The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 437 The Journey of Growth

Chapter 437 The Journey of Growth

"It stinks!"

"Why do we take this kind of work?"

Naruto waved the iron tongs holding the garbage in his hand, wanting to cry in depression.

"Naruto, you idiot, don't swing the iron tongs around, the dirty water has splashed on my clothes."

Sasuke scolded angrily.

"What's the matter? Sasuke, you're too stingy. It's just a piece of clothing. Besides, the clothes have been smoked for so long. They must be changed and washed when they go back. Why worry about more dirty water?"

Naruto's plausible rebuttal made Sasuke's eyes straighten out of anger.

Seeing the two working on the river, Xiuyuan said sincerely: "It's great to be able to work in two groups with these two idiots!"


Ling Lan nodded affirmatively, there is no girl who does not love beauty, this kind of harsh working environment is already heartwarming enough, and with two idiots fighting in the garbage dump, I can only say haha... ··
It's been a month since graduation.

During this month, the members of Class [-] were busy looking for lost pets, cleaning up garbage in the river, helping to drive away wild boars in the fields and other D-level tasks.

There is no magnificent life as imagined at all, and the ordinary and boring days make people unable to lift their spirits.

"Shisui-sensei, are ninja tasks so simple and boring?"

Xiuyuan looked at Zhishui who was feeding the crows with bread crumbs, and couldn't help asking.


Zhishui smiled, but didn't answer right away. He tore up half a piece of bread and threw it on the ground, attracting crows to swarm the ground and fight for it.

"It took me so long to ask, your patience is much stronger than Naruto and Sasuke! A week ago, Naruto and Sasuke asked me similar questions."

"Then what's your answer, teacher?" Xiuyuan asked.

"The answer... Ninja tasks are indeed so boring. At least D-level tasks are basically such jobs. I know that with your strength, you can also adapt to B-level tasks, not to mention C-level tasks. But the ninja industry has rules."

Zhishui looked at Xiuyuan and Linglan, and said with a smile: "No matter how good you are, you are just ninjas after all. If you want to accept high-level tasks, you need enough accumulation, that is, the completion rate of a large number of D-level tasks. Accepting more advanced tasks can gain the trust of the client."

The entrustment and acceptance of tasks are not decided unilaterally. When entrusting a task, Ninja Village will consider whether to accept the entrustment according to the situation, and the client also has the right to know some information about the ninja who accepts the task. If there is any opinion, the candidate will be replaced. , to put it simply, this is a two-way choice.

"However, in the past month, we have completed 52 D-level tasks in total. Including this trash-picking task, the number is 53. I have already accepted a C-level task. I will go to the Hokage Building to meet the client tomorrow. If the client has no objection, we will..."

"Really? Teacher Zhishui, you didn't lie, did you?"

At some point, the two noisy people surrounded him, Naruto's eyes were almost glowing with excitement, Sasuke looked calm, but Shisui couldn't hide the rapid heartbeat.

"Haha! The C-level mission, my legend is finally coming to an end!" Naruto laughed with his hips on his hips, his excitement was beyond words.

"Idiot, thank God you don't delay in the mission." Sasuke taunted habitually.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter who is holding back! This kind of thing is not up to you."

Naruto was in a good mood at the moment and didn't start arguing with Sasuke.

"Okay, I'll tell you about this in detail later, don't forget what you are going to do now!"

Under the urging of Zhishui, everyone had to continue to repeat the tedious work of picking up garbage according to their patience and curiosity.

"Naruto, why don't you use the shadow clone to pick up the trash? Didn't you use the shadow clone to solve the problem when you went to the farm to help weed?"

Xiuyuan stood on the shore, looked at the busy Naruto and asked.

"Ah? Absolutely not, the superimposed stench when the shadow clone is released will kill me."

Naruto shook his head like a rattle, and sternly refused.


Vortex home.

Otome is sorting out and collecting manuscripts. She is currently obsessed with the types of ramen and plans to compile a book that introduces various types of ramen in detail.

So he brought in Kushina, who is a ramen lover, to help.

Since Naruto graduated and became a ninja, Kushina suddenly became idle.

My husband is busy with work and often doesn't eat at home. Now my son also eats out with his teammates, and only eats at home every now and then.

Staying alone in an empty home is really frustrating, so when faced with Otome's invitation, she immediately agreed.

She has recently begun to consider whether to resume her ninja status. At the beginning, she devoted herself to being a housewife for Naruto, staying in pots and pans for 12 years.

And now that Naruto has grown up, and in a few years when he gets married, she doesn't need to worry about it. Whenever he thinks about it, he feels depressed and uncomfortable. It's impossible not to find something to do to distract him.

"Otome, Naruto, and Hideo seem to be going abroad on a mission tomorrow."

"Really? It's time for Xiuyuan too!"

Otome couldn't take her eyes off the manuscripts piled up on the table.

"Hey, Otome, aren't you worried? They are leaving the Land of Fire, what should they do if they are in danger? Minato and Guanyue are two idiots who have so many enemies..."

"..." Otome had to shift her attention from the manuscript to Kushina, and sighed quite nerve-wrackingly, "Kushina, this is unavoidable, the children choose by themselves After this path, all we parents can do is try to teach them, not chain them around."

"Besides, we rushed to the battlefield when we were teenagers. Now Naruto and the others are just going to perform missions. The security is very high. Besides, their guide is Shinobu Shisui, so there will be no problem. "

Otome said with certainty, giving Kushina a shot in the arm.

Although he was talking to comfort Jiu Xinnai, it was just what he had in mind, and it would be a lie to say that he was not worried about Xiuyuan, but she knew very well that this step would eventually be taken.

The chicks always have to leave the nest, break away from the protection of their parents' wings, and start their own journey.

"Have you grown up?" Kushina rubbed her sore eyes, held back her tears, and continued to help Otome organize the manuscript.

"By the way, Naruto and Xiuyuan haven't come back yet! How did you know they were going abroad to perform missions?"

Otome suddenly remembered this episode, and asked puzzledly.

"Are you talking about this? I asked Lin to help me pay attention to Naruto's situation. She has an acquaintance who works in the commissioning department."

Kushina said casually.

Otome blinked her eyes, this... was obviously overprotective, but she just turned around in her heart and didn't dare to say it.

Outside the window, the glowing red sunset was as dazzling as a raging fire, occupying most of the sky.

It will be fine weather tomorrow!It's a good day to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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