The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 284 The Show Is Over

Chapter 284 The Show Is Over

"Kakashi, you guys are too ruthless, right? Who did this? Don't you need money for the detonator? The foundation is blown up? Damn...these are all money!"

Looking at the messy classroom, the drunken mind became more and more uncomfortable.

"Teacher, those three guys did it. They smashed the wall and the table was broken."

Asma was the first to stand up and point to the three culprits.

"Wow! The detonating talisman wasn't thrown by Asma... Hey, Xuanma, what are you doing? Why are you covering my mouth all of a sudden?"

Obito Uchiha stared at Genma Shiranui in displeasure.

Shiranui Genma, holding a toothpick in his mouth, sighed deeply, feeling sad for this bastard who has no brains or skills, even the stubborn Akai is smarter than this guy.

"It's God... natural disaster! Konoha natural disaster... the one that killed three generations of Mizukage..."

At this time, a small chaos also occurred in the trio of traitors and ninjas.

Guan Yue's identity was recognized.

Nowadays, major ninja villages have already obtained photos of watching the moon through various channels. Even some small ninja villages and even wandering ninjas can get photos of watching the moon and some simple information from the underground black market.

After all, Guanyue is a specially marked dangerous person. He belongs to the kind of person who can run away when they meet, and if he can't run away, he needs a detonating talisman to smear his face and destroy his body.


The word "Qi" yelled high and low several times, and the trembling voice was full of twists and turns, and the timbre was very clear.

The three rock ninja rebels quickly sank into the ground, fleeing desperately!

"Brother Guanyue... Teacher Guanyue, don't you want to chase after him?" Kakashi walked quickly to Guanyue.

"Don't worry, they can't escape, someone will take care of them, I drank a little too much yesterday, and now I have a terrible headache..." Guan Yue lay on the half-disabled desk with her head covered. "This is not coming!"

A golden flash appeared in response.

Minato appeared beside Guanyue.

"Minato, I'll leave it to you. I don't have the strength to deal with those three thieves right now... Uh ah... my head hurts." Guan Yue pretended to send out with her head in her arms A cry of pain.

His head was really uncomfortable, but it would be a lie if he couldn't deal with the three escaped thieves, mainly because Minato and the others had clearly caused this shit.

He's too lazy to wipe someone's ass!

"······give it to me!"

Minato smiled helplessly, the golden light flashed continuously, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hurry up, it's Yellow Flash! Xuanma, Xuanma, do you see it? It's Yellow Flash."

Obito yelled excitedly at this moment, forgetting the matter of Shiranui Genma covering his mouth for an instant, and stared frantically at the direction where Minato disappeared.

Shiranui Genma looked helpless, and Obito himself forgot to ask him to settle the score, which made him uncomfortable, but his eyes had a similar fanaticism to Obito, and he was full of reverence for the yellow flash meaning.

Yellow flash.

Minato has now achieved this title. In Tianzhi Country, he single-handedly killed six elite teams of Yunin. Only one survivor escaped back, and he has become famous ever since.

Coupled with that super good looks, as well as an understanding and gentle temper, Minato's popularity is very high.

"The classroom has turned into such a miserable state. Let's cancel today's tutoring..." Guanyue said weakly, the damn headache was really terrible, before Obito cheered, he quickly added, "Leave all Come down and clean up, at least clean up this place for me, especially the one who threw the detonator, and fill up the foundation for me."

The classroom was filled with mourning. Not many people liked to do this kind of unskilled physical work (except for Akai). Asma especially looked bitter, looking at the big hole on the ground, filling it in?Feeling exhausted.

But they didn't dare to disobey Guanyue's order, one by one slowly began to clean the dilapidated classrooms, only Akai's energetic shout echoed in the ears.

Feeling inexplicably heavier.

"Akai, make your slogan more tidy and have a sense of rhythm. It sounds very noisy."

"Yes, Teacher Guanyue."

"Running very fast!"

Minato tapped his toes on the electric pole, and frowned in annoyance. Although he promised to enjoy watching the moon, in fact he doesn't know the earth escape technique. Facing the enemies sneaking underground, he looks like a tiger eating a hedgehog. Feel.

"It's a bit difficult! It seems that I need to find someone to help..."

He rolled his eyes left and right, saw the conspicuous building of the police force, and immediately had a target.

"Ah! Slow down, slow down, I'm going to throw up, I'm really going to throw up!"

Otoha swayed from side to side like a tumbler and stood on the ground. He was already suffering from drunkenness, but now he was being led around by Minato's flying thunder god technique, and he almost vomited again.

"What are you looking for me for? Minato."

"Do me a favor and force me out of the three intruders underground."

Minato smiled and pointed to the ground.

Otoha is a ninja with both fire and earth elements. In addition to the fire escape technique passed down by Uchiha's family, he has a very high attainment in earth escape technique.

"The intruder...what's the situation? Well——! Forget it, just force them out, right? Then you're ready to receive the goods." Otoha didn't intend to get into the details, anyway, he handed it over to Minato. You can put a hundred hearts at ease, and you don't have to worry about unnecessary problems at all.

Minato smiled, stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

Masked ninjas quietly scattered on the roofs on both sides of the street. Taisheng Minaduki rushed over with a team of elite police forces, and the surrounding residents were safely evacuated.

The heaven and earth nets have been laid, and the fish wishers are waiting for the bait and throw themselves into the net.

"... I really deserve to be you."

Yiyu rubbed his face, made a mudra with his hands, and instantly melted into the ground.

After a while, there was a slight tremor from the ground under his feet, and then three figures rushed out from the ground one after another.


With Minato's order, the net began to tighten instantly.

"Ice escape, ice prison."

Taisheng Minaduki shot very quickly, a pale jade-like spherical ice prison instantly formed, confining a target in it.

"Secret technique, super beast fake painting."

The black liger burst out, threw the target viciously, and bit the limbs fiercely, preventing it from escaping. There are many capable people in the 'root', and the one who made the move now is Minato One of the subdued masters, relying on the secret technique of super beast fake painting, is also one of the strongest people in the root.

"Get down."

Minato silently appeared behind the third target person, a light blue chakra sphere appeared in the right hand, and the ultra-high-speed rotating chakra sphere lightly imprinted on the opponent's back...
For a moment, as if hit by a siege hammer, the target person fell headlong into the ground, the hardening technique was directly broken, and the whole person passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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