The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 443 Murderer?

Chapter 443 Murderer?

After passing through the valley, he left the land of the Land of Fire. After traveling for tens of miles, the scenery in front of him suddenly opened up.

The lush forest has turned into a vast and endless grassland, waist-deep grass is overgrown, and the grass on both sides of the road undulates like waves with the breeze.

"Damn it, what's the matter with this bastard murderer? His breath is getting weaker and weaker."

A look of puzzlement appeared on Jun Malu's face.

I don't understand how the murderer concealed his aura at all. It felt as if he had merged into nature, and his psychic beast was almost confused.

This C-level task is indeed more troublesome than expected.

"Any questions?"

Zhishui came over and asked.

After walking for a long time, people were tired and horses were exhausted, and it was almost time for lunch, so the team found a higher hill and settled down to bury pots for cooking.

Xiu Yuan, Long Dan and other little guys mixed together, chatting non-stop, exchanging their experience after becoming a ninja.

Zhishui noticed Junmalu's change, so he came over to ask.

"It's a bit troublesome. I can't find the murderer's whereabouts. My white snake can't find the trace of the murderer's breath at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air around here."

Jun Malu frowned, and the white snake in his sleeve shook his head blankly.

"So tricky?"

Zhishui was surprised, it was only a C-level mission, and it was originally used by them to train their rookies. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so troublesome for a jonin leader like them.

"I think this time it might be when the task is graded, and the intelligence is not enough... The difficulty of the search alone is enough to be classified as a B-level task." Jun Malu's eyebrows were clouded, "If the murderer's combat power is stronger..."

The words were not exhausted, but Zhishui completely understood the meaning.

It can be described as a disaster for the ninja who received the task because of the lack of sufficient information or the negligence of the staff, which led to the wrong classification of the task.

It’s okay if the simple tasks are considered difficult, but I’m afraid that extremely difficult tasks will be regarded as easy tasks. In such a situation, many people will die every time.

"What are you going to do next? Do you want to give up?" Zhishui asked.

"I'm not afraid of how powerful that murderer is, but the little guys I'm guarding don't have enough strength." Jun Malu was a little annoyed.

If he were alone, no matter how powerful the other party was, he would have enough courage to confront him head-on.

But with three more burdens, he can no longer act as he pleases. He must think twice before acting, taking into account the safety of the little ghosts.

Even in terms of age, he is actually only three years older than Gendan and Miki.

"Is this also to sharpen my temper?" Jun Ma Lu was thoughtful.

Just then, there was a chaotic shout in the distance.


Zhishui looked towards the direction where the guards gathered, and it was there that the abnormal movement occurred.

He and Jun Malu looked at each other, put aside their entanglements for the time being, and the two rushed over together.

"Xiuyuan, what happened?"

Zhishui asked sharply.

At the same time, he frowned and looked at the crowd. He smelled the smell of blood. When he glanced away, he saw a man covered in blood lying on the ground.

"This person rushed over stumbling, shouting for help..."

Xiuyuan was also confused about the details, and before they had time to talk to this guy, Shisui and Junmalu came over.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way."

Jun Malu's ruthless demeanor was more intimidating than Shishui's, and the guards who had come to watch the excitement dispersed immediately.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Jun Malu half-kneeled on the ground, grabbed the somewhat delirious man, and slapped him twice.

"Tell me what happened? Is someone chasing you? What's with the blood all over you?"

"Mr. Zhishui, Mr. Junmalu, is it too unreasonable to do this? That man feels seriously injured! Why do you still treat him like this..."

Sakura looked at the man who had been slapped, with a look of unbearable expression on her face.

"Idiot, that man didn't suffer any injuries at all, he was just frightened. The blood on his body should come from other people."

Shisui didn't speak, and it was Sasuke who answered Sakura's question, his eyes turned scarlet, and the black single-hook jade slowly turned in them.

"Sasuke, be gentle, the other party is a girl." Xiuyuan interjected, comforting Sakura who was blushing from shame, and he also frowned.

"This guy came running from the direction we were going. Could it be that some battle happened ahead?" Xiuyuan clenched her fists, looked at Zhishui who was calm and calm, and still did not act without authorization, waiting for Jun Malu's attack. Ask for results.

Under Jun Ma Lu's set of refreshing skills, the man regained his energy, and answered Jun Ma Lu's questions like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

"The murderer killed your companion? When you were about to deal with you, a group of grass ninja rushed out and fought the murderer, and then you fled to us with all your might..." Jun Ma Lu sorted it out, and asked again man.

"That's right, that's right, it was a monster, that monster killed my companion in an instant, and tore Yoko in half..."

The man was so frightened that his body shrank like a boiled shrimp, and his whole body was shaking non-stop.

"Murderer...does it take no effort at all?" Jun Malu shook his head, "Just now I was worried that I couldn't find anyone, but in a blink of an eye, it was automatically delivered to my door."

"Senior Shisui, I'll go first." Jun Ma Lu said goodbye very simply, and then called Sakura and the others to act immediately.

The four of them headed in the same direction as the man came.

"That's great! Such an enjoyable mission..." Naruto's saliva almost flowed out as he watched Junmaro and the others leave.

"Okay, Naruto, don't look, there is always a chance." Xiuyuan patted Naruto's shoulder.


Naruto reluctantly withdrew his gaze and looked at the man lying on the ground.

"Teacher Zhishui, what should this guy do?"

"Give him some hot water and let him go when he wakes up. We still have a task to do."

Zhishui said lightly, his attention was still on the murderer, and he was very concerned about the murderer who was regarded as a monster.

"I hope it's not some tricky guy..."

Secretly blessing Jun Malu from the bottom of his heart, he found a cleaner place to sit down, drank some hot water, ate a mouthful of bread, and regained his energy.

Ling Lan also gave the frightened man some hot water and bread, and then sat with Xiuyuan and the others, eating the dry bread as well.

"... croak!"

The crows flew across the sky at high speed, Zhishui still couldn't let go!
In Shishui's eyes, Junmalu is really not much different from Xiuyuan and the others, they are still children.

Now that he hit him, he couldn't ignore it.

Seeing the crow flying away, Xiuyuan grinned, clasped her hands together to form a seal, and cast a secret technique.

Godly eyes.

He was also curious about what that monster-like murderer was.

(End of this chapter)

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