The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 388 Lily of the Valley

Chapter 388 Lily of the Valley
"I forgot to introduce, she is your Auntie Xiaonan's daughter, Lily Lanchan, who was born in the same year as both of you, but her birthday is in November, so she is your younger sister."

The girl with the ponytail nodded shyly towards Xiuyuan and Naruto.

"Sister? Eh? She's even younger than me!"

Naruto was born in October, and most of his friends in the same year were a few months older than him, and this was the first time someone was younger than him.

A smug smile appeared on his face.

"······" For Naruto's idiot-like reaction, Xiu Yuan didn't even bother to say anything, and looked at the girl with ponytail, "Sister Suzuran, right? My name is Uzumaki Hideo, please give me your advice."


The girl responded nervously.

"Yo, remember, young master, my name is Naruto Naruto, and I am the man who is destined to become Hokage."

Naruto raised his head triumphantly, stepped on the coffee table, rubbed his nose with his right index finger, and looked like a big man.


Xiuyuan's face froze, she was completely speechless at Naruto's idiot behavior, and she dared to step on the coffee table in front of Aunt Kushina, and she was playing dead again!
Sure enough, the next moment, the storm suddenly rolled up.

"Naruto! You idiot!!!"

Kushina's roar instantly resounded in every corner of the living room, and Naruto shuddered, subconsciously about to rush out, but Kushina's movements were faster.

Throwing the kitchen knife in his hand to Xiao Nan, he grabbed Naruto by the neck, and immediately executed Naruto's naked strangulation. The strangulated Naruto's eyeballs rolled up, and he screamed.

"How many times have I told you? Don't step on the coffee table or table, and what was your attitude just now? Lily of the Valley sauce is a guest. If you are dishonest, be careful with your skin."

It was Xiaonan who came out to smooth things over, and Naruto was freed, but he was still warned viciously by Kushina.

Jiu Xinnai and Xiao Nan went back to the kitchen to continue preparing dinner, leaving San Xiao sitting in the living room to make friends.

"Xiuyuan, you and Naruto treat Suzuran-chan well! We have to prepare dinner..."

Jiu Xinnai left such an order, which made Xiuyuan very dizzy.

Looking at the angry Naruto and the uneasy girl, he felt even more headache. He really shouldn't be pulled over by Naruto, an idiot.

"Suzuran, is this your first time visiting Konoha?"

Xiu Yuan showed a very gentle smile on his face, trying to stir up the topic.

"Hmm! This is my first time here, but I have been to other places in the Land of Fire before." Lily of the Valley replied softly.

"That's it! Speaking of which, I haven't been to a place other than the Land of Fire, and all my travels are in China..."

Slowly, with the topic of travel, the atmosphere gradually warmed up, and Suzuran gradually relaxed. Although Naruto still had a stinky face, his ears were pricked up, paying attention to the relationship between Xiuyuan and Suzuran. conversation.

After holding back for a long time, the temper in Naruto's heart has completely dissipated. This is also the advantage of a fool. With an extremely optimistic attitude and tough nerves, unpleasant things can always be quickly forgotten.

"Hi! I said your name is Lily of the Valley, what's your last name?"

Naruto asked suddenly.

"Surname...that... I don't have a surname, my father and mother were both orphans, and I don't have a surname. Lily of the Valley is my mother's name for me." A little nervous, but settled down quickly.

She didn't perceive any malice in Naruto's eyes, there was only pure curiosity in those blue eyes.

"Ah! That... I don't know, sorry!"

Naruto explained helplessly.

"Lily of the valley? Does it mean the return of happiness?" Xiuyuan asked in the eyes of Naruto asking for help.

"Do you know the flower language of lily of the valley?"

The girl's eyes lit up. For ninjas, the language of flowers is completely out of the way knowledge. Few people know about it. This is the first time she has met anyone other than her parents who knows about this people with knowledge.

"Well! My mother likes to study a lot of strange things, such as the differences in hot springs in different regions, and the regional and cultural differences in the ninja world." Xiuyuan scratched her head and explained with a dry smile: "My mother compiled a discourse Daquan, I was also forced to help, and as a result, I more or less mastered some knowledge in this area."

"The Encyclopedia of Words!? Is there another book like this? It's amazing! Can you lend me that one?"

The girl stood up excitedly, put her hands on the coffee table, leaned forward, and forced Xiu Yuan who was sitting opposite.

"It's fine, but the book is at home." Xiuyuan leaned back without moving her face, and her back was tightly attached to the sofa, "Ling Lan, if you don't leave in a hurry, you can put the book away tomorrow." Bring it to you, can you?"

"No problem, no problem at all, this time I should stay in Konoha for a long time... Ah!! Sorry, I'm so excited!"

With Xiuyuan's promise, the girl's high spirits receded, and then she noticed her aggressive posture, blushed immediately, and hurriedly sat back.

"... Let me say, can you talk about something that I can also participate in? I'm bored if you do this."

Naruto lay down on the table, looking depressed.

The language of flowers and so on have nothing to do with him at all, and he can't get in if he wants to intervene.

The atmosphere became harmonious unconsciously.

in the kitchen.

Listening to the bursts of laughter coming from the living room, Xiao Nan's tightly hanging heart was relieved.

"I've said it all, Xiuyuan and Naruto are good kids, well, let's not talk about that idiot Naruto, Xiuyuan is very good! The grades in the ninja school have always been among the best," Kushina boasted about her precious nephew .

"I'm not worried about Xiuyuan and Naruto, it's just that Suzuran has an introverted personality, and has never been able to make friends in the village. Because of this, I'm almost dying of worry."

A bitter smile appeared on Xiaonan's face.

The relationship between Xiaonan and Kushina is very close. Xiaonan is not only from the same school as Minato, but also a friend of Guanyue. After several encounters, they get along very well with each other. Konoha always comes to Minato's house to meet Kushina.

This time, he even brought his daughter here.

"Yahiko and I have been busy with work. When we noticed, Suzuran hadn't gone out to play with peers for a long time. He stayed at home origami and read books. He thought of many ways but nothing changed. This time he thought about going out. It might be better to relax..."

"so serious?"

Kushina was taken aback.

Naruto has been carefree since she was a child, and she grew up with Xiuyuan, her troubles have always come from Naruto's excellent ability to cause trouble, but she has never had such troubles as Xiaonan.

"It's really hard to raise a girl!" Jiu Xinnai comforted her.

Xiao Nan only smiled bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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