The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 29 1 wave of Fangping, 1 wave rises again

Chapter 29

The orange flames were jumping, roasting the huge bear's paw, and bursts of sweet breath spread out.


Guanyue couldn't help swallowing, the taste was too tempting.

This black bear is one of the well-deserved overlords in this forest. I don’t know how many honeycombs have been dug out. The two bear paws are soaked in honey to the bone. There is no need for other seasonings, just roasting like this is extremely tempting.

Kushina and Minato are busy with barbecue, Guanyue, Otoha, and Otome find some firewood to help them, who knows how to cook, only Kushina and Minato are proficient in cooking, Guanyue was a child The mouths raised by Kushina have become tricky, and the Uchiha brothers and sisters are also the type who don't touch the spring water with their fingers, and have never worried about cooking.

The huge black bear is skinless, boneless and visceral, and it also has three to four hundred catties of meat, but after a meal, it is eaten by about half of Guanyue's five people. Among them, Guanyue eats the most. It's like a bottomless pit, but the appetite for watching the moon has long been familiar to several people.

"Today is the fourth day, and there are still three more days to go." Otoyu lay on his back on the grass, the surrounding area had already been smoked with fireworks, and all the insects and ants had been dispersed.

"Three days, we can't beat Aunt Tsunade and the others in another 30 days." Kushina squatted by the fire, resting her chin on her hands, with a melancholy look on her face, just a shadow clone of a Jonin beat them to pieces , When will she be able to become Hokage?

Probably because the flames were too warm, making people a little sleepy, Kushina lost her mind as she spoke, but fortunately, the rest of them didn't notice, except for a certain blond man.

Guanyue is doing push-ups with one hand. Even in this training ground, he has not missed his exercise homework. He insists on exercising every day. Speaking of it, it is also because of the food intake that the team has been on the verge of food and clothing for a long time. The more you consume, the more you eat.

Otome leaned against Kushina and fell asleep sweetly, and Minato sat cross-legged not far away, her hands and fingers intertwined like lightning, constantly tempering the speed of seal formation.

A week can be long or short, but no matter what, the one-week special training is finally over.

In the end, the two teams that persisted were Guanyue and Hinata Tianshan.

Stepping out of the iron gate and leaving this gloomy practice field, I felt like I was out of prison. Looking up at the bright sun in the sky, the eyes of the shining people hurt.

"Damn it, it's finally out." Otoyu let out a long breath, and his steps became much lighter.

It is also rare for Otome to not be picky. It is clearly separated by a barbed wire fence, but the feeling inside and outside is completely different.

"Okay, guys, now is the time to announce the results." Tsunade clapped his hands and attracted the attention of the eight people.

Tsunade coughed lightly, squinted his eyes and glanced at the students with different expressions, "The final result... all eight of you are very good, and you all passed this assessment."

There was no cheering, no jumping for joy. Although they were children, everyone still remembered that passing the assessment meant that they would participate in the work of transporting grain and grass, that is to say, they would participate in the war, even if they were only as logistics support personnel.

Tsunade and the others didn't care about it. The world of ninjas has never been naive, only the cruelest iron and blood. If these little guys are as lively as the Chinese New Year, she may be worried. Sending students with this mentality to the battlefield is useless. different from murder.

Although the matter of simply sending students to the battlefield has already aroused criticism.

"Finally, let me emphasize that we will gather at the No.19 training ground at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and we are all ready." Tsunade dropped his words and left in an instant. Handed over to Tsunade.

If we say that before entering the No.40 No. [-] exercise field, the students had great enthusiasm for joining the war, winning glory for the village, dedicating themselves to the village, and thinking about it makes their blood boil, then staying in this broken forest After a week, everyone's hot heads cooled down.

On the battlefield, people will die.

But whether they are willing or not, the matter has been settled, and they are powerless to resist this established matter. Even if they have a powerful family behind them, to the family, they are nothing more than nothing.

On the road, the five people separated one after another and went home.

Kushina and Guanyue had a meal outside, and then wandered home, only to find a servant of the Senshou clan guarding the door, who was ordered by Tsunade to deliver things to them, two sets of black The combat uniforms, knee pads, and elbow pads, because they are not ninjas, so they don't have forehead protection. This time they made an exception and issued them with forehead protection, although it was only temporary.

Opening the ninja bag, there are shurikens, kunai, detonators, flash bombs, etc., which are very complete. If the two brothers and sisters prepare this by themselves, to be honest, I am afraid that it will take a lot of effort. Now There are ready-made ones delivered directly to your door, which saves a lot of things.

Back home, although the sky was not yet dark, the siblings took a shower, set the alarm clock, and went back to their houses to rest. After a week of nervous tension, they can finally sleep well. .

The ticking alarm clock rang, and Guanyue struggled to get up from the bed, opened the curtains, and the sky was already bright...
NO.19 training ground.

As the name suggests, it is the No.19 training ground built by Konoha Village. Since the village was established, it has been expanding outwards with the Hokage Building as the core. The number of ninjas is also increasing year by year. In order to meet the training needs of a large number of ninja groups, Training grounds were built one after another, especially when the number of civilian ninjas increased sharply, the demand for training grounds became even greater.

This NO.19 training ground is one of the training grounds built in the early days. When the sky was still dark, tall and short figures stepped into the training ground.

Kushina and Guanyue were neatly dressed, with a forehead protector tied on their foreheads, and a ninja pouch pinned to their waists. Kushina tied up her hair, and her red ponytail was swaying like a beautiful landscape. The edge of the training field attracted many eyes.

Especially a certain blond-haired boy who ran over and said hello to his brother and sister.

"Minato, who are these people?" Guan Yue narrowed his eyes slightly, there were already about twenty people in the training ground, most of them were fourteen or fifteen-year-old boys.

"The main force of this mission is all Genin." Minato shrugged, "We are probably the additions to this mission."


Guanyue smacked her lips, and what she said was true. It is outrageous enough to send this group of students to the battlefield. If they are given the task of transporting supplies, it can only be said that Konoha's high-level collective brains are cramped.

"However, the time is almost up, why haven't Otoha and Otome come yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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