The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 326 The Chaotic Rain Ninja

Chapter 326 The Chaotic Rain Ninja

"I'm afraid that Yuren's current boss is not a fool, is he?"

Guanyue sighed from the bottom of her heart.

Yahiko was speechless, looking at the field ahead, one after another Urenin fell in front of Konoha Ninja, he had to admit that maybe the current ruler of Urenin is really a fool!

So stupid!
It was completely unexpected that the ruler of the opponent would make such a stupid response.

Before departure, Orochimaru and Guanyue predicted the possibility of this war, believing that the final result must be victory, but Hanzo has worked hard for decades, and no matter how broken the ship of Yuyin Village is now, it will be able to survive. Scrape out three pounds of nails.

In short, the process may be a little troublesome, but the final result must be beautiful!
However, the current situation is that even that little trouble does not exist, and there is a bright road leading to victory in front of him.

Yahiko's mood was extremely complicated. Under Hanzo's command, the Akatsuki organization was beaten repeatedly by the Amano in the past, and it was only thanks to Nagato's superb force that he survived. It's pitiful, without Hanzo, this group of fierce Yuren is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, and the threat has been weakened by most of it!

They looked like a pack of wild dogs, and the misery made Yahiko, an old opponent, feel a little sad!

Poor Hanzo has worked so hard all his life to raise his family fortune for the village, and it was ruined like this!

"Thunder Fork!"

Guanyue held the thunderbolt in his hand, and a dazzling light flashed away. A Urenin who was about to kill the ninjas of the Hyuga family had no shadow on his head, and his neck was scorched black by the high temperature, and there was no blood. Splashing out, the headless corpse fell into the muddy water with a plop.

Dispersing the remaining thunder arc in his hands, he shook his hands lightly.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous, I almost missed it!"

On the battlefield, the ninjas of Hyuga's family jumped up, dragged their injured bodies and rushed to the opposite Urenin again.

The killing sound is shocking!
But the wind and rain refused to stop at all. In this environment, the ninjas of the Minadutsu family could be said to be like a fish in water.

Having dealt with the Mist Ninjas for a long time, the Minazuki family inevitably became infected with the Mist Ninjas' fighting style, and even imitated the Mist Ninja's Kirigakure technique, and came up with a blowing snow technique, hiding in the wind and snow to attack and kill enemy.

The wind and rain turned into snow!

The ninjas of Minazuki's family were like assassins who wandered in the wind and snow. Under the leadership of Minazuki Satsuki, they easily harvested the heads of the Urenin.

The battle soon came to an end!

"How far is it from Yuyin Village?" Guanyue asked Hui Ye Liulang while pulling her.

Spread out the waterproof map and measure it with your fingers, Kaguya Rokuro quickly gave the answer.

"If the mental calculation is correct, there is still a distance of about thirteen kilometers." Kaguya Rokuro replied cautiously.

"Thirteen kilometers? It's very close! It's very close!" Guanyue closed her eyes and made a mudra with her hands, "Kagile Mind Eye."

This is already the sixth wave of ambush Urenin they have killed. They have killed nearly [-] Urenin. Didn't break through to triple digits, and the vast majority of them were injured.

Comparing the two, it is unavoidable to be a little sad, even if they are hostile to each other, they can't help but sympathize with the unlucky ones who are against the enemy.

It's such a misfortune to have an idiot commander at the booth, of course sympathy is all sympathy, and Konoha is merciless when it comes to knives!
Seeing that he was approaching Yuyin Village step by step, he began to observe the next journey with Kagura's mind.

"...Finally not too stupid!"

Guanyue hummed in a low voice and opened her eyes.

"Liulang, send the order to go down and rest in place for 10 minutes, and then move forward at full speed. There are no enemies along the road. This time, push me directly into Yuyin Village."

"Yes, Mr. President."


"The ambush team on the front line has not sent back a single message, and they have lost contact."

"Have you been killed? Damn it!"

In a high-rise building in Yuyin Village, in a secret room, four Yuren who were fully armed and wearing masks, who couldn't see their faces clearly, sat cross-legged in the room.

The four of them were the elite of Hanzo's subordinates. Fortunately, they were not taken by Hanzo to hunt down Yahiko and the others with Senjuzen and the others. They stayed in the village and escaped unharmed, but their lives were not easy.

They don't have the prestige of Hanzo, even if four of them work together, they can't suppress the chaotic village. Some of their companions split up, but they can't take care of it. They just keep the morale of the direct subordinates from falling, and they have exhausted their few soldiers. Brains, if another civil war breaks out...

Without the need for outsiders to do it, Yuyin Village is probably finished by itself.

Speaking of it, it is also because Hanzo is too strong. The run-on companions of the same period have no place to stand, and the older old people have basically gone early, and the heirs they cultivated have died. Otherwise, Yuyin Village would not be reduced. to such a situation.

"It's all those bloody traitors who actually turned to Akatsuki's rebels. If Master Hanzo is still here, I will definitely ask for orders to kill those rebels..."

"Okay, shut up, it's already this time, don't talk about such useless nonsense, Lord Hanzo has already gone, what we have to consider now is how to deal with Konoha's invaders, and... ... I know those lunatics who lure wolves into the house."

The four argued.

About how to meet the enemy started a long wrangling battle. The four of them have equal strength and status, and their relationship with each other is not very harmonious. Abandon past suspicions and face the future hand in hand.

Sitting together is the limit, and the unity of thought is far away.

This time, it was doomed to have no results.

Sure enough, after half an hour of war of words, no one was able to convince anyone, and the atmosphere in the secret room was very heavy.

"Damn it! I won't accompany you to talk nonsense, whoever he is, dare to come to my Yuyin Village, and I'll just screw it up to death. What a waste of time here."

One of them stood up abruptly, raised his hand and overturned the small round table in front of him, angrily pushed open the door, and left with his hands.

The remaining three looked at each other, and another got up and left.

"That's enough. What kind of scheme are we old men thinking of here? It's really stupid. I'm still used to using kunai to talk to people."

The temporary high-level management of Yuyin Village fell apart in an instant.

The four of them all left the building, commanded their own troops, divided part of the village, and waited quietly for the arrival of Konoha's intruders.


"What is this? A gift from God?"

Guanyue didn't know what to say anymore.

Standing in the pile of rocks not far from Yuyin Village, Kagura scanned every corner of the entire village with his eyes, and then he was stunned. Instead of gathering together, the Yuyin were scattered into four parts ······
I couldn't even figure out what was going on!
However, this does not prevent Guanyue from giving the order to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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