Chapter 347 Rebirth
Wuwei's offensive rhythm was disrupted, and he was poked all over his body.

That is to say, the tailed beast is not a real creature, otherwise it would have fallen to the ground with such an injury, unlike the five-tailed beast, which has holes all over its body, but it didn't even shed a drop of blood.

However, this does not mean that Kaguya Rokuro's attack is useless.

Tailed beasts are entities with a high concentration of chakra. In order not to change and change, they imitate wild beasts and have a fixed posture. Although they will not bleed and get injured like ordinary creatures, after being attacked, they will produce Similar response effects.

Wuwei's movements are not as flexible as before, a little slow and stiff, like an old dog that has grown up.

It will struggle to exert its former strength until all wounds are healed.

"Bone Meridian...I didn't expect such a trick to exist. I always thought it was just a blood follower who was good at melee combat! I was mistaken..."

With the intervention of Kaguya Rokuro and Minazuki Xiaoyue, the combo of Wuwei and Siwei was interrupted, and the wooden figure finally stood on the ground.

After this series of blows, he was beaten miserably. The wooden man's right arm was broken at the elbow, and his left leg was also pierced by lava five or six times. It was as ugly as being bitten by insects. His body was scorched black The burnt traces of the body, the waterfall created by the Takitsubo technique is almost dry, and only a trickle flows down the chest of the wooden figure.

But luckily it's over.

After lifting the wooden ingot wall, Shengshu rubbed his brows to relieve his bewildered mind, took a big gulp of fresh air, rolled in the air for a long time, and did his best to not spit it out.

He raised his eyes and saw the staggering five tails still staring at it with fierce eyes, and the four tails rushed towards Kaguya Rokuro and Minazuki Xiaoyue with both hands and feet.

"Don't think about it, red-haired monkey."

Shengshu resisted the desire to vomit, stomped his feet, and the wooden man under his feet immediately started to move. He started to walk quickly, and then ran.

At the same time, at the gap on the wooden man's body, the wood that was originally stronger than stainless steel 'softened', and new plant cells regenerated, growing and expanding at an astonishingly fast rate, filling the huge gap, and the arm that was broken at the elbow was also restored. The sprouts grew again.

"Hell, let's go."

Looking at the four tails rushing towards him, Mizuki Shoyue set up Kaguya Rokuro, and the two struggled to escape with all their strength.

Even though they knew that they couldn't escape very far in their current state, they still didn't give up.

The wooden man ran wildly all the way, kicking Wuwei who rushed forward, Shengshu formed a seal with both hands, and when the distance was reached, he immediately cast the spell.

"Mu Dun, Fei Naimu."

In the sky, huge pieces of wood condensed and appeared out of thin air, and then fell straight down like a missile, with the four tails as the center, making a covering blow.


The wooden pillars are very heavy and extremely hard. The four-tailed head that fell down caused pain in the head, which immediately angered the monkey. It beat its chest and roared to the sky. All the wood was swallowed up and melted clean.

But there was such a delay.

The wooden man stopped Siwei, swung two three-story building-like fists, and greeted Siwei's monkey face.


"Teacher...teacher...teacher when will he wake up?"

"Brother Guanyue's injury is alright?"


"Stupid, this kind of trauma can't be exposed to the wind, the wound will be infected..."

"What did you say?"

There were bursts of vague sounds in my ears, as if someone was screaming, and then there was a burst of ping-pong-pong.

"I said... what are you two doing?"

His head was numb from the noise, Guanyue raised his heavy eyelids with great effort, and saw Jiuyeyue and Kakashi fighting in the tent with a knife, the two of them were coming and going, pure Contest with knife skills.

The brain that is still in chaos can't understand what these two stinky brats are doing.

"Teacher, are you awake?"

Jiu Yeyue reacted quickly, and with a twist of the short knife in her hand, sheathed it in the scabbard on her lower back, and rushed towards the bed.

Kakashi was a step slower, or it could be said that boys and girls are different after all, their emotions are restrained and solemn, imitating the famous work made by Baiya sword, inserted it back into the scabbard on the back, followed the girl, and walked to the bedside.

"Hiss...Jiu Yeyue, take it easy! My arm has just grown..."

Looking at the right arm held tightly by the girl, it is white and tender, like a peeled egg, so white and tender that water can be squeezed out, the skin color of the left arm is very different, both are fair, but they are completely different. feeling.

······This is the newly grown arm······

The memory in my mind suddenly broke through the levee like a flood, the battle with Onoki, half of his body was destroyed by Chen Dun, and then he was rescued by Naoki and the others, and then passed out...
This time... a big loss!
The corners of his mouth twitched, Guanyue looked at Jiuyeyue, "What's the situation now? If I remember correctly, Naoki's avatar saved me. How long has it been? Where did Iwain hit? We are still in grass country?..."

"Wait, wait, that, this, teacher, please slow down, there are too many questions."

Jiuyeyue sealed Guanyue's mouth with a catch.

The atmosphere is a little stiff!

The belated girl realized that she had done something extraordinary, and withdrew her palm with a embarrassed expression.

"...This is an accident."

The girl's eyes flickered and she defended, her voice was as small as a mosquito.

"Ahem." Kakashi coughed twice, breaking the awkward atmosphere, "Brother Guanyue, you've only passed out for an hour, and Iwanin hasn't come over yet. The front line is Naoki-sama fighting Iwanin. The two tails are fighting, and up to now there is no winner."

"One hour...that's it!"

Scratching the newly grown arm, I always felt a little itchy, Guanyue sat up with support, her arm was sore and a little bit useless.

The condition is not very good...
"Fuck me..." Guan Yue's eyes twitched violently.

This is not too bad, he has just now noticed that the chakra is almost dry, if the original chakra is like a vast ocean, it is now a small pond.

"Tsk, is it all used to restore the body? No wonder I'm so hungry."

His mind turned quickly, and he instantly figured out the reason. He raised his eyes and looked at the two little guys guarding him, and suddenly felt a slight disobedience. "Speaking of which, why are you two guarding here? Shouldn't it be a medical ninja?"

"I hired a medical ninja to heal you, Sensei. It's just that your body's ability to heal itself is too strong. Those guys lost their confidence after being hit. Master Otoyu is too busy to get away, so why don't you ask us to take care of you?" gone."

······· Lost confidence in the blow?

Guanyue's face trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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