The strongest human of Konoha

Chapter 493 The Storm Comes

Chapter 493 The Storm Comes
The news of Raikage's death spread throughout the ninja world.

The world shakes.

Today, except for the third generation Kazekage of sand ninja who has not abdicated, the other four major ninja villages have all replaced the leaders of the fourth generation.

Sand Hidden Village.

Rock walls hundreds of meters high guard the village like an iron barrel. The place that was bombed by Guanyue back then has been restored to its original state thanks to the hard work of Tudun ninjas.

The sand ninja on duty stood on the stepped rock wall.

"Bah bah! What the hell, why is the wind blowing again? The storm only left two days ago, and I ate a mouthful of dirt early in the morning... Alas! It's really bad luck."

In the distance, the yellow storm billowed like a cloud of smoke, and the raised sand and dust slowly pushed forward like a thousand-meter-high wall.

This kind of scene is very familiar to the director of Xianyuan, and he has seen it too many times in the course of 22 years.

The black storm is coming.

But this is also a good thing.

At least, when the black storm blows, Hidden Sand Village is also the safest time.

No one can act against the black storm. In front of such a mighty force of heaven and earth, the existence of human beings is extremely small, and ninjas are just a drop in the ocean. They will be blown away in such a weather when they go out.

The circle of rock walls around Hidden Sand Village seems unnecessary in the eyes of ninjas from other countries.

For ninjas, the role of such things as natural dangers is really not enough.

However, only the sand ninjas themselves know that the biggest function of this 300-meter-high and 80-meter-thick rock wall is to protect the village from the black storm.

You must know that when the black storm is fierce, boulders weighing hundreds of catties are blown into the sky!Without the rock wall blocking it, the hidden sand village has been buried in sand for many times.

"Si, get off the wall, go to the cave to warm up! This damn weather is getting colder every day."

Companions yelled.

The black storm was too conspicuous. From the moment he noticed it, the top leader of the guards issued an order. The guards on the rock wall were retreating in an orderly manner, hiding in the hole dug out of the rock wall and continuing to watch.

The head of the Kanin is a Jōnin, and he is also one of the leaders of the guards, so the treatment is naturally different, and he doesn't have to line up like the Chunin.

Before leaving, he glanced at the approaching black storm, but suddenly saw two small black spots moving fast in the desert.

His heart skipped a beat, and for some reason, he remembered the old stories his father had told him, the story of Konoha natural disasters ravaging the village, stepping on the face of sand ninja as a starting step, creating a living myth in the ninja world.

"No way······"

The Secretary of the Xianyuan raised his steps and took them back again.
He took out the binoculars from his pocket and looked at the two black dots.

The black robe fluttered in the wind, and a red pattern could be faintly seen on it. The distance was too far to make out the faces, but one could vaguely recognize the yellow hair and the black hair.

"There is a situation!"

The head of the court let out a loud roar.

The sand ninjas who were moving were silent for a moment, and the jōnin jumped up and came to Kaninsi's side, and took out their binoculars to look into the distance.

"Where? Where? No?"

"Si, are you dazzled?"

"It's nothing... Si, don't be too nervous, you can get a good sleep after entering the cave!"

The boss is very considerate.

But the complexion of Xianyuansi was pale, and he suddenly lowered his head to look at the rock wall under his feet.


Before he finished speaking, a hand came out from under his feet and grabbed his ankle. He was like a duck with its neck stuck, unable to utter a word.

Because he saw a pair of crimson eyes, and the black gouyu turned, swallowing his soul like a whirlpool.



In an instant, the seven Jōnin and 68 Chunin remaining around were all blown up.

The black iron thorns shuttled like weaves, and the whole body was smashed into pieces of meat flying all over the sky. A large pool of blood smeared on the rock wall and slowly flowed down.

Except for Xianyuansi who was pulled into the illusion, all the sand ninjas who remained on the rock wall and did not enter the cave were all dead.

"Boom! Boom!"

There was a slight sound from the rock wall under his feet.

Fortunately, the wind was howling at this moment, and the black storm was approaching step by step. Even in Shayin Village, no one thought that someone would attack the village at such a time.

Therefore, no one has noticed the changes on the rock wall for a while, and of course it cannot be hidden after a long time.

"It's all settled."

The boy's beautiful blond hair was braided upside down, with a smug smile on his face.

All the sand ninjas in the caves in the rock wall were destroyed, and everyone's heads were blown to pieces, only the heads were blown off, and the torso was intact.

"It's so fast! As expected of a genius!"

Uchiha Xuanzong lit a cigarette, stretched out his hand and dragged Kanin to him, "Didara, wait a moment, and see if you can get useful information from this guy's mouth."

Kaninji, who is caught in the illusion, cannot extricate himself. Even if he is a Jonin, he is not enough to face Uchiha Genzong's illusion.

Within 1 minute, the director of Xianyuan vomited out everything he knew.

"Ichio Jinchuriki is in the village, it looks like we're lucky!"

Uchiha Xuanzong threw his hands away and threw Xianinji, who was still trapped in the illusion, into a pool of blood. He didn't care about it anymore, but looked at Didara with a smile and a cigarette.

"Senior Xuanzong, let me take care of Yiwei Jinzhuli."

Didara licked his tongue excitedly, and a bright red tongue spit out from the mouth of his left and right hands. The three tongues licked back and forth made Uchiha Xuanzong feel a chill.

But he didn't intend to compete with the kid.

The opponent is not Konoha, so he can't arouse much interest.

"Then I am here to wait for the good news."

Uchiha Xuanzong vomited a smoke ring, looked at the black storm after all, and ordered, "Hurry up, the storm is probably coming in ten minutes, it is best to solve the target within 10 minutes, and the target Bring it here, be careful not to be entangled by sand ninja, I don't want to start a war with a whole village like sand hidden village."

"I won't keep you waiting, Senior."

Dida took out his right hand that was in his waist pocket, opened his mouth in his palm, and the white mud ball spit out turned into a big white bird with a bang.

Riding a big bird soared into the sky, and rushed towards the place where Ichio Jinchuriki was.

"Black Storm! You have to go out to work in this horrible weather... These days are really not for people."

Uchiha Xuanzong swallowed the cloud and smoked, took two puffs, and found that there was sand in his mouth unconsciously, and suddenly threw the cigarette into the pool of blood at his feet in annoyance, and extinguished it with a chichi.

Picking up a piece of iron thorn, dipped in blood and drew a simple house on the ground.

Then make seals and perform spells.

"Tu Dun, there is hope for change."

A stone hut took shape in an instant. There were no windows on three sides of the house, and there was an exit on the side facing away from the black storm.

"I hope this kid Didara can succeed."

Climbing into the house to avoid the wind and sand, Uchiha Xuanzong leaned against the corner of the wall in a daze of boredom.

(End of this chapter)

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