The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 409 Human Puppet

Chapter 409 Human Puppet

"Resistance to this point, to be honest, I'm a little scared."

Scorpion's voice came from the hole in the rock wall.

"Obviously just a kid who grew up in a peaceful environment, why does he have such power... Well, it's not uncommon for a jonin to be eleven or twelve years old. Geniuses are born every three to five or six years. There can always be one crop after another, the yellow-haired kid over there is also a genius, his fighting instinct is as keen as a beast, but even a genius is just a rough stone without polishing, and you——"

"Uzumaki Xiuyuan, isn't such a wealth of combat experience something a student should have?"

"...I thought you were going to say something! It made me nervous for a long time." Mixed among the shadow clones, Xiuyuan's sneer floated.

"Anything funny?"

The puppet hovered in mid-air, not in a hurry to attack.

"Practical experience...haha! Your Excellency Red Sand Scorpion, who do you think I am? Practical experience is meaningless to me." Many identical faces showed mocking smiles, His eyes were full of undisguised admiration, "I've been fighting the strongest person in the ninja world since I was a child!"

Today's strongest ninja, Guanyue got this title as early as more than ten years ago.

"To be honest, your strength is very strong, but compared to my father, it's still... not enough! There is no comparison at all."

A group of shadow clones sneered in unison, their vicious expressions could blow up people's lungs.

But Scorpion was not angry about it.

"...So that's the case, no wonder! No wonder a kid is so hard to deal with..." Scorpion laughed, but the laughter was quite weird, "It's even more valuable to kill you like this! Let that arrogant guy taste the pain of losing a loved one!!!"

The puppets that were floating suddenly lost control, and they all smashed to the ground.

"Boy, let me show you my true strength! Red secret skill, thirty round dances."

The flowing fire burned down the damaged rock wall, the vast gray wind knife came across the sky like a long dragon, the shining thunder burst into dazzling light, and the torrent began to submerge the lower places.

"...Damn it, does the puppeteer have such means?"

Xiuyuan's clones picked up the three unconscious guys and started to flee, while leaving behind a group of clones to resist the fierce attack of the scorpion.

Thirty brand-new puppets were summoned. Different from the previous ten grotesque puppets, these thirty were basically in the form of human beings, but some of their limbs were modified and equipped with some extremely fierce weapons.

But the most surprising thing is not here, but these puppets have chakra meridians, and can also release ninjutsu. It is not so much puppets, it is better to say that they are human beings...

"Puppets? These things are puppets? Fuck... Water Dungeon, Water Formation Wall."

A shadow clone turned around and spit out a mighty force to form a flexible wall of water, carrying down the huge fireball that came in front of it.

The individual strength of these puppets is not strong, but under the control of the central brain of the scorpion, they cooperate with each other to exert amazing strength. The combination of wind and fire, the combination of water and mine, and the blending of fire and earth are just ordinary C. The combination of first-level ninjutsu is comparable to B-level ninjutsu, and even directly catches up with A-level ninjutsu.

In this regard, even Xiuyuan's shadow clones can't compare.

Although the shadow clones have the same wisdom, the same knowledge, and the same experience, their different positions allow their thinking to expand in different directions, and they can only cooperate with each other by making eye contact, which is not as efficient as the puppets of the scorpion.

"Son of natural disasters! How about my puppet trick? Even if it's not as good as your great old man, it's enough to kill you, right?"

The scorpion's voice spread like an attacking puppet.

"Human puppet?"

Xiuyuan chanted the name, chewed it twice, and vaguely understood it, but not very thoroughly.

"Human puppet, this is an outstanding creation I created that surpassed all the sages and predecessors, and a new world of puppet art that I personally opened up." Scorpion's quite proud voice came along with the bombardment of ninjutsu, because Scorpion's voice was a little fuzzy, but Xiuyuan still caught Xie's voice with her excellent hearing.

"············································································································································································································································································​​ ·······"

The sound of ninjutsu bombardment blocked part of the words, but based on what he heard, he could roughly deduce what this puppet was all about.

It is worthy of being the scorpion of red sand, the strongest genius in puppet art in the history of sand hidden village, even in the eyes of some sand ninja, scorpion can compete with the ancestor Monzaemon who created puppet art and the second who improved puppet art A handsome talent comparable to Daime Kaikage.

A human puppet who can use ninjutsu is really a terrifying method beyond imagination.

The puppet technique has avoided the danger of the puppet master in person, but it has always been lack of powerful and destructive means, so it is difficult to work in the battle. The puppet masters can only work hard on poison and hidden weapons. It is inevitable to lose the kingly way.

But Scorpion's human puppet opened the door to a new world for puppetry. The puppet that can use ninjutsu makes up for the shortcoming of the puppet's lack of large-scale lethality. It is almost perfect. At least theoretically, there is no major problem. up.

"Well! You are indeed very good at this thing, and it is completely different from the things I have learned about puppet masters! But... I have said it all, just relying on your tricks, it is impossible in this life Compared with my father...more!"


The puppet wheel-like reamer shredded the shouting shadow clone.

"Have you become angry from embarrassment? Uncle, you are already in your thirties, why are you still so angry? Be careful of premature aging!"

Xiuyuan still spoke bad words instinctively, and the attribute of a poisonous tongue can't be hidden. Apart from his parents, the people who can make him dare not speak harshly are Aunt Kushina and Uncle Minato, like Uncle Otoha. Fighting with him laughing and joking.

"You brat who likes to show off his mouth!! Be careful and die and enter the hell of pulling out your tongue."

Xie sneered, and led the puppets to continue harvesting Xiuyuan's shadow clones. In the park, the number of Xiuyuan's shadow clones was rapidly decreasing.

"Shadow Clone Technique."

Seeing that the previous shadow clones were gradually eliminated, Xiuyuan called out a large number of clones again, a total of one hundred.

"In terms of numbers, our Uzumaki clan is never afraid!"

(End of this chapter)

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