The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 320 Living Seal

Chapter 320 Living Seal

The next two days were peaceful.

There is nothing wrong in the village, Hokage-sama handles complicated official duties with ease, Senshou's house is quiet, Nasoki has left the village again, and he has to go to see the members of the Gu family who are out training Mudun, Tsunade continues to soak in the hospital Studying medical skills, almost all of them lived in the hospital.

Tsunade is obsessed with the study of medical ninjutsu, and Jiraiya also invited her to play for money but was rejected.

At that time, Jiraiya's frightened eyes were stared round, and he rubbed his eyes hard, wondering if Tsunade in front of him was some bastard who used the transformation technique to tease him.

Then, he was punched by Tsunade and flew out, broke through the window, and fell into the big tree beside the hospital wall.

But this guy didn't take it seriously, instead he left leisurely, wandering around the village with his apprentices Yahiko and Xiaonan, the three masters and apprentices relax together, a little bit of grief in the heart, time is the best medicine to heal all pain.

During this time, after Fu Yue hurried back from the outside, he had another private meeting with Master Hokage. When he left the Hokage building, he still had a stern face, showing no signs of happiness or anger, but his footsteps were much heavier.

Although the boulders were thrown, the water in Konoha's lake did not make much waves.

The matter of Uchiha Madara is only remembered in the hearts of those people. Before it is time to say it, it is enough to know some things for the time being, and there is no need to say it.

and so.

Konoha is still peaceful, safe and peaceful, with eight streets and nine streets, shoulder to shoulder.

Anbu's main base.

Sitting at the desk, Guanyue was making a 'living seal' with a sad face, the large seal in her hand kept being stamped, and a box of bright red ink pad seemed to see the bottom of it.

Chief Anbu is in charge of a lot of things with sincerity!
Even with the help of Sarutobi Qinghai, a well-educated and capable deputy, Guanyue has accumulated a lot of official affairs that he must personally handle after spending a period of time at leisure.

"Ah! The end of the day! It's a hard day..."

The right hand keeps stamping, the left hand changes the documents, and the six avatars are reviewing each document report, and will be handed over to the main body for stamping after confirming that it is correct.

"Master Chief, these also need to be handled by you personally."

Sarutobi Qinghai held a large stack of documents in his arms, kicked open the door with his toes, and walked in unsteadily.

"I'm going! Still coming?"

"Isn't it?"

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

Before Guanyue deity behind the table could speak, the shadow avatars who were helping to work howled, one by one mournful, like eggplants beaten by Shuang, wilting!

The shadow avatar and the deity have the same personality, except that they know that they are avatars, there is no difference in other aspects. However, once the shadow avatars are differentiated, they will do different things when they come into contact with each other, and their respective reactions will also be different. For example, now, although the avatars If you speak out and complain, your performance will vary.

"President, don't worry. This is the last point. After dealing with these, there is nothing important to bother you." Sarutobi Qinghai laughed, and gently placed the document on the table.

"Qing Hai, thank you for your hard work."

"You are too famous, and I can do some of these things." Yuan Fei Qinghai smiled, and a touch of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

As the eldest son of three generations of Hokage, he used to be full of pride, dreaming of becoming a master like his father and making a name for himself in the ninja world.

It's just that there are nine out of ten people who don't like things in the world, and their dreams are ultimately just a dream in the mirror, which is beyond reach. His talent is limited, and no matter how hard he trains, he can't reach the top level.

Frustrated, he simply started doing paperwork.

Seeing Sarutobi Qinghai standing in front of the table and still not leaving, Guanyue put down the seal and looked at his capable deputy in puzzlement.

"Qing Hai, is there anything else?"

"My lord, that... I've heard people say that Anbu will be reorganized these two days. Is this true?"

Sarutobi Qinghai hesitated again and again, but still asked.

"I thought there was something important, just because of this?" Guanyue shook her head, "That's right, Anbu needs to make some changes, I already talked with Hokage-sama yesterday, Anbu is too bloated now, It's time to reduce the burden, prepare to redefine the scope of power, and transfer some people to the root."

"Root? Is the root organization going to expand?"

Sarutobi Qinghai widened his eyes.

"Yes, Hokage-sama means to let Minato hang a sign and set up a shelf, and our Anbu fills in the inner part, the root, and there will be a root organization in the future, only the root and the Anbu." Guanyue laughed.

For this matter, he agrees with both hands and feet. It is really a happy thing that the old foundation of Danzo's business is taken away by Minato. Dig off the foundation of Danzo, and you don't have to worry about that old thing getting into trouble anymore.

Guanyue has long thought about the rectification of Anbu, and now with the support of Hokage, it is natural to push the boat along.

As for the division of Anbu's power to the root, he doesn't care about it. It would be easier for him to have fewer things.

"Dong dong!"

"Come in."

With Guanyue's permission, Anbu, who is directly under Hokage, pushed the door open, and Sarutobi Kiyomi stepped back a few steps to make room.

"Master Guanyue, Lord Hokage, please go over to discuss matters."

Anbe only regarded Sarutobi Kiyokai standing aside as the air, conveying the order from Orochimaru, and bowed his head respectfully.

"I see, I'll be there right away." Guan Yue nodded casually, then waved her hand to repel Anbu who sent the order.

The door creaked shut.

"Qing Hai, since you asked me today, you just happened to walk with me, Anbu rectification, how to change it? What will it look like? I also need someone to help me as a staff member. Talking to Lord Hokage yesterday made me dizzy. Swell, I really don’t feel talented in this regard.”

Guanyue patted the table and invited Sarutobi Qinghai to go with him.

"Can I go? Hokage-sama is only looking for you..."

"Okay, stop talking. It's not that you don't know Orochimaru. Even if you don't know Minato, you must have seen it. Let's go together. No one will blame you. Even if someone should say something weird, I can help you take care of it." Just go." Guanyue couldn't help but pull Sarutobi Qinghai along.

Before going out, Guan Yue called out another shadow clone, picked up the seal on the table and continued to work, the sound of stamping could be heard even through the door.

"Let's go, let's hope that when we come back, the work here will be done."

Leave the root base, choose the shortest path, and go to the Hokage Building at the fastest speed.

In order to take care of Sarutobi Qinghai's speed, Guanyue didn't disappear with a ride on the thunder light, and followed Sarutoki Qinghai like a walk.

Soon, the Hokage Building appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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