The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 395 Hu Lai's Teacher

Chapter 395 Hu Lai's Teacher
"Xiuyuan, what does the quiz mean? Is it special?"

Ling Lan looked at the students who were in a mess and asked in a low voice.

"Small quiz... This is something that Mr. Tong created by himself, that is, the actual combat evaluation. Every three people will be in a group, and then a group battle will be held. The teacher will give each group a test based on factors such as victory or defeat, combat performance, etc. score."

"Sounds like nothing? Why are, um... nervous."

Ling Lan paused, and replaced his fear with nervousness.

In fact, it's more than just nervousness. Some people are frowning, some are moaning, and of course, some are unmoved and as steady as a rock, but most of them are uneasy.

"This... is because of the rules set by Teacher Hitomi." Xiu Yuan smiled wryly, "Guys who fail the quiz, go to... go to the lower reaches of Nanhe River to clean up the piles Household garbage in several river bends..."

When mentioning this paradoxical punishment method, Xiuyuan's face was also quite ugly, it was simply a nightmare.

"Ling Lan, do your best to perform better, and you must pass."

He said solemnly.

Ling Lan blinked and asked, "Is the job of cleaning up the trash very hard?"

"Lucky?" The corners of Xiuyuan's eyes twitched. "It's fine if it's just hard work. Tiredness is nothing. The usual training is not easy. What's really scary about the bends in the lower reaches of Nanhe River is the smell."

"The domestic garbage in the village was washed away by the river and piled up in those bends. The rotten smell that emanated from it killed a black bear alive. The flies flying all over the sky were like dark clouds, and the carcasses of dead animals It's full of fat white maggots..."

Naruto leaned over, vividly depicting the terrifying scene.

Lily of the valley turned pale and was disgusted.

"Shut up." Xiuyuan grabbed the idiot's neck and slapped the guy's head hard, "Speaking of which, didn't you go to get something? Where are the things?"

"...Here are the things."

Naruto rubbed his head and pointed, "Teacher Hitomi is supervising Ino and Sakura writing small notes."

The so-called small props are actually a box, the kind of open box used for drawing lots.

A group of three is divided by this method, and then one-on-one, two wins in three battles, avoiding the situation where the strong are united, and also avoiding that one person is too strong, otherwise the losers will be so many every time. Man, this quiz is boring, and the uncertainty of lottery brings great joy to this little game... quiz.

Of course, this is Hitomi's own joy.

Xiuyuan also lost, because the two teammates who were assigned together at that time were really a little watery. As a result, the final score of the group was desperately low. Therefore, he also went to the lower reaches of Nanhe River and had a dark memory.

When explaining the rules to Suzuran, the girls also wrote down all the numbers, but there was a small problem here.

"Teacher, there used to be 27 students in our class, which happened to be nine groups, but now there is one more student, how should we divide them?"

It was Sakura who asked the question.

Xiuyuan raised her eyes and looked over, as expected, this question still couldn't be bypassed.


Hitomi let out a bewildered exclamation, tilting her head.

Hey, maybe you didn't find it?

Cold sweat slipped down his forehead, Xiuyuan's face darkened, and the desire to complain in his heart swelled without limit, but he still held back, he is not Naruto, he likes to kill so much.

"There's actually one more person... Well, okay, let's do it this way!" Tong thought for a while, and came up with an idea, "Xiuyuan, come here and be the referee and help me maintain order. The number of people, I count... 27, no problem."

Under the powerful pressure of unreliable teachers, Xiuyuan quit the quiz and transformed herself into a referee.

The next task is quite simple, and except for Ling Lan, it is not the first time for everyone to take part in this nasty quiz. Those who know the way well line up and take turns to draw lots, and Ling Lan is also in Xiuyuan With the help of the referee, the lottery was completed safely.

"The sixth group······"

Lily of the Valley unfolded the ball of paper, and there was a big six on it.

She raised her head and looked around, trying to find someone who was also in the sixth group.

"Who is in the sixth group?"

Ino raised the note in her hand and shook it, secretly praying that she would have two reliable partners, but she didn't want to go to the lower reaches of Nanhechuan to clean up the garbage at all.

After she went there once, the clothes on her body were burned directly, and she stayed at home for three days without going to school.


Shikamaru raised his hand listlessly, and put a six on the note between his fingers.

"... Shikamaru? Fortunately, fortunately!"

Ino relaxed slightly.

In Iruka's class, Shikamaru can rank among the top ten in terms of strength, and his brain is very flexible. If he plays well, even Hideono and Sasuke will be crushed in his hands.

"Who else is in the sixth group, please tell me?"

Ino's imposing gaze was cruising around, Suzuran shrank her neck, but she still gritted her teeth and walked over, holding the note in her hand.

"It's me! I'm also in the sixth group."


Ino was stunned, staring straight at the timid Suzuran.

There are nine groups. I didn't expect that the new classmate who just transferred today would be in a group with her. This luck is also possible... Although I am not sure if it is good luck or bad luck.

"Hey, Ino, why are you in a daze?"

Shikamaru waved his hand in front of Ino, then turned to look at Suzuran, "Well, I'm Nara Shikamaru... Suzuran-san, please give me your advice."

While talking, Shikamaru scolded Xiuyuan bloody in his heart, asking him to help with such a troublesome matter is really a hell...

"Hello, I'm here, please give me some advice, that, Shikamaru-san."

Suzuran nodded, sensing Shikamaru's kindness, a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Ahem!" Ino tossed his hair, cleared his throat, and said imposingly, "Ino Yamanaka, you can just call me Ino. From now on, we will be a team, let's work hard together."

"Student Ino?"

"You don't need to add a classmate, just call me Ino. We don't have many girls, so there's no need to be so different." Ino grabbed Suzuran's hand very familiarly, and began to bite his ear, muttering. A few minutes later, they were talking and laughing with an extremely affectionate look.

As expected, she is the girl with the strongest communication skills in the class. She has a good relationship with all the girls and is also very popular among the boys. Moreover, the Ino family owns a flower shop, so she is keenly aware of Suzuran's hobby. It was easy for the two to find a sympathy, and a friendship was established in an instant.

At this time, the lottery was completely over, and the nine groups were divided into groups of three, standing together with a clear distinction between each other.

(End of this chapter)

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