting."

The right hand continued to press the Thousand Hands Zen that was twitching instinctively due to the pain, while the left hand pressed on the wound on the chest, closed the eyes, carefully echoed the drop of blood that melted into the body of the Thousand Hands Zen, and moved With its rapid decomposition, sections of special gene sequences spread out and dissociated in the blood, like a shark breaking into a swimming pool, causing a world of chaos.

"...Yeah! The dosage seems a bit high." Guan Yue was speechless, "But the result did not disappoint me..."

Senshouchan's body is undergoing drastic changes, because of the influence of the gene sequence in Guanyue's powerful foreign blood factor, the youngsters of the Qianshou family instinctively began to fight, and the sleeping special factors kept waking up , a majestic force is gestating and sprouting.

Time passed by second by second.

The old people at the door were sweating, but they still held their breath and did not blink their eyes.

"All right!"

Finally, Guanyue put down the scalpel, wiped the dried blood on her palm with a wet towel, and beckoned everyone at the door to come in.

"How is it? Ah Chan, how do you feel?"

"Moonwatcher, did you succeed?"

"Get out of the way, let me check him." Tsunade aggressively dismissed the elders, squeezed to the side of the operating bed, and began to check Senju-chan.

"It's ready, little brother Zen, you can get up now, and then go to the yard to try out your new power." Guan Yue clapped her hands.

Senju Zen sat up slowly, the scar on his chest had already healed, turned over and got out of the bed, walked outside the house step by step, and stood in the courtyard, while Tsunade and a group of elders were guarding the corridor nervously, staring intently. Staring at the shirtless boy in the courtyard.

"...Click it!"

It was as if a seed sprouted, and a crisp and small sound sounded. The emerald green shoots broke through the soil, poked their heads out from the ground, and then continued to grow, growing slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye. A large plant as thick as a bucket The tree stands upright in the center of the courtyard like this, and its canopy like an umbrella casts a large area of ​​shadow.

Thousand Hands Chan stood in the shade, looking up at the big tree in front of him, his eyes filled with endless surprises.

"Wood Dun... It's really Wood Dun... Poor God, it's really Wood Dun!"

"Wood escape technique, I never thought I could see wood escape again before I was alive..."

"The sky is endless, my thousand-handed family!!!"

A group of old men yelled like crazy, looking at the big tree in the courtyard, wishing to worship, excited like teenagers, muddy tears flowed unscrupulously, and the sound of wailing filled the courtyard middle.

(End of this chapter)

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