The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 484 The Collision Between the Powerful, Part 1

Chapter 484 The Collision Between the Powerful, Part [-]
There was a clear sound as the armor collided.

The two ancestors of Hokage, Senju Bashirama and Senju Feijian, walked slowly.

Their eyes were cloudy, without a trace of expression.

"Senior Natural Calamity, I'm not good enough, I'm not your opponent, let these two come and play with you!"

Uchiha Xuanzong stood behind the two ancestors of Hokage, and stretched out his hand to stuff the spell-bound Kunai into the back of their heads.


There was a loud explosion in the air, and two powerful auras descended suddenly, raging in all directions like a hurricane, starting from the place where Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoufeijian stood, a large rocky ground shattered and collapsed.

As heavy as a mountain, as endless as a vast ocean, the murderous aura flowing from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood swept past.

Plop plop!
The ninjas rolled their eyeballs and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, fainted by the terrifying aura.

Except for the few talents in the rough, the rest fainted.

"Dirty Earth Reincarnation... used this technique to summon us... Hey, this chakra is my thousand-handed family..." The confusion on the face of the thousand-handed door, some can't sort it out Clearing the current situation, "Is this... the country of thunder? Why is it here, and there are sand ninja and rain ninja..."

The complicated situation made this shrewd and capable second-generation Hokage frowned. Two extremely powerful chakras were fighting in the stone tower behind him, and one of them was the caster who summoned them.

The other one, the Second Hokage had also seen before, was the boy who followed the Second Hokage.

In addition, there is a person from the Uzumaki family right in front of him, and there is a voice in his mind that drives him to attack the Uzumaki family in front of him.

A mess.

"Boy of the Uzumaki family, what's going on? Look at your forehead is a Konoha ninja, right? Can you tell me what happened?"

Qianshou Zhujian stopped in place, holding on to the noisy voice in his head.

"······································································································································​​ " Guanyue reluctantly concluded, "The situation is probably not too bad. Anyway, we, Konoha, will not be affected in any way this time. At most, you two will be used by traitors and lose face."

"Unworthy descendants?" Qianshou Zhujian muttered, feeling the chakra breath of the powerful Qianshou clan in the stone pagoda behind him, and felt quite regretful in his heart. It's really a pity that such a talent betrayed the village.

That bit of regret was extinguished in an instant, he looked at Guanyue, his eyes were full of strangeness, "The members of the Uzumaki family... are so powerful, and Nine Tails and Five Tails are so bold How dare you imprison two tailed beasts in your body at the same time."

His eyes were full of surprise, and he had never seen a guy who could accommodate two tailed beasts with his own strength.

Back then, even the eldest brother and Uchiha Madara didn't have such crazy ideas.

"You have won the prize, but you are a little bit more courageous than ordinary people, which is nothing special." Seeing the slightly grim and painful expressions of the two, Guan Yue hurriedly said: "Let's not talk about the details, first-generation lord, second-generation Master Dai, with your strength, can you crack the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil?"

"Difficult! Our unworthy descendants are very accurate. Our current strength is less than half of what it was in our heyday. This level of strength is not enough to reverse the technique of reincarnation." Thousand Hands shook his head lightly, eyebrows Deeply wrinkled and formed into a ball.

"Sorry, kid from the Uzumaki family... We are going to attack you... Hurry up and let the little guys behind you stay away, we can't control our bodies... ··”

The corner of Senshou Zhujian's mouth twitched with difficulty, revealing an apologetic smile.

Guanyue looked solemn, he believed that Minato would handle the rest of the matter, and he didn't need to worry about it.

Likewise, his mission is to deal with these two.

"It doesn't matter, although the two seniors make a move, the junior will not let you step past me." Guan Yue showed an extremely confident smile.

"Hey, old-timers, let's stop talking about the past! It's time to work."

Uchiha Xuanzong urged.

"The little brat of the Uchiha family should be killed."

Senshou Feijian let out a cold snort, and exerted a sharp killing intent on Uchiha Xuanzong. If he was not restricted by his body, he would be the first to kill this kind of Uchiha family who betrayed the village.

Uchiha Xuanzong took two steps back with an expression of indifference.

"It's coming, from the Uzumaki family." Qianshou's hand moved uncontrollably, "Water escape, water rushes into the waves."

The moisture in the air suddenly increased, the blue chakra radiance flashed under the feet between the Thousand Hands, the sound of the water was like a big river rushing, and the majestic torrent gushed out under the call of the second Hokage. Huge water waves can crush a dam to pieces.

The turbulent water flow like a sea wave hit Guanyue heavily.

"Tu Dun, Tu Liubi."

Guanyue formed a mudra in his hands, his chest rose and fell, and he opened his mouth to spit out fine dark brown sand... To be precise, it was the refined earth chakra.

The sand was sprinkled in front of the feet in a straight line, and at the moment of landing, the rock wall began to grow wildly, a towering rock wall more than 30 meters high and more than ten meters thick stood on the top of the mountain, and the rough waves hit the rock wall , rolling up silver-white broken foam, like strings of pearls glowing with dim yellow light in the setting sun.

Under the impact of the water waves, the rock wall remained motionless.

"Good boy, amazing!"

Qianshou Zhujian praised loudly, his face was full of admiration, but the next moment, his hands began to seal, "Boy, pay attention, I'm here too."

"Woodun, the tree world is born."

A small bud broke through the solid blue rock, sprouted branches, and in the blink of an eye, it grew into a towering tree that could only be embraced by five or six people, and it was still growing. The originally tall and majestic rock wall In front of the ever-growing trees, they are torn into pieces by the roots, branches and leaves.

In just two seconds, the rock wall built by Guanyue collapsed.

"Lightning! Electrocution!"

At the moment when the rock wall collapsed, Guanyue jumped up high, watching his head reach up to the sky like a long snake, trying to catch his vine branches and leaves.

Guanyue showed an extremely excited smile. As expected of the first and second generations, even if they didn't get back their full strength, or even less than half of their combat strength, this kind of strength is already amazing.

His raised right hand was entwined with thick lightning bolts, and as he swung his arm violently, a thunderstorm immediately enveloped the forest that was taking shape.

A series of thunderbolts fell wantonly from the sky, crushing the vines, turning the branches and leaves into charcoal, and the thick tree was cut open in the thunder, breaking into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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