The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 289 Precocious Disciple

Chapter 289 Precocious Disciple

"Anbe! This... really gave me a big problem!"

Guanyue sighed faintly, and invited him to take charge of Anbu. No matter what purpose Orochimaru had, at least the price he offered was sincere.

Anbu has grown from a small department with a single function at the beginning to the current behemoth. It is definitely the most powerful military organization in Konoha. Every head of Anbu can be regarded as a high-ranking authority, and his status in the village can be ranked in Hokage. The first sequence below.

Back in the office, Guanyue sat on the chair, and suddenly found that he had a lot of troubles for some reason.

Organizing the voting work for the next Hokage general election, taking in a young apprentice, and considering how to deal with the olive branch extended by Orochimaru, after being idle for so long, things are all rushing together.

"Teacher, please drink tea."

Jiuyeyue little loli served a cup of tea respectfully, and stood at Guanyue's table, attracting the attention of all the teachers in the office.

"Okay, you are my first apprentice now, you don't need to be so cautious, and I'm not a person who pays attention to these things, as long as you don't do some unscrupulous things, if there is any problem, I, as a teacher, will be fine." I can carry it for you."

Guan Yue said bluntly.

"Understood, teacher."

The little Lolita replied angrily, her smiling eyes curled up like crescent moons.

"Let me take a look!" Guanyue looked down at the alarm clock on the table, which was a small gift from Otome. Well, let's master and apprentice go to rub a meal today, it's a celebration of my acceptance of apprentice."

The other teachers in the office raised countless middle fingers secretly, and they could leave work at a quarter past four in the hell, that is to say, if Guan Yue dared to do this, anyone else would have been expelled long ago.

Five o'clock is the stipulated time for school and get off work.

However, while contemptuous of Guanyue skipping work, he was also surprised that Konoha Natural Calamity had accepted an apprentice. Many gossip-loving teachers had already prepared a draft, thinking about how to make good use of this news to earn a few drinks in a tavern after get off work.


Konoha time-honored brand.

"Is there a single room?"

Guan Yue tapped the counter lightly with her fingers.

"There is still a vacant private room on the second floor, Room No. [-]." The proprietress replied quickly.

"Wait a minute, there are still people coming, get us some juice drinks first, the drinks are no longer needed today, the menu is still the same, the portion is [-]% more than usual... I brought an apprentice today, it will not be enough by then Add more." Guan Yue said skillfully.

"Okay, Doctor Guanyue, go up first, you'll be ready soon."

The proprietress smiled and nodded.

The boss of Barbecue Q once broke his leg a few years ago. It happened that Guanyue was practicing medicine in Konoha Hospital at that time, and he quickly cured the boss' injury.

Since then, the boss and his wife have met and called Dr. Guanyue. Even if Guanyue is no longer in Muye Hospital, he doesn't plan to change it.

"Let's go, girl, let's go up first."

Guan Yue took Apprentice Loli upstairs and entered the room.

The single room is small, with an oven in the middle and red leather sofa seats connected on three sides.

Barbecue Q has made many changes in the past two years, from the original pure Japanese style to the current diversified coexistence, and the business is getting more and more prosperous.

Jiu Yeyue was sipping on the freshly squeezed orange juice, and at the same time kept looking at the door.

"Girl, what are you looking at? The neck is almost twisted to ninety degrees?" Guanyue asked wonderingly.

"I see what the future teacher's wife will look like."

Little Lolita spoke solemnly, almost choking Guanyue out of breath.


"Teacher, if you have to go home and take a shower before you go to meet your male friends, I am deeply worried about what you will become in the future."

"...Ugh! Are all the little girls like this now?"

Guanyue lay powerlessly on the table, feeling a little complicated for her apprentice to be so smart and precocious.

"What's the matter? The girls in the class talk about pets or love every day. Teacher, you know they even made a table for the boys in the class. It's probably called the best boyfriend ranking or something like that!"

Guanyue was really speechless this time, the little ghosts who grew up in peaceful times were completely different from them at that time.

"Who is the number one?" Guanyue asked strangely.

"Kakashi, that nympho with facial paralysis who likes to pretend to be cool has a lot of fans, although I think that guy is a slut." Jiu Yeyue's speech shocked Guanyue again.

Thinking about Kakashi who likes to watch Kissing Paradise later, this sullen comment really hits the nail on the head.

"...Girl, do you know ONE PIECE?"

"Wanpisi? What is that? What a strange name?"

"Hmm...then have you heard of Three Fatty?"

"Three fat? Are they three very fat people? Or is it someone's nickname?"

Little Lolita looked at Guanyue in bewilderment, these two questions were confusing.

Guanyue let out a sigh of regret, half of rejoicing, he was really a little scared by this precocious girl, he thought he had met a fellow villager, luckily not, otherwise he really didn't know what to do.

"Guanyue... who is this little sister?"

At this moment, the figure of Otome appeared at the door.


"Take an apprentice? Are you too casual? As long as you finish the homework you assign, you will accept the other party as an apprentice?" Otome rolled her beautiful eyes and glared at him. "If you have finished your homework, do you want to recruit thirty apprentices?"

"It's not that exaggerated. The homework I assigned is not so simple and can be done, and not everyone is as talented as this girl, and those brats at the time were very disdainful and asked me to replace it with other rewards... You don't know how depressed I was."

Guanyue reached out and rubbed Jiuyeyue's head.

"Fortunately, this girl is strong, otherwise she would be ashamed and humiliated."

"Guanyue, it's true to say that you have the same quick temper as sister Jiuxinna. Did you say that you didn't consider the students' reactions before?"

"I didn't know that my anger was so low." Guan Yue sighed, and now thinking about it, I feel stuffy and uncomfortable.

"Doctor Guanyue, Miss Otome, your food is here."

The proprietress appeared at just the right time, interrupting this depressing topic, and plates of various meats were continuously served on the table.

"Let's eat first, we'll talk after we're done."

The beef tongue on the grill made a sizzling sound, the golden oil dripped, and the aroma of barbecue permeated the small private room.

"Is it Jiuyeyue? It's a nice name, my sister is Uchiha Otome..."

"Otome sister, hello."

The two girls, one big and one small, chatted endlessly, and Guanyue couldn't intervene in this kind of conversation between the girls, so he simply concentrated on the barbecue and served the two beauties, one big and one small.

(End of this chapter)

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