The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 312 A Wonderful Encounter

Chapter 312 A Wonderful Encounter

"Teacher, are you sure you are right?"

The white paper wings on Xiaonan's back fluttered slightly, staring suspiciously at Jiraiya standing on the treetop.

"Haha! Xiaonan, what are you worried about? How could I go the wrong way? It's just that the map is too old. That's right, my version of the map is too old. I have been abroad for the past two years. Forgot to update the map..."

Zilaiya dies with a stubborn mouth, refusing to admit the fact that he got lost.

Not long after the master and apprentice stepped into the Land of Fire, Zi Lai also took Xiao Nan to take a shortcut, that is, instead of taking the main road, they climbed mountains and ridges, scurrying around in the desolate forest.

As a result, I don't know where I went.

"...Teacher, please don't run around, I'll go around to see the situation, the technique of shadow clone."

Xiao Nan sighed helplessly, and the seal summoned three shadow clones, four people and eight wings, all of which violently flapped, setting off a mighty wind, and with the power of the wind, they flew in all directions like elegant swans.

Looking at the back of the apprentice going away.

Jilai also bumped up and down on the delicate branches and leaves, looked at the map in his hand with a sad face, and muttered in his mouth.

"Damn it, is there another big battle happening around here? It clearly marked a small hill here."

There are no more hills, only the vast forest.

"That's not right...Even if there is a big war and the hills are flattened, there is no reason for this tree to grow so fast?"

Jiraiya also looked serious, slowly closed his eyes, and calmly perceived the natural chakra around him.

His fairy art is not perfect, and he even needs the help of two great immortals to successfully perform the immortal mode, but this does not prevent him from having such a shallow perception of natural chakra.

"Sure enough... there is something discordant, haven't you completely assimilated... the forest created by the wood escape technique?"

The atmosphere in front of the forest is subtly different from that of this land. Although this small blemish is being smoothed out by the mighty power of nature, it will still take some time to be completely completed.

"Mu Dun... Mu Dun, have I stayed in the desert for too long? When did the Wood Dun ninja come out..."

When Ji Laiya was confused and worried, Xiao Nan, who flew two kilometers away, found something... To be precise, he found some people.

"Patriarch, someone is flying in the sky!"

"What the hell? You're sleepy and still haven't woken up... I'm going to go, there are really trapeze people."

Sheng Shu raised his head, looked at the shadows hovering in the sky, narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered a curse.

"Fuck, this sun is too dazzling, that... I am on guard, but don't rush to shoot, the robe with the black background and red clouds, hiss! I feel like I have seen it somewhere..."

Although he was almost blinded by the sun, he could still barely see the outline of the visitor. Not to mention the appearance, the main reason was that the unique style of the robe touched the memory in his mind, but it disappeared in a flash. However, I can't remember where I saw something similar.

As desired, he suppressed those clansmen who were already planning to make a move, and did not attack rashly.

Shengshu is no longer the so-called young patriarch. Years ago, in the eyes of all the elders eagerly expecting, carrying the glory of the family, inheriting the title of Qianshou, the position of patriarch who had been vacant for many years was once again available. The orthodox successor.

The glory of Senshou Mori is not only a brilliant halo, but also a heavy pressure. Naoshu has a deep understanding now that it is really not so easy to be the head of a clan.

The originally frizzy youth has calmed down a lot, and can calmly deal with emergencies.

"Ninja of Konoha?"

The rope tree was blinded by the sunlight, and Xiaonan could see it clearly in the sky. The vegetation around here was not very dense, so a group of ninjas in green vests were still easy to identify.

"Everyone of Konoha, I have no malicious intentions."

Xiao Nan lowered his altitude slowly, and his beautiful voice echoed in the ears of Sheng Shu and the others.

"I'm just here to ask for directions. May I ask how to get to Muye Village? My teacher and I got lost. The geographical environment around here has changed a bit, and the map always doesn't match..."

be lost?
The clansmen of the Qianshou family looked at each other, and many young people who were not thick-skinned suddenly showed embarrassing smiles. It seemed that this matter was their fault, but... she is really a beauty!

The people here are all young disciples of the Qianshou family, and all of them are men. At this moment, most of them are standing there stupidly, looking up at the angelic beauty in the sky!
"Hey, you bastards, what are you doing? I just told you not to do it rashly, not to let you put down your weapons!!"

Rope tree is mad!
A bunch of fucking bastards with brains, they can't even walk when they see beautiful women. This kind of reaction makes the patriarch very dissatisfied.

"Patriarch, do you want to fight?"

Of course, not everyone is interested in female sex, and there are quite a few idiots who are keen on fighting, and they are indifferent. Instead, they come up to ask the patriarch if they want to start a fight?
"You just shut up and just sit on guard. You are not allowed to act without my order."

With a finger, Sheng Shu poked the idiot that he had put together, and he was so angry.

Who are these people?It's either an idiot who can't walk when he sees a woman, or an idiot who only knows how to fight and kill. Few of them have a bright mind.

"Who are you? What do you want to do when you go to Konoha?" Naoki asked loudly.

"Yo, Rope Tree, it's grown so big... Huh——? It's actually a clone, and it's grown a lot!"

A white shadow rushed out, flitted among the clansmen of the Qianshou family, grabbed Naoshu by the shoulders, greeted him happily, and found that the person holding his arms was a wooden man.

The clansmen of the Qianshou family were shocked at this moment, not daring to be in a daze anymore. If the patriarch was folded here, they could wipe their necks and lie down here one by one. They took out their weapons one after another and formed seals in their hands. The man who suddenly appeared in the field was about to start a beating.

"Don't do anything."

The sound of the rope tree sounded, calming the movements of the clansmen.

"Brother Jiraiya, can't you point out and say hello normally?" Naoki looked helplessly at Jiraiya who was present with a smile and raised his hands high.

"Haha, it's been a long time since I saw you... I didn't expect you to become so powerful now, is this the wooden avatar? When did you awaken the wooden dungeon?" He flew up and down, and a series of questions were thrown out, which made the rope tree head very big.

"Stop, stop, brother Zilaiye, wait for a while, and talk about it later if you have any questions. There are still people asking for directions!"

"Oh! You mean Xiao Nan? She is with me, Xiao Nan, you can come down now, we are all on our own."

Ji Lai also laughed boldly and waved towards Xiao Nan.

(End of this chapter)

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