The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 468 The First Exam·Reincarnation of Dirt

Chapter 468 The First Exam·Reincarnation of the Dirt

The sound of the coffin opening was very harsh, and the two coffin lids 'slapped' on the ground, and the cold and biting breath spread suddenly.

Xiuyuan's shadow clones backed away a few steps, and did not rush forward rashly.

Naruto's shadow clone is quite vigorous, rushing into the chakra smoke like a wolf like a tiger.

The sound of bang bang was like setting off firecrackers.

The shadow clones that rushed in were completely silent and were all blown up.

The wind on the mountain was strong, and the chakra smoke dissipated quickly, revealing two hunched figures.

The mask covering most of the face, the kind with a respirator, the cold gray vest is slightly old and dilapidated, there are strange cracks on the face, the eyes are dull, the black pupils are extremely deep, and the forehead is the rain. forehead.

Two rain ninjas, one with a sickle in his hand, and the other with a small sword in his hand.

Relying on instinct, the two eliminated Naruto's clone who rushed forward.

"These two little miscellaneous fish are right as a meeting gift, let me see what you are capable of." Qian Shouchan said politely, without looking at the shadow clones circling up from both sides, he just waved his hand, The two Yuren immediately moved.

high speed!

Start hard!

Don't be afraid of getting hurt!

This is the message from the destroyed shadow clone.

The shadow clones of Xiuyuan and Naruto were caught off guard, and they were knocked down in pieces. The white-edged sickle bypassed Kunai at a tricky angle, flashed past the neck of the shadow clone, and suddenly Chakra smog dissipates quickly in the mountain wind.

This strange weapon displayed an extremely powerful power, and the shadow clones were not used to this weird weapon, and the two rain ninjas were not afraid of getting hurt at all.

More than 40 seconds.

All the shadow clones were killed. Of course, the part close to Senju Zen and Uchiha Genzong quietly collapsed in the illusion of Sharingan.

The memory before disappearing was also returned to the brain of the deity.


"Cough cough!"

Xiuyuan and Naruto who were running on the road groaned at the same time, feeling like someone had punched them in the nose, and the messy memories in their minds made them headaches.

"Damn illusion."

Xiuyuan cursed and stopped.

Naruto was already half kneeling on the ground, rubbing his dizzy head.

The mental impact caused by the illusion on the avatar is also reflected on the body, and the fragmented picture makes people dizzy, and they can't tell the real from the fake in front of them.

"Xiuyuan, Naruto, are you alright?"

Sasuke found that the two were missing, and turned back upside down.

After destroying Mieying's clone, the two Yuren also quickly chased after him.


Sasuke cursed, drew out the tachi from his waist, dragged the sword, and faced the rushing Urenin. Shuanggouyu's Sharingan swirled at an extremely fast speed, trying his best to observe the movements of the two Urenin.

"Be careful, they are not afraid of getting hurt, their style of play is crazy, it's the same as killing each other..."

Xiuyuan pinched his forehead hard, still trying to clear up the influence of the illusion on him.

After listening to Xiuyuan's words, Sasuke took a deep breath and stepped forward steadily.


The blades collided, sparks flew away.

Sasuke's sword caught the curved sickle that was slanted down by Urenin in the front.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of clanking sounds of metal and iron, and the shadows of swords, lights and swords bloomed like clusters of flowers.

Sasuke was one against two, and relying on the dynamic vision of Sharingan, he managed to barely block the attacks of the two jounin.

"As expected of a genius in the family!"

In the distance, Senju Zen and Uchiha Genzong walked over slowly, like taking a walk, watching Sasuke fight against the reincarnated Urenin.

Uchiha Xuanzong was holding a leg of lamb in his hand, his cheeks were bulging like a toad.

"The movements are still a bit stiff, without wisdom, and can only act on instinct... Well, there is still room for improvement!"

Senjuzen seems to be doing research, judging Yuren's every move.


Sasuke was panting violently, and his chest rose and fell in a great arc. In just half a minute, he almost exhausted his energy.

Even though they lost their wisdom, the two experienced Amane Jonin, relying on their physical instincts and not fearing injury or death, their combat power is still extremely strong.

Being able to survive for half a minute is enough to show that Sasuke is amazing.

"Earth escape, the art of mire."

In an instant, the hard rocky ground under the feet of the two Yuren turned into mud, sinking their legs and feet.

The movement of the Urenin affected the movement of the Urenin, and the fierce attack froze immediately. Sasuke didn't miss the opportunity, he jumped back quickly, the sword fell to the ground with a clang, his fingers intersected, and began to seal.

"Art fire escape ho fireball."

The fire was shining brightly, and the huge fireball rolled over like a bulldozer, hitting the bodies of the Urenin, the fireball began to expand, the heat refracted the light, and the surrounding scenery was slightly deformed and distorted.

The scorching heat dried up the mud and burned it to ashes together with the Urenin.

"Huh!! Is this the solution?"

Sasuke let out a long breath, murmured, and bent down to pick up his sword.

"Haven't played yet! Brats."

Uchiha Xuanzong waved the pitted leg of lamb and looked at them with a smile.

Sasuke's heart tensed up again, staring at Senjuzen and Uchiha Genzong, thinking that these two would be the next ones to deal with.

"Sasuke, be careful!"


The Taidao hovered above Sasuke's head, cold sweat covered his forehead, Sasuke swallowed, and looked at Naruto standing in front of him, holding the Taidao with Kunai.

Then, I saw Urenin who should be swallowed by the flames and turned into dust. Urenin holding a dagger has only the right half of his body, and the left half of the dust is flying like shredded paper, converging towards the broken wound, filling it up little by little, The body grew back like this.

As for the other Yuren holding a sickle, only the lower body from the waist exists, and the body is recovering under the same accumulation of dust.

"Sasuke, what are you doing? Let's do it together!"

Naruto yelled, Kunai can defend against a long weapon like a Taidao, and the shuriken nailed to Urenin's chest has no effect.

Even the shuriken is useless, and the fist that Naruto has always been good at must not have much effect.

Just looking at the memory passed back from the previous shadow clone, Naruto is very talented in fighting.


Sasuke came back to his senses, almost instinctively, the sword in his hand slashed on Yuren's neck fiercely, and with all his strength, he chopped off Yuren's head directly.

The dull and hoarse voice felt like a piece of rotten wood was chopped down.

The human head whirled in the air, but before it hit the ground, it turned into a cloud of dust and flew backwards towards Urenin's bare neck.

"Naruto, Sasuke, come back first."

Xiuyuan's voice came from behind, and the two of them looked at Yuren who was recovering, hesitated a little, and chose to retreat, and retreated to Xiuyuan's side.

The three stared at the two Yuren, and further away were Senju Zen and Uchiha Xuanzong who were watching coldly.

The pressure is huge!

(End of this chapter)

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